• 国际象棋棋盘64个方格

    A checkerboard has 64 squares.


  • 提出基于颜色文字识别协同工作的中国象棋棋盘识别方法

    A Chinese board recognition method based on color recognition and character recognition was proposed.


  • 现在有趣的国际象棋棋盘64个矩形真是一个巧合

    Now, that's interesting... there are also 64 squares on a chess board... quite a coincidence.


  • 象棋棋盘共有64中间河界之分为两个敌对”的部分

    The board itself has 64 squares andhas a "river" in the middle that divides the board into two opposing parts.


  • 发明主要用作中国象棋棋盘,但国际象棋围棋军棋跳棋等棋类棋盘之用。

    The chess board can also be used as the chess board of chess games such as international chess, the game of Go, military chess, or Chinese checker and the like.


  • 我们确实计划在卡拉赞设计一个象棋棋盘上的遭遇战不过并不打算允许(要求)玩家真的象棋

    There is indeed an encounter currently planned for Karazhan that resembles a chess board, however it is not planned to actually allow (or require) you to play chess.


  • 中国嘉峪关——要塞矗立片干旱土地上远处山脉白雪皑皑。如果说中国西部空旷戈壁沙漠是一个国际象棋棋盘,它就是一枚孤独

    JIAYUGUAN, China - the fortress stands watch in a parched land with snow-encrusted mountains beyond, a lone rook on the empty chessboard of western China's Gobi Desert.


  • 这样特殊采矿方式可能游戏玩家留下一小块一小块类似象棋棋盘相同的矿场甚至于游戏玩家矿车视而不见厂附近的矿,而独自跑远离矿厂的地方去。

    This can leave you with kind of a chequered Tiberium field and your Harvester will likely start to wonder far away from the Refinery, even though there is Tiberium close to it.


  • 国际象棋中,棋盘任何一个特定方格通常可以移动大致36步。

    In chess there are typically about 36 legal moves from any given board position.


  • 国际象棋国王王后棋盘作用举足轻重的。

    In chess, the king and queen are the most important pieces on the board.


  • 国际象棋ai中,对棋盘表现方法随程序不同而不同,并随着时间推移,新的系统会找到更为不同方法。

    In Chess AI, the representation of the board has differed quite a lot from program to program, and over time new systems have been invented.


  • 理论上国际象棋棋盘可能的走法,要整个宇宙分子数目还要

    In theory, there are more possible moves on a chess board than molecules in the universe.


  • 很容易回忆起当年哈佛校园国际象棋热。 它从马萨诸塞州剑桥而来,曾经哈佛雄伟建筑物的阴影里,在巨大道旁棋盘,疯狂上演

    FOR as long as anyone can recall, chess enthusiasts in Cambridge, Massachusetts, have played on large streetside chessboards in the shadows of the stately buildings of Harvard Yard.


  • 国际象棋棋盘较小六十四个矩形其中三十二填充棋子。

    Chess has a small board: 64 squares and up to 32 pieces to fill them.


  • 目前该项运动国际象棋拳击协会管理,机构口号是:“铃见分晓棋盘决胜负”。

    The sport is now governed by the World Chess Boxing Organization (WCBO), which has adopted the motto "Fighting is done in the ring and wars are declared at the table."


  • 骑士巡游古老智力游戏目标就是国际象棋棋盘任意个方格开始移动骑士,走遍其他一个方格,并且每个方格走一次

    The "knight's Tour" is an ancient puzzle in which the object is to move a "knight", starting from any square on a "chessboard", to every other square, landing on each square only once.


  • 游戏简介:迪斯尼年度大片纳尼亚传奇王、女巫衣橱》里神奇人物和动物,国际象棋棋盘对抗

    Disney's annual large areas of "Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" magical figures and animals, in the chess board on the confrontation.


  • 卡拉赞象棋战斗目前属于此类计划

    The chess board encounter in Karazhan is not currently planned to be one of them though.


  • 国际象棋一种人参加棋盘游戏每人最初16枚棋子,其中分为六,每种不同规则移动目标为将死对手的国王

    Chess: a board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king.


  • 要求国际象棋棋盘放置八个皇后使不能相互攻击任意两个皇后不能处于棋盘一行同一同一条对角线上。

    Requirements in the international chess board to place eight queen, making it unable to attack each other, that should not in any two of Queens board of the same line, same column and with a diagonal.


  • 平时家人一起下象棋可以方便计时省去了实物的棋盘棋子。

    Usualy our family can also use it play chess with each other, that is also convenient to computing time and save in-kind pieces.


  • 数据结构(C语言)编写程序实现一个国际象棋踏遍棋盘演示程序

    With the data structure (c language version) to write programs to achieve a chess board horse travels to the demonstration program.


  • 数据结构(C语言)编写程序实现一个国际象棋踏遍棋盘演示程序

    With the data structure (c language version) to write programs to achieve a chess board horse travels to the demonstration program.


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