• 妇人美国作家的一小说出版于1868年。小说讲述梅格、艾米·马奇四个姐妹童年成年故事。

    Little Women is a novel by an American writer, which was published in 1868. The novel follows the lives of four sisters — Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March from childhood to womanhood.


  • 据导演迈克尔-透露,《黑暗之月》也将是指导一系列电影中的最后一

    The film is directed by Michael Bay.


  • 每个人参与一行动具有深陷的猫头鹰般的眼睛,及宾州男中音的口音

    "Everyone gets a piece of the action, " says DiBello, who has deep-set owlish eyes and a Philadelphia-accented baritone.


  • 里克·记得小时候看过的一电影电影里,木头能源解救当天的危机。

    Rick Bates still remembers a war movie he saw as a child in which wood power saves the day.


  • 除一所有影片甚至没有凯特赛尔出演的《黑夜传说前传:狼族再起击败

    All but one were beaten by “Underworld: Rise of the Lycans” which does not even have Kate Beckinsale in it.


  • 怀疑三个区域一个网络团队接触到了

    He suspects that the three areas are part of a brain network that his and Mayberg's teams both tapped into.


  • 来自新罕布什尔州渔业海洋生物学家瑞妮·祖水母受伤后依然可以释放有毒物质。

    Jellyfish can still emit toxins when dead or broken apart, said Renee Zobel, a Marine biologist with the New Hampshire fish and Game Department.


  • 沙发我们哈特最初集合分,”华盛顿先生原型是给恩哈特的创意总监杰里礼物

    "The sofa was part of our first Bernhardt collection," Mr. Washington said, adding that the prototype was a gift from Bernhardt's creative director, Jerry Helling.


  • 很多上班族父母一样,弗利·弗兰克辛顿女儿年级开始独自外出她配了一手机

    Like many working parents, Beverly Flaxington armed her daughter with a cell phone in fifth grade, when the time came for her to venture out alone.


  • 由于范围有限,且全面探索中的主要角色传记片日记》可以说伟大的电影

    The John Rabe biopic could have been a great film because it has a limited scope and is better equipped to explore the key characters more fully.


  • 雷斯福德第一次欣赏到《人与鼠》时候,他正致力于休斯顿大剧院导演另一弗洛伊德的改编作品冷艳》。

    Mr Beresford first heard the opera when he was directing “Cold Sassy Tree”, a later work of Mr Floyd’s, for the Houston Grand Opera.


  • 援助资金可能使得一被挑选出来的机构得益并巩固穆加民盟权力

    The funds are likely to benefit selected institutions that consolidate Mugabe and Zanu-PF's stranglehold on power.


  • 斯纳小组认为地球自然界循环分,并不预示什么,他并不认为小说增加人们气候变暖恐惧

    Beisner's group believes that planetary warming is part of a natural cycle and is not cause for alarm. He said he was not concerned that novels could increase people's fear of climate change.


  • 美国财政穆加及其高级官员以及他们的同夥利用这些商业实体津巴布韦人民手中非法聚敛现金外汇

    The Treasury Department said Mr. Mugabe, senior officials and cronies had used the entities to illegally siphon cash and foreign exchange from the Zimbabwean people.


  • 新的合作关系广泛国际努力包括全球网络用户数量最多中国

    The new partnership is part of a broader international push by PayPal, including in China, home to the world's largest population of Internet users.


  • 1936年至1941年,位于马里兰州·维尔美国农业研究中心饲养员培育一种小型火鸡满足当时的烤箱家庭的需要。

    From 1936 to 1941 breeders at USDA's Beltsville, Md., Agricultural Research Center created a smaller Turkey that would fit the era's smaller ovens and families.


  • 首先一小员工可能只是为了发泄而不计后果地发脾气,法尔

    First off, a small percentage of employees probably enjoy venting for the sake of it and may not care about the consequences, Behfar says.


  • 第二研究中,赫尔姆斯博士100名学生志愿者观看2001年由凯特·塞尔约翰·库萨克主演的影片《缘份天注定》,同时让另外100人观看大卫·林奇导演的一影片。

    In a second study, Dr Holmes asked around 100 student volunteers to watch Serendipity -the 2001 romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack, while 100 watched a David Lynch drama.


  • 将近二十的时间里,哥伦比亚大学的历史学家曼宁·马拉一直致力于关于马尔科姆·艾克斯的一学术著作的创作。希望有所定论的著作。

    For nearly twenty years, Manning Marable, a historian at Columbia, labored on what he hoped would be a definitive scholarly work on Malcolm X.


  • 到了90年代,通过电视连续剧莱尔新鲜王子》提高了知名度,受欢迎。

    In the 90’s he became quite popular via the television seriesThe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.”


  • 狮门影业电视总裁凯文.,“真正泥的结合,”他出品了《单身毒妈》,并和Showtime联合出品了《护士杰姬》。

    "It's been a real brick-and-mortar operation," says Kevin Beggs, president of television for Lionsgate, which produces "Weeds" and co-produces "Nurse Jackie" with Showtime.


  • 美国卫生公共服务凯瑟琳•赛林斯(Kathleen Sebelius)国会能源商务委员会(Energy and Commerce Committee)举行听证会宣布了甲流疫苗消息。

    The approval was announced by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at a hearing that was held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.


  • 蒙电影公司近日确认,美剧《实习医生格》中迷人帕特里克·德姆西将加盟导演迈克尔·的变形金刚系列第三作品,扮演梅根·福克斯的上司——一个“举足轻重的角色”。

    Paramount Pictures confirmed today that Grey’s Anatomy hottie Patrick Dempsey has been cast in Michael Bay’s third installment of the Transformers franchise.


  • 奥斯卡影帝.莱文今年率领新加坡国际电影节评委会参与上海电影节评审出金杯奖的最终归属,并且主办方声称将有102国家的1519电影参与角逐。

    Oscar-winner Barry Levinson ( Rain Man) will this year lead the jury for the SIFF's main award - the Golden Goblet - which organizers claim will be contested by 1, 519 films from 102 countries.


  • 创作了一歌剧《Porgy and Bess》(《波吉丝》),根据杜波斯。海沃德的一小说创作的。

    Gershwin also wrote an opera, "Porgy and Bess." It was based on a book by DuBose Heyward.


  • 创作了一歌剧《Porgy and Bess》(《波吉丝》),根据杜波斯。海沃德的一小说创作的。

    Gershwin also wrote an opera, "Porgy and Bess." It was based on a book by DuBose Heyward.


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