• 酒般保存永恒的容器里

    And like new wine I shall be kept in eternal vessels.


  • 静止压缩编码国际标准JPEG2000

    The compression code international standard that the static vision is new is JPEG2000.


  • 各种机器零件无论多么,也不管形状多么不规则它们超声波处理后,都可以清洗得非常洁净,甚至洁净得一样。

    Various machine parts can be washed very clean and will be as clean as new ones when they are treated by ultrasonic waves, no matter how dirty and irregularly shaped they may be.


  • 挖掘网络追踪那些趋势行为相关信息,这些信息包罗万毒品使用种族关系紧张电影喜好产品

    The web could be mined to track information about emerging trends and behaviours, covering everything from drug use or racial tension to interest in films or new products.


  • 尽管一些亚特兰蒂斯》那样西方评论员宣称杀手锏意思仍然捉摸不透”,但是对于说中文普通话的人来说却一点也神秘

    And although some Western commentators like the New Atlantis claim that the meaning of the assassin's mace "remains elusive," it's no mystery to Mandarin speakers.


  • 投资者泰国这些国家害怕经常账户赤字,在那里出口增长停止减缓,部分是因为中国作为一个竞争者而带来结果

    Investors began to take fright at the scale of current-account deficits in countries such as Thailand, where export growth had stalled or slowed, in part as a result of new competition from China.


  • 粉红蓝色测试据说第七有95%的准确性而且错误结果退款满足研究所述标准

    The Pink or Blue test, which claims 95 percent accuracy at seven weeks and gives refunds for wrong results, appears to meet the standards described in the new study.


  • 由于远离埃克森美孚公司这样跨国公司油田最有可能国有石油公司领土发现,因为这些地方没有完全开发。

    New oil is most likely to be found in the NOCs' territory, precisely because it is largely out of bounds to multinationals such as Exxon and BP, and so has not yet been thoroughly raked over.


  • 信诚公司优秀推销员横跨欧洲大陆,希望这些中产阶层志向机遇变成英镑。

    The man from the Pru will bestride the continent like a colossal salesman, hoping to convert the aspirations and fears of these new middle classes into sterling.


  • 她们发觉曼丽以往一样,埋头研究声学以及人性问题,她拿出了一些札记她们欣赏发表一些对道德见解给她们听。

    They found Mary, as usual, deep in the study of thorough bass and human nature; and had some new extracts to admire, and some new observations of threadbare morality to listen to.


  • 来自加州大学洛杉矶分校科学家们正在研发的这款电池,电池可能颗粒一样,可在这个电池里容纳了和其他大个儿电池同样多能量

    They may be as small as grains of salt, but new batteries being developed by scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles, still pack the power of their larger kin.


  • 穿蓝色长裤,一件蓝色骑马服,戴顶宽边帽,好永远,结一条黑领带,穿件教友衬衫就是说那种耀眼粗布衬衫。

    He wore blue trousers, a blue frock coat and a broad-brimmed hat, which always appeared to be new, a black cravat, a Quaker shirt, that is to say, it was dazzlingly white, but of coarse linen.


  • 父母离婚这样改变一生的事件,的确会给人生带来波折,但是帮助了解自己长处学习应对技巧

    A life-changing event like a divorce can put people through some tough times, but it can also help them learn about their strengths, and put in place some new coping skills.


  • 凯瑟琳·奥洛拉·格雷小姐:需要用到不同,一张旧的一张爸爸朋友在元旦

    Ms. KATHRYN AURORA GRAY: It takes two different pictures, an older picture and a newer picture that were tooken(ph) on New Year's Eve by my dad's friend.


  • 安装操作系统了一计算机

    Installing a new operating system used to be like getting a whole new computer.


  • 注意需要放在位置或者路径必须指定信息票签一部分

    Note: either the image needs to be located where the old image was, or a path must be specified as part of the image information tag.


  • 试探挖掘沙地接着卷缩植物旁,终于发现了天堂

    He explored and dug in his new sand area and finally curled up around his new plants as if he had at last found heaven.


  • 这项研究表明,只要这个未知极限水平一直不为人类所知,随着二氧化碳含量的增加,总有一大气中的二氧化碳含量水平到这个极限,从而引发时期的气候。

    While that level remains unknown, this research indicates that by increasing carbon dioxide levels, humans could reach the threshold that would induce a Pliocene-like climate.


  • 而且iPhone一样,Android特色程序市场可以潜在地这个手机增加一系列特性

    And like the iPhone, Android features an application market that could potentially add an array of new features to the phone.


  • 位助手驯服的背上,两侧控制捕的

    Two assistants, mounted on tame elephants, control the captive from either side


  • load方法中,正在实例化一个GMap2

    In the load method, you are instantiating a new GMap2 object.


  • iStockphoto成功库存图片打开一个市场,主要买不起来自Getty ImagesCorbis那样传统高价图片客户提供服务。

    IStockphoto's success opened up a new market segment for stock photography, catering to customers who could not afford traditional, high cost stock photos from the likes of Getty Images and Corbis.


  • 研究人员头43000猛犸标本中获取血红蛋白dna然后大肠杆菌培养的血红蛋白。

    Researchers got the DNA that codes for hemoglobin from a 43,000-year-old mammoth specimen. They then used E. coli bacteria to produce actual mammoth hemoglobin.


  • 本周皇家协会生物通讯的研究声明,我们饥饿祖先而言猛犸就像是会走动的巨型肉排。

    Mammoths then must have been like giant walking steaks to our hungry human ancestors.


  • Class .extend方法工作起来object . extend。

    The new Class.extend method works like object.extend.


  • 去年12月美联储通过了一系列信用卡的、包罗条款

    Last December the Federal Reserve approved sweeping new rules on credit CARDS.


  • 本周末的第80届奥斯卡颁奖典礼已经准备就绪,但好莱坞受到媒体的挑战——因特网。 好还在准备中..:loveliness

    As it prepares for its 80th Academy Awards this weekend, Hollywood is facing another new mediumthe internet.


  • 本周末的第80届奥斯卡颁奖典礼已经准备就绪,但好莱坞受到媒体的挑战——因特网。 好还在准备中..:loveliness

    As it prepares for its 80th Academy Awards this weekend, Hollywood is facing another new mediumthe internet.


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