• 使用存储过程索引

    Using stored procedures and negative indexing


  • 存储过程调用索引(negative indexing)可能数据操纵重要方面

    Stored procedure calling and negative indexing can be essential aspects of data manipulation.


  • 木文热灯丝cvd沉积金刚石核化过程进行了分析,从理论上研究了衬底偏压增强活性离子的流量

    In this paper, the nucleation process of diamond by filament CVD was analyzed, and enhanced flux of ions by negative substrate bias was investigated in theory.


  • 我们无穷无穷的积分公式F(x)*x*dx,看到这是相同因为积分是类似求和过程

    We have the integral from minus infinity to plus infinity of F(x)*x*dx, and that's really--you see it's the same thing because an integral is analogous to a summation.


  • 作用下沉过程中,桶型基础结构地基产生了相互作用

    In the diving process under the suction, there is an interaction between the bucket foundation structure and groundsill.


  • 梯度回撤过程早期色谱柱子没有今天那么稳定,所以需要这样做。

    The negative gradient is a throwback to the earlier days of chromatography when columns were less stable than they are today.


  • 第二语言学习过程中,词汇层面上明显地存在着意义用法迁移

    In the process of second language learning, there distinctly exists negative transfer in the meaning and usages of words.


  • 采用零点距离位移曲线生长指数等定量分析方法讨论了断裂构造反转过程

    By means of the null point, growth index analysis and displacement distance plot, the authors discussed the process of negative structure inversion.


  • 结果实际处理分析,32患者5例未能完成治疗27例患者完成整个封闭引流治疗过程

    RESULTS: According to the actual management, 5 out of the 32 patients in the VAC treatment group could not finish the whole treatment, and the rest 27 finished.


  • 本文热灯丝cvd沉积金刚石核化过程进行了分析,从理论上研究了衬底偏压增强活性离子的流量

    In this paper, the nucleation process of diamond by filament CVD was analyzed, and enhanced flux of ions by negative substrate bias was investigated in theory.


  • 利用灯丝cvd沉积金刚石膜时衬底偏压增强金刚石核化过程进行了分析。

    In the paper, the enhancing process of diamond nucleation by negative substrate bias in hot filament CVD system was analyzed.


  • 过程如果可以鼓室隔膜通气的话尽管闭锁不会产生鼓室的

    In this process, if may pass through drum room mutual lack of understanding ventilation, although the canyon department block system will not have on the drum room negative pressure.


  • 文化交际外语学习过程普遍存在着文化迁移现象

    Negative cultural transfer occurs in all processes of intercultural communication and in foreign language learning.


  • 亚硫酸盐、催化亚硫酸盐及稳定亚硫酸盐使电位剧烈抑制腐蚀阴极过程

    The sulfites all can make potential of steel sharply shift negatively and inhibit the cathode process in corrosion.


  • 此外本文还给出了严格条件正态过程存在一个充要条件

    Besides, this paper gives a sufficient and necessary condition of the existence of normal process under the strictly nonnegative definiteness condition.


  • 因此不是一个容易发生过程我们发现电子亲和能,应该的,7千焦摩尔

    So this is not going to be a favorable process, we're going to find that the electron affinity is actually a negative 7 kilojoules per mole for nitrogen.


  • 借助金属光学密度达到5.5。由于这种有机材料性光敏抗蚀剂所以加工过程相当简单

    Its optical density, with help from a metallic layer, has been achieved at 5.5. Since this organic material is a negative photoresist, the fabrication process is rather simple.


  • 本文研究索赔服从复合二项过程风险模型

    The paper considers the negative risk model with the aggregate claims modeled as a compound binomial process.


  • 分析切削过程切削变化情况指出剪切现象刀具破损影响

    Analysis is conducted for the variation of cutting force during the cutting process and the effect of negative shearing on the cutter damage is pointed out.


  • 频率域内随机过程功率频率幂率关系说明粘结具有现象

    In the frequency domain, the power of the stochastic process has a negative exponent relationship with the circle frequency, and it is shown that the bonding surface appears the fractional phenomena.


  • 这个过程也是地下水渗流变化调整、地下水沿新生裂隙通道地下开采空间渗流过程

    The process shows the transformation and adjustability of the groundwater seepage action and the course of the groundwater leakage to the goaf through the crack.


  • 考虑下沉过程渗流影响,确立了桶内土柱顶部所需压力下沉深度之间对应关系。

    The effect of percolation during the sinking process is also considered, and the sinking depth and the negative pressure required are determined.


  • 结果表明发生缝隙腐蚀过程,金属腐蚀电位移动,最低值保持不变

    Results showed that corrosion potential moved negatively till the lowest value was reached and kept stable during the procedure of copper crevice corrosion.


  • 本文极大原理出发导出了在次降水过程降水强度与其历时指数关系

    Under a very simple constrain from the Maximum Entropy Principle, we found that an intensity-duration relation of Precipatation processes obeys negative exponent law.


  • 目的探讨铸造桩核常规过程失败原因研究抽吸硅橡胶印模应用于铸造桩核冠临床意义

    Objective: To study clinical importance of casting pile-core crown with negative pressure suction silastic impressions and analyze reasons for the failure of routine impressions in pile-core crown.


  • 结合工厂多年生产经验,对于砂性能、结构以及浇注过程中的注意事项提出明确的要求。

    The requests for dry-sand, vibrating table, structure of negative pressure sanrl box and proceedings to be noticed in casting pro-cesss have been put forward definitely.


  • 焦化生产过程中,煤气设备容器内容易出现造成设备损坏。

    In the pyrogenic production procedure, negative pressure may exit in gas equipment and containers and consequently damage them.


  • 两种击穿过程均产生较强的辐射,且辐射频谱特征十分相似表明云内闪电通道两端发生击穿过程可能均为击穿过程

    Radiation field spectra of the two concurrent breakdown processes are quite similar, indicating that the processes may be negative breakdown and may be caused by the same mechanisms.


  • 两种击穿过程均产生较强的辐射,且辐射频谱特征十分相似表明云内闪电通道两端发生击穿过程可能均为击穿过程

    Radiation field spectra of the two concurrent breakdown processes are quite similar, indicating that the processes may be negative breakdown and may be caused by the same mechanisms.


- 来自原声例句

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