• 学院拥有作者乔纳·斯威夫特哲学家乔治·贝克校友,他现在加州大学伯克利分校同名

    The college boasts alumni like author Jonathan Swift and philosopher George Berkeley, the namesake of what is now the University of CaliforniaBerkeley.


  • 大卫·贝克汉姆可能代替边锋出战主教练确认替代杰拉德将会

    David Beckham is likely to start in place of the Arsenal winger, but the manager confirmed Young would fill in for Gerrard.


  • 丹尼·维尔贝克赛季初搭档鲁尼表现颇为抢眼,对阵热刺的比赛贡献入球,随后不幸受伤

    Danny Welbeck was forging an impressive partnership with Rooney at the start of the season and contributed goals against Spurs and Arsenal before injuring his hamstring.


  • “美味老爸”5得主中,紧随贝克汉姆皮特之后明星厨师贾米·奥利弗电视剧明星乔纳·罗斯和身为人父汤姆·克鲁斯

    Rounding out the top 5 in the dishiest dad competition after Beckham and Pitt was celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, TV star Jonathan Ross and recent father Tom Cruise.


  • 越位规则为什么大卫·贝克汉姆、加里·莱茵克尔约翰尼·威尔金在踢球本手册囊括了世界杯菜鸟想要了解一切能够(相对)安静的氛围中看球。

    From the offside rule to why David Beckham/Gary Lineker/Jonny Wilkinson isn't playing, your guide to everything World Cup virgins need to know, so you can watch games in (relative) peace.


  • 1895年罗贝克公司利益出售给了朱利乌斯·罗沃尔德,后者施展出亟需管理能力,与西尔斯创造性行销手段恰为互补

    In 1895 Roebuck sold his interest in the firm to Julius Rosenwald, who provided badly needed administrative skills that proved a successful complement to Sears's creative marketing.


  • 他们还邀请一些明星前来助阵,史蒂夫·雷德格雷夫爵士大卫·贝克汉姆马修·品友情相助伦敦申奥笼罩了一权威气氛,任何人不敢小觑

    The use of stars such as Sir Steve Redgrave, David Beckham and Matthew Pinsent gave the bid an air of authority that was hard to ignore.


  • 尼克尔·贝克作品《文集编撰者》类似,《没有男人夏天》也是一部没有明显的故事情节,主要诗人记录的故事组成的作品。

    As with Nicholson Baker's "The Anthologist", "The Summer Without Men" is a largely plotless story narrated by a poet.


  • 除去保姆费之后钱,大部分要被用来支付汽车房的房租。 特丽莎夫妇租住的汽车维尔,斯坦贝克家乡萨利纳斯的周边。

    Most of what remains pays their rent for a trailer in Watsonville, just outside Steinbeck’s home town of Salinas.


  • 艾伦·贝克安德鲁·巴

    By AARON BACK and ANDREW batson.


  • 贝克·汉姆首次担任队长2000年11月15日意大利友谊赛上,当时埃里克尚未到任,由泰勒担任临时教练。

    Beckham's first game as captain came on 15 November 2000 in a friendly game with Italy while Taylor was in temporary charge, prior to the appointment of Eriksson.


  • 哈佛大学贝克互联网与社会研究中心(Berkman Centerfor Internet &Society)联席董事乔纳·齐特林(JonathanZittrain具备拥有50亿个监视点的可能性”。

    You also have the prospect of having 5 billion surveillance points, ” says Jonathan Zittrain, codirector of Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet &Society.


  • Burgess首席执行长乔纳·贝克特(Jonathan Beckett),说超级游艇印度下一个俄罗斯

    'When it comes to the very big boats, India is the next Russia,' says Jonathan Beckett, chief executive of Burgess.


  • 喜欢浴室创作朱诺特•迪亚斯(JunotDiaz),穿得跟小说人物一样的尼科尔·贝克(NicholsonBaker),11位顶尖作家与我们分享他们如何写出惊世名作方法

    From writing in the bathroom (Junot di-az) to dressing in character (Nicholson Baker), 11 top authors share their methods for getting the story on the page.


  • 贝克·汉姆相比弗拉米尼融入球队还有一些问题因为过去场上位置靠近中间在这里他需要在边路活动。

    Flamini had more problems to adapt than Beckham, because at Arsenal he was used to play differently on the pitch, more central, whereas here he plays on the side.


  • 帕慕克、鲍威尔斯先生尼科尔贝克著名作家均新书面市。

    Powers and Nicholson Baker have new books out, along with a host of other prominent authors.


  • 德国学者贝克规范说对于解决我国司法实践案件事实真伪不明状态下的不利后果的承担具有重要指导意义。

    Leo Rosenbergs Die Normentheorie should play a guiding role of how to solve the problem of acceptig the unfavorable result when a case is not be proofed in Chinese judicial practice.


  • 50岁首席主播尼维勒·瑟尔·贝克42岁的新闻编辑伊恩·埃德,两人因非法截获语音信息而被指控。

    Chief reporter Neville Thurlbeck, 50, and former news editor Ian Edmondson, 42, are suspected of having unlawfully intercepted voicemail messages.


  • 学院拥有作者乔纳·斯威夫特哲学家乔治·贝克莱,现在加州大学伯克利分校同名校友

    The college boasts alumni like author Jonathan Swift and philosopher George Berkeley, the namesake of what is now the University of California - Berkeley.


  • 头发编成辫子然后镜头前轻轻笑,模仿著名作家托妮·莫里;或着高帽模仿约瑟芬·贝克,一位舞蹈家歌唱家以及演员

    She wore her hair in braids and smiled dreamily into the camera to learn about writer Toni Morrison, and donned a top hat to copy dancer, singer, and actress Josephine Baker.


  • 贝克安德·那家人。

    The Andersons of Baker Street.


  • 贝克巨石洛杉矶有名赏金猎头身材魁梧,功夫高强尽管心愿其实一家小小的餐馆

    Baker Johnson decorative stone is well-known Los Angeles executive search reward, he was burly, Kung Fu Qiang, despite his desire to open a small restaurant in fact.


  • 39岁的贝克汉姆长子布鲁克林赫特福德郡的训练场回来时,卷入了一场车祸虽然报废了,但是所幸并无受伤。

    The 39-year-old was involved in the accident after picking up his eldest son, Brooklyn from Arsenal's training ground in Hertfordshire but emerged unhurt, although his car was not able to be used.


  • 莫里也是1962小说家约翰·斯坦贝克获奖首位也是唯一位出生于美国诺贝尔文学奖获得者。

    But Morrison is also the first and only American-born Nobel prizewinner for literature since 1962, the year novelist John Steinbeck received the award.


  • 文章认为拟制说相比贝克不适用规范缘由的解释简明扼要,通俗易懂。

    The article argues that comparing with the theory of proposed regulation Rosinbeck's theory of non-applicability of legal regulations gives a succinct and popular interpretation.


  • 文章认为拟制说相比贝克不适用规范缘由的解释简明扼要,通俗易懂。

    The article argues that comparing with the theory of proposed regulation Rosinbeck's theory of non-applicability of legal regulations gives a succinct and popular interpretation.


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