• 直到几年之后意识皮特·特斯送给是一更加重要礼物

    Not until years later did I realize that Peter Beatus had given me a more important gift.


  • 重要的是微软获得了一个杰出托尼特斯率领任何人竞争团队

    More importantly, Microsoft gets a team, ably led by the exceptional Tony Bates, that can compete with anyone.


  • 雕像坐落莫斯科郊外特斯雕像的复制品,这是加加十几岁时作为铸造工人培训地方

    The figure is a copy of one sited in the town of Lubertsy, just outside Moscow, where Gagarin trained as a foundry worker in his mid-teens.


  • 艾丽恩。贝特斯比,《爱尔兰时报文学评论员,一手写出《寻常狗仔》,本献给比尔罗多的的书,那是爱犬

    Eileen Battersby, literary critic at the Irish Times, is behind Ordinary Dogs, a tribute to Bilbo and Frodo, her two pet pooches.


  • 本场比赛英格兰已经获得了提前出线权所以此役比赛球星罗尔-没有出战,英格兰队无心恋战贝特斯贡献14

    This game, the England team has been ahead of qualifying, the race game roll star - Deng did not play, England are simply tired Betts contribution to the team with 14 points.


  • 今天我们演播室请来了巴西著名反全球化运动倡导者阿尔·科尔特斯

    Today in the studio we have Alberto Cortez, the well-known Brazilian advocate of the anti-global movement.


  • 2007年4月7日,马丁·斯特雷尔完成了他的亚马逊河的全部行程,从阿塔拉亚(秘鲁)一直到伦(巴西)的大西洋。

    On April 7th, 2007, Martin Strel completed his Amazon River all the way from Atalaya (Peru) to the Atlantic Ocean at Belem (Brazil).


  • 负责这项研究康奈尔大学教授丝·莱文斯顿与圣母大学蒂莫西·贾齐和西安大略大学查理斯·赫斯特一起开展分析她表示,“管理者”会奖励那些卑鄙行为,只为息事宁人。

    Professor Beth Livingston, of Cornell University, New York, who led the study, said managers were rewarding nasty behaviour.


  • 相信,我琪·赖特迪克·莫里斯、戴维·沃特金斯有能力应付可能发生的一切但是担心切尔西其他人爸爸坏话有何反应

    I felt confident that Betsey Wright, Dick Morris, David Watkins, and I could deal with whatever came up, but I was concerned about how Chelsea would react to people saying bad things about her father.


  • 上周采访史学家特尼·休斯就很喜欢它们因为它们承载许多古老传说

    The historian, Bettany Hughes, who I interviewed last week in this paper, loves them because they crop up in so many ancient myths.


  • 艾卡先生说:“特拉维夫不到以色列空投加沙炮弹的爆炸声,在斯德洛特,你却听得到。”

    "In Tel Aviv you don't hear Israel's bombs dropping on Gaza, but you do in Sderot," says Mr Elkabetz, explaining the empathy.


  • 博士最近几个星期皇家海军正好也苏格兰西北伊斯特附近,后来他们离开了。

    Dr Berrow said the Royal Navy had been in the area off the island of South Uist, North West Scotland, in recent weeks, but had moved away.


  • 例如比赛当晚尼·斯特认为巴能够自己的速度能力改变场上局势。”

    Babel, for instance - a player "whose pace and ability can change a game", according to benitez last night.


  • 第二我们杰姬毛里斯弗农特德维基·肯尼迪以及埃德卡洛琳·肯尼迪。施洛斯·一起去划船游泳

    The next day we went sailing and swimming with Jackie and Maurice, Ann and Vernon, Ted and Vicki Kennedy, and Ed and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.


  • 特西·威金斯打开前门看到位戴着全面纱妇女穿过两侧种满鲜花的过道走上前来还在想她是不是对了。

    When Betsy Wiggins opened her front door and saw the woman in a full black face veil coming up her flower-lined walkway, she wondered if she had done the right thing.


  • 欧米茄奥运部门经理克里斯托夫·特霍德称,比赛结果决定过程中,没有任何人为干预因此菲尔普斯胜利绝对毫无疑问的”。

    Christophe Berthaud, Omega's Olympic manager, said that there was no human intervention in the determining of race results and that there was "absolutely no doubt" that Phelps won.


  • 莫鲍尔演奏次高音C萨克斯风,最为人毕斯克的合作。

    Trumbauer, who played alto and C melody saxophones, is best known for his collaborations with Bix Beiderbecke.


  • 那天夜里,米基·坎特、布鲁斯·林赛、詹姆斯·卡维尔保罗加拉乔治斯迪法诺普洛斯、还有希拉里曼彻斯特天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 幅斯特·等积多圆锥投影图。

    It is a Strebe equal-area projection, polyconic.


  • 特斯中途换下托雷斯永和库伊特因此受到球迷批评

    The Spaniard also came in for criticism from his own fans for substituting Fernando Torres, Yossi Benayoun and Dirk Kuyt.


  • 美国一边加州奥克兰里·斯至少不会密切关注燃气里石油价格高涨

    On the other side of the country, Beth Terry of Oakland, Calif., has at least reached a point where she is not paying ultra-close attention to the higher plateauing prices at the gas pumps.


  • 随着·托尼斯特·拉斯·鲍夫的发现,米罗年科显然错误地相信了他信以为真事情。

    In the wake of Bellantoni and Strausbaugh's findings, Mironenko's confidence was clearly misplaced.


  • 斯特·投影图:“后背上,”地理学玛丽娜·伊丝莱斯(MarinaIslas)写到,“纹世界地图。”

    Strebe Projection "on my back," write the geographer Marina Islas, "I have a map of the world."


  • 对于巴西获得什么中国立场明确,”巴西咨询公司ControlRisks总经理格特•阿尔斯(Geert Albers)表示。

    China has a clear position on what it wants from Brazil,” says Geert Albers, general manager for Brazil of Control Risks, a consultancy.


  • 26岁洪都拉斯移民何塞卡斯特罗美国接壤维拉克鲁斯州的奥日萨巴的途中攀上了一列疾驰的货运列车

    Honduran immigrant Jose Humberto Castro, 26, clings to a freight train on his way to the border with the United States in Orizaba in the state of Veracruz November 3, 2010.


  • 迪格比,罗伯特·温特格兰特130处决,托马斯·温特,卢克·伍德,凯斯次日执行死刑。

    Digby, Robert Wintour, Bates and Grant were executed on 30 January, with Thomas Wintour, Rookwood, Keyes and Fawkes dying the next day.


  • 2005年斯特雷夫因为与其戈班集团顶头上司让•路易•法意见不合而辞职,年后又因为欧洲宇航防务集团董事会发生冲突而从客机制造商空客的首席执行官一炙手可热位置上下来。

    In 2005 he fell out with Jean-Louis Beffa, his boss at Saint-Gobain, and a year later he lasted only 100 days in the hot seat at Airbus after rowing with the board of EADS, the aircraft-maker’s owner.


  • 不管是内阁成员帕特里夏·休伊特(Patricia Hewitt)和还是现任儿童与家庭事务专员弗利·休斯(Beverley Hughes)都不打算参与竞选

    Neither Patricia Hewitt, a former cabinet member, nor Beverley Hughes, now the children's minister, will stand at the next election.


  • 不管是内阁成员帕特里夏·休伊特(Patricia Hewitt)和还是现任儿童与家庭事务专员弗利·休斯(Beverley Hughes)都不打算参与竞选

    Neither Patricia Hewitt, a former cabinet member, nor Beverley Hughes, now the children's minister, will stand at the next election.


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