• 那天篇论文,撒里说出最好的话不过赫伯特·宾塞几乎回答贝克莱的问题。

    I was reading an essay of Saleeby's the other day, and the best Saleeby could say was that Herbert Spencer NEARLY succeeded in answering Berkeley.


  • 觉得自己所的一切真的是微不足道,我一直深爱着足球,继续踢下去。”·查尔顿爵士手中接过奖杯后,贝克·汉姆含泪

    "I'm humbled to receive an award for something I love doing and continue to love doing, [I am] very humbled," said a tearful Beckham, who accepted the award from Sir Bobby Charlton.


  • 也许霍奇贝克会反对,但之前,记录或许胡佛要好一些。

    On this front, his is a record that, despite the demurrals from Hodge and Baker, is better than Hoover's.


  • 这时候蒂哈查山口地貌影响收音信号不一会进入贝克斯菲尔德炎热落日地狱

    At this point the geological contours of the Tehachapi pass interrupted the radio signal and soon I was descending into the inferno of sunset over Bakersfield.


  • 正如斯坦贝克所写:“怎能吓倒一个不仅自己肚皮空空如也而且孩子饥肠辘辘男人呢?你恐吓不了的,因为任何人都清楚恐惧什么东西。”

    As Steinbeck wrote: "How can you frighten a man whose hunger is not only in his own cramped stomach but in the wretched bellies of his children?"


  • 苏格兰研究人员发现好莱坞演员斯嘉丽·约翰逊凯特·温特莱特维多利亚·贝克汉姆帕里斯·希尔顿有魅力,看起来更健康。

    Hollywood actresses Scarlett Johansson or Kate Winslet are considered more attractive and healthy-looking than Victoria Beckham or Paris Hilton, Scottish researchers found.


  • 一年观看到了路易斯·阿姆斯特朗·奥利著名芝加哥专场此外喜欢上第一伟大的白人爵士独奏家——号手克斯·贝德贝克BixBeiderbecke)。

    He heard Louis Armstrong and Joe "King" Oliver on their famous Chicago residency that year, but he also loved the sound of the first great white jazz soloistthe cornetist Bix Beiderbecke.


  • 伦敦贝克大学RosieCampbell 将一现象归因于职业女性增多

    Rosie Campbell of Birkbeck College, London attributes the shift to the increase in the number of working women.


  • 演员:本尼克特·康伯巴奇,西耶拉·亨兹科林·弗斯,大卫·丹克,加里·奥德曼约翰·赫特,凯西·贝克尔,马克·斯特朗,西蒙·迈克伯尼·琼斯汤姆·哈迪

    Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Ciaran Hinds, Colin Firth, David Dencik, Gary Oldman, John Hurt, Kathy Burke, Mark Strong, Simon McBurney, Toby Jones, Tom hardy.


  • 周日颁奖晚宴上播放的回顾录像包括11贝克·汉姆·查尔顿足球学校作为球星接受采访的片段。

    The video tribute at Sunday's award dinner included footage of the 11-year old Beckham being interviewed as a star pupil at Bobby Charlton's Soccer School.


  • 警察在绑架案告示描述了草莓胎记科文,这引起交给孩子贝克猜疑疑。

    In publicizing the abduction, police had described Abby's strawberry-red birthmark. Her suspicions aroused, Torrez confronted Beck, who gave her the baby, Corvington said.


  • 丹尼·维尔贝克欧文都认为曼联巴恩·斯利踢得,这场有时候对于卫冕冠军也是挺诡异的。

    Danny Welbeck and Michael Owen both admitted the Reds could have played better against Barnsley, in a tie that threatened at times to become tricky for the champions.


  • AC米兰英格兰球星贝克·汉姆已经确定脚踝手术十分成功,期待尽快恢复

    AC Milan and England star David Beckham has confirmed that the operation he underwent on his injured Achilles tendon has gone well and he is looking forward to beginning his recovery.


  • 进步有的但是日本贝克小姐所谓的宁静奇迹”也就没什么吹嘘的。

    The progress is there, but compared to Japan, the "quiet miracle" which Miss Baker tooted is nothing to be bragged about.


  • 卡佩罗没有邀请贝克·汉姆参加2月份与瑞士友谊赛切尔西特里兰帕德等队员的努力下21获胜

    Beckham was omitted from Capello's first squad, in February's 2-1 friendly win over Switzerland, along with Chelsea duo Terry and Lampard, who both returned after injury.


  • 也许现在英格兰领班担心贝克汉姆的影响力自己

    Maybe the current England gaffer was afraid that Mr. Beckham was a bigger name then his?


  • 已经有10个域名了这位英格兰英雄名字迈克尔·欧文只少一个大卫·贝克汉姆仍然高居榜首,拥有111个注册域名

    England's hero already has10 domains in his name, one behind Michael Owen. David Beckham still heads the field though, with111 registered domains.


  • 贝克的土壤力学理论为依据,推导橡胶履带车辆接地分布

    Beck and derives the ground bearing distribution of vehicles on rubber tracks.


  • 丈夫鼾声割草机噪音还大,贝克·汉姆踢足球还狠,但我们睡得好得单身得多。

    My husband snores louder than a lawnmower, and I kick him harder than Beckham with a soccer ball. We both slept much better when single.


  • 这次事件中,贝克杰的眼睛受伤,之后,肯尼亚首都接受治疗。在那,他表示会继续战斗。

    His eyesight damaged in the incident, he flew for treatment to Nairobi, capital of neighbouring Kenya, where he vowed to fight on.


  • 一次贝克接下CASE似乎以往棘手受雇前往巴西替黑社会老大沃克尔宝贝儿子特拉维斯找回

    This time, Baker took over the CASE seems more difficult than ever, he employed to Brazil for the triad boss Walker put his baby son Travis to come back.


  • 英格兰国家足球队主帅·卡佩罗本周三做出暗示,大卫·贝克汉姆国际足球生涯可能即将结束

    England coach Fabio Capello hinted on Wednesday that David Beckham's international career could be over.


  • 或者准确说,在层建筑外墙上,挂着幅黑白照片:一位肌肉闪闪发亮、光彩照人。而这里就是即将开业的贝克& 费奇。

    Or, rather, a black-and-white photograph of a male model's glistening muscles is draped across the four-storey façade of a soon-to-open Abercrombie & Fitch store.


  • 贝克汉姆巴特斯科尔斯96年崭露头角时候都是22这些球员大些。

    It's unbelievable. When Beckham, Butt, Scholes and all those lads played in 1996, they were 22 years of age - three years ahead of these players.


  • 石油服务公司贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)称,今年8月中东248个钻井平台工作,是1988年以来的最高数字,20世纪90年代平均数字100个。

    There were 248 rigs operating in the Middle East in August, the most since November 1988 and 100 more than the average during the 1990s, according to oil services company Baker Hughes.


  • 石油服务公司贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)称,今年8月中东248个钻井平台工作,是1988年以来的最高数字,20世纪90年代平均数字100个。

    There were 248 rigs operating in the Middle East in August, the most since November 1988 and 100 more than the average during the 1990s, according to oil services company Baker Hughes.


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