• 接待人必须如实交代财政地位信贷档案工作教育程度

    The borrowers themselves have to disclose their financial positions, credit histories, jobs and education.


  • 并且今天投资者相较新兴市场理由担忧发达国家财政地位

    And investors today have more reason to be worried about rich countries' fiscal positions than those of emerging markets.


  • 美国一揽子刺激措施它自己财政地位经济前景相适应的。

    America's stimulus package is appropriate to its fiscal position and economic outlook.


  • 美国会反对因为丧失储备货币地位增加财政预算成本使得经常账户赤字

    America would resist, because losing its reserve-currency status would raise the cost of financing its budget and current-account deficits.


  • 美国,存在着对美元地位亚洲央行不再青睐美国国债担忧,这可能激起共识:美国需要一个有约束力的财政框架

    In America worries about the dollar's international status and the appetite of Asian central Banks for Treasury bonds may yet spur a consensus on the need for a binding fiscal framework.


  • 相比其他巨额赤字国家美国人口增长美元国际性货币地位财政有了更大回旋余地

    Thanks to its population growth and the dollar's role as a global currency, America has more fiscal room than any other big-deficit country. It has been right to use it.


  • 同时瑞士联合银行财政危机继续削弱了银行地位

    Meanwhile, UBS's financial woes continue to weaken the bank's position.


  • 美联储打开龙头以及美元储备地位使美国享有不一般的财政自由

    In America the Federal reserve opened the spigots, and the dollar's reserve-currency status gives the country unusual fiscal latitude.


  • 它们保留地位即使后来它们的财政出现赤字。

    They retained that status even when they later ran deficits.


  • 新加坡债务113.10%,并没有处于水深火热中,皆全球金融中心地位及其财政实力

    Singapore Debts Is 113.10%, Not in Hot Water Due To Its Global Financial Hub Status, And Also Its Financial Strength.


  • 诸多事情是因为加拿大经济地位巩固,他宣布第10连续财政剩余

    He could do all this because Canada's financial position is strong. He announced the tenth successive annual fiscal surplus.


  • 公开募股则有助于公司财政透明自律提高市场地位

    Going public also encourages a firm to be disciplined with its finances and increase its profile.


  • 最近几周内全球投资者厌恶风险的环境下日元地位不断推,达到近15年中的高点,因而日本财政采取了日元贬值的策略

    The maneuver by Japan's finance ministry came after the yen had reached 15-year highs in recent weeks, elevated by its status as a haven among risk-averse global investors.


  • 知道亚马逊免税地位明显不公,又知道城市、州联邦财政收入无形中缩水了,你是否会觉得自己亚马逊里买东西有点不道德

    Given the obvious unfairness of Amazon's tax status-and given the clear loss in revenue for cities, counties, and states-you might wonder whether it is in some sense unethical to shop at Amazon.


  • 内塔尼亚胡强加给议会法律加强他的稳固地位,法律授予某一可有7个成员结团退出组阁,仍享有他们的国家财政

    Mr Netanyahu has reinforced this reality by ramming through the Knesset a law that would enable seven members of a large party to secede as a block, and to take their state financing with them.


  • 烟草工业我国占有非常重要经济地位而且烟草税收我国财政收入主要来源

    The tobacco industry has significant economic position in our country and its tax is the main source of financial income to the government.


  • 元代收入国家财政收入占有关键地位用于腌制鲞的鱼盐纳入严密控制之中。

    The salt revenue occupied the key position of national public finance revenue. The fishing salt that used to bloat dried fish was also tight controlled.


  • 建国以来教育财政思想,经历了“经济教育”、“象抓经济那样抓教育”“教育要先行”三个阶段,教育的地位提得越来越高。

    There have undergone three educational fiscal models, from "economy before education", to "economy and education side by side", and in the end, "education moderately before others".


  • 2009财政年度最高安全和安全商品类别中,电器产品已经第五位升第二位仅次于医药产品地位

    In the category of Top Safety and Security Commodities for fiscal year 2009, electrical products moved from 5th to 2nd position just behind pharmaceuticals.


  • 论》就北魏财政承上启下历史地位做出分析概括

    A Remaining Conclusion analyzes and sums up the historical status of the finance as a connecting link between the preceding and the following.


  • 财政作为经济学重要分支不仅经济学分化综合过程中占有重要地位同时受到经济学分化综合发展趋势影响。

    As a major branch of economics, public finance has an important position in the differentiation and integration process of economics. In the meantime, it was influenced by the process.


  • 曾经长期掌管财政那个现在发觉地位岌岌可危。

    The man who had long held the office of state treasurer, now found the ground sliding form under him.


  • 城市一个国家地区经济活动社会活动中心公共财政支出是为中心地位提供支撑保障

    City is the economic and social center of a country or an area. Public expenditure is the guarantee to support such center's activity.


  • 迹象表明欧盟处在不利谈判地位,于是便再次宽限德国的时间,财政赤字控制在3%起码的标准以下法国也得到了同样的宽限。

    In a sign of the commission's poor bargaining position, it granted Germany an extra year to bring its deficit below the 3 percent threshold, the same waiver it recently gave France.


  • 中国财政拨款占着举足轻重地位可是财政方面却存在任务重、工作量大等状况不利于拨款的开展。

    Financial allocation plays an important role in China, but there is a heavy-task and excessive-workload condition which goes against the financial allocation.


  • 增值税方面,以欧盟指出欧盟增值税法相关规定主要目的不是为了增加财政收入而是使欧盟企业能够全球市场上享有公平的竞争地位

    The VAT, for example, the EU pointing out that the main purpose of the law of EU VAT is not to increase revenue, but to the EU enterprises in the global market, have a fair competitive position.


  • 财政大臣保守党人乔治·斯本(GeorgeOsborne)盟友已经表示抑制气候变化环保措施英国企业置于不利竞争地位

    Allies of the Conservative chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, have signalled that green measures to curb climate change should not put British business at a competitive disadvantage.


  • 财政大臣保守党人乔治·斯本(GeorgeOsborne)盟友已经表示抑制气候变化环保措施英国企业置于不利竞争地位

    Allies of the Conservative chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, have signalled that green measures to curb climate change should not put British business at a competitive disadvantage.


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