• 他们已经没有青年人中年人处理工作个人之间的冲突了,对于孩子责任随着他们工作和个人需要而变得越加容易。”

    They don't have the same work-personal conflicts that younger and middle-aged workers deal with, juggling responsibilities to children along with their jobs and their personal needs.


  • 美国减少欧洲安全参与,这势必应付俄罗斯邻居恐吓以及解决欧洲边缘冲突责任转移欧洲的肩上。

    Less American involvement in European security will shift the burden back onto Europeans to manage Russia's intimidation of its neighbors and solve "frozen conflicts" on Europe's periphery.


  • 但是AnnaGilmore教授,巴斯大学公共卫生专家指出这个责任买卖”中存在基本利益冲突

    But Prof Anna Gilmore, a public health expert from Bath University, said there was a fundamental conflict of interest in the "responsibility deal".


  • 这个要求似乎坚决下放补丁解决冲突供应商责任远离MeeGo开发商

    This requirement seems to firmly delegate the responsibility of resolving patch conflicts to vendors, and away from MeeGo developers.


  • 也许仅仅开始一个或者两个星期因为工作疲累或是相互冲突责任而不能够坚持下来。

    You might start going for a week or two, but exhaustion from work or conflicting commitments keeps you from going.


  • 思想企业社会责任支持者承认企业可能从事同自身利益有冲突的活动。

    Thoughtful advocates of CSR also concede that companies are unlikely to do things that are against their self-interest.


  • 问题在于,随着惠普不愉快经历日日益清晰,取代俱乐部文化并非董事间像绅士般有友好地交换意见所谓的“责任”,常常是演变为冲突分歧

    The trouble is that, as the unhappiness at HP makes clear, the alternative to clubbishness is not some genteel exchange of views calledaccountability”, but often strife and division.


  • 同时,1977年通过项附加议定书中的第二议定书特别指定适用于国内冲突,对公约规定冲突中各方的责任进行了进一步的细化延伸

    The second of the two 1977 protocols, meanwhile, applies specifically to non-international conflicts and cements and extends such obligations in treaty law.


  • 这种观点看来平等主义义务自尊责任并不冲突

    On this view, the egalitarian obligation and the duty of self-respect do not clash.


  • 我们责任帮助那些受到冲突影响的人们建立持续和平美好的未来

    We have a responsibility to those affected by conflict to help them build a sustainable peace and a better future.


  • 经理们避免意见冲突不成一致便决策时间推迟公司结构平板责任下放。

    Managers shun conflicts and put off decisions until they reach consensus. Organizations are flat, with responsibility delegated way down.


  • 切尔西非常明白她责任在于支持有关比赛的图象并且不想卷入足总英超冲突中,里尼奥也是。

    Chelsea is very aware of its responsibilities to uphold the image of the game and does not want to get involved in conflict with either the FA or the Premier League, neither does jose.


  • 我们认真对待我们责任根本希望你们陷入任何黑暗势力冲突危险境地。

    We take our responsibilities very seriously, and would not want to risk involving you in any skirmish with the dark Ones.


  • 社会责任个人利益发生冲突的时候,每个人都应该清楚如何抉择

    Everybody should know how to choose when their social responsibility clashes with their personal interest.


  • 这些利益冲突可能会影响员工商业判断公司责任威胁到公司的业务和声誉。

    Such conflicts of interest can undermine an Employee's business judgment and responsibility to the Company and threaten the Company's business and reputation.


  • 配置显示出渴望责任之间一些冲突

    This placement suggests some conflict between your desires and your sense of responsibility.


  • 责任客户顾客业主或承包商披露可能解释利益冲突不当行为重大情况

    Responsibility to disclose to clients, customers, owners of contractors, significant circumstances that could be construed as a conflict of interest or an appearance of impropriety.


  • 我们能力-责任-和平善意中走一起相互倾听共同合作愈合我们之中的冲突社区和我们濒危的星球

    We have the capability - and the responsibility - to come together in peace and goodwill to listen to each other and work together to heal our conflicted communities and our endangered planet.


  • 卢斯科尼承认萨科奇生气”,但随后表示:“对于比尼-斯马吉一事是冲突,不过那不是责任。”

    "Sarkozy was annoyed," admitted Mr Berlusconi. "There has been a clash on this question of Bini-Smaghi, for which I bear no responsibility."


  • 传统行为能力前提识别能力核心民事责任能力理论民法诸多制度理论产生冲突矛盾

    The tradition take the capacity as the premise, recognition capability has had the conflict and the contradiction for the core civil liability ability theory and civil law many systems and the theory.


  • 面对所有冲突绝地委员会相信杜库应该这些冲突恶果负个人责任,因为他们相信的绝地训练会使远离这些行径

    For all the strife, the Jedi Council refused to believe that Dooku was personally responsible for the worst of the conflicts, believing that his Jedi training elevated him above such ACTS.


  • 遵守法律跟履行对家人家族朋友(圈子)义务和责任没有冲突的。

    There should be no conflict between obeying the law and the interests of family, clan and "circle" (friends).


  • CCC高级管理层责任确保公司的制度管理程序健全,并冲突发生足以作出识别处理

    CCC's senior management is responsible for ensuring that the systems, controls and procedures in place are robust and adequate to identify and manage a conflict as and when it arises.


  • 的正当根据建构和平共处权利秩序化解多种利益之间的冲突确保社会责任承担

    Its proper basis is to construct a kind of peaceful and interdependent order of right which could dispel the conflict of various interests and ensure the assumption of social responsibility.


  • 除了感情冲突外,电影中的搞笑责任交给刘以达,孙耀威对手戏忍不住笑呢

    Besides emotional conflicts, Yau Yi Tat is responsible to act funny in the movie. When Eric acted with him, he could not help laughing.


  • 古代法律家庭冲突规制非常严厉,主要是通过加重行为人实体法律责任特别是刑事责任实现的。

    Ancient laws regulate the conflict in the family relations extremely, mainly through aggravating the human's legal entity liability especially for the criminal liability.


  • 由于社会性别意识影响,社会规范家庭照料责任更多的赋予给了女性现代女性面临强烈角色冲突巨大压力

    But the social norm gives the duty of home caring more to the woman because of the gender consciousness, the woman today are facing fierce role conflict and high pressure.


  • 由于社会性别意识影响,社会规范家庭照料责任更多的赋予给了女性现代女性面临强烈角色冲突巨大压力

    But the social norm gives the duty of home caring more to the woman because of the gender consciousness, the woman today are facing fierce role conflict and high pressure.


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