• 贝尔斯坦采纳日内规则无疑助长了他们成功

    The adoption of the Geneva rules by Beilstein no doubt boosted their success.


  • 其中富国银行摩根大通名列榜首,成为受影响家银行。 其原因主要归咎与金融危机时期收购带来影响(富国对乔维亚银行的收购;摩根对贝尔斯登的收购)。

    The two most vulnerable are Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase—again, largely thanks to crisis-era acquisitions (of Wachovia and Bear Stearns, respectively).


  • 贝尔这本书《经度讲述约翰哈里森如何计算出轮船海面西航行距离的故事

    The book Longitude by Dava Sobel tells the story of John Harrison who figured out how to calculate how far east or west a ship was on the ocean.


  • 关于波兰文坛巨人,19世纪亚当•密茨凯维支以及于2004年的贝尔奖得主诗人切斯夫•米沃什,表现出真知灼见权威

    He writes with insight and authority about the giants of Polish literature, Adam Mickiewicz from the 19th century and Czeslaw Milosz, the Nobel-prize winning poet who died in 2004.


  • 怎么会迷路呢想着,贝尔到到克市,有十英里的路程,只要走过两个镇就到了

    How lost could she get, she figured, on a ten-mile trip between her house in Bear and Newark, just a couple of towns over?


  • 内讧巴尔德斯贝尔特兰*莱兄弟海克特竞争。

    The internecine struggle had pitted Mr. Valdez against Mr. Beltrán Leyva’s brother, Hector.


  • 当日晚些时候贝尔斯登发布消息引用的话,声称公司资产负债表资金流动性资产仍然表现正常”。

    Late in the day, Bear Stearns issued a news release, quoting Mr. Schwartz as saying that the company's "balance sheet, liquidity, and capital remain strong."


  • 贝尔得主纽约斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)总裁慕斯医生曾哈佛医学院拒绝。第一次被拒时,感到沮丧。

    Dr. Varmus, the Nobel laureate and president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, was daunted by the first of his two turndowns by Harvard's med school.


  • 福曼贝尔得主物理学家路易斯·阿尔雷斯(Luis Alvarez)密切合作,追查德国核研究活动

    Furman worked closely with Nobel Prize-winning physicist Luis Alvarez to track down German nuclear activity.


  • 今日美国》报道,贝尔医学奖周一公布。发现艾滋病病毒法国研究者吕克·蒙塔尼弗朗索丝·巴尔·西诺西。

    According to the USA Today, the Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded Monday to Luc Montagnier and Francoise Barre-Sinoussi of France for discovering the AIDS virus.


  • 推测特里·贝尔斯也会加入如果真的这样,我们前景就让人激动

    There has been speculation about Terry Venables joining him and, if it happens, it is an exciting prospect.


  • 安德鲁里克大学的个新闻发布会上说:“我们进行数据修正后发现,得贝尔奖的科学家寿命明显

    Once we do the statistical corrections, walking across that platform in Stockholm apparently adds about two years to a scientist's life-span.


  • 赞化名科尼利厄斯医生雇佣名叫贝尔接待员开始信任他的病人动手术。

    Evazan adopted the name Doctor Cornelius, hired a receptionist named Jubel, and began operating on unsuspecting patients.


  • 1926年,进入贝尔法斯特艺术学校在1928年斯莱德学校在伦敦,他在那里研究,亨利·唐克斯伦道贝,和今后一个时期共同工作室约翰·卢克

    In 1926 he entered the Belfast School of Art, and in 1928 went on to the Slade School in London, where he studied under Henry Tonks and Randolph Schwabe, and for a time Shared a studio with John Luke.


  • 文章思想主要来自于拉贝尔完美方面所做出的文章,这些文章详细的说明了完美图的性质和一些相关重要定理。

    The motivations of this thesis are Lovasz'work and Berge's work on perfect graphs, which show the properties and concerned theorems of perfect graphs in detail.


  • 法国科学家弗朗索丝·巴尔·西诺西吕克·蒙塔尼因发现艾滋病毒而获得2008年贝尔生理学医学奖。

    French scientists Frannoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier were awarded 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of HIV.


  • 贝尔访首尔向韩国方面介绍官员日内举行第二直接会谈情况。

    Campbell made an unannounced stop in Seoul to brief his counterparts on the second round of direct talks between American and North Korean officials in Geneva.


  • 伽罗贝尔创立的结构克莱因提出几何变换群理论几何学第二阶段第三阶段转变提供了依据。

    The group which is founded by Galois and Abel and the theory which is proposed by Klein provide the tool from the second stage to the third stage of the geometry.


  • 毫无疑问的演说觉得特别。他你相信,接下来几天里,你会沉浸在贝尔得主全球领导者经济辩论当中。

    Schwab's talk will undoubtedly make you feel special, convincing you that you will spend the next few days locked in economic debate with Nobel Prize winners and world leaders.


  • 但是本周二餐厅批评家们自身也面临着批评,那周一下午52岁的高级厨师贝尔那尔-路梭被人发现家中中弹身亡之后自己的猎枪身边

    But the critics themselves faced criticism Tuesday after 52-year-old top chef Bernard Loiseau was found shot dead in his home on Monday afternoon, his own hunting rifle at his side.


  • 贝尔现在13儿子还是婴儿的时候,当时的雇主罗能源公司(Valero)正在经历场令人疯狂转型几乎需要每周出差

    When Lubel's now-13 year old son was an infant, her then-employer Valero was going through a crazy transition that required her to travel almost weekly.


  • 贝尔现在13儿子还是婴儿的时候,当时的雇主罗能源公司(Valero)正在经历场令人疯狂转型几乎需要每周出差

    When Lubel's now-13 year old son was an infant, her then-employer Valero was going through a crazy transition that required her to travel almost weekly.


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