• 蕾丝设计包含玫瑰、水仙花三叶草——英格兰苏格兰威尔士北爱尔兰象征

    The lace design incorporated rose, thistle, daffodil, and shamrockthe emblems of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


  • 建筑设计建筑物艺术科学实用性象征性的目的而组织和包围空间

    Architecture is the art and science of designing structures that organize and enclose space for practical and symbolic purposes.


  • 品牌区分竞争对手的产品服务名字词语设计象征或者其它特征

    A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes products and services from competitive offerings.


  • 有些组织只是象征吸收孤独症人士,比如他们设计募捐活动的传单,从来没有赋予他们真正权力

    Other organizations will include autistic people in token ways, such as allowing them to design fund raising material, but never in ways that have real power.


  • 服饰设计采用了夸张性象征手法,色彩明亮鲜艳,用料独特裁剪别致。

    The costume design adopted exaggeration and symbolic means and bright colors. The materials are unique, so are the tailoring skills.


  • 可能象征设计需要完善以便精确地知道所有可能发生匹配

    It may indicate that the design should be refined so you know more precisely all the possible matches that might occur.


  • 帖中我们编辑一些非常棒的带有隐含象征意义标识可以它们激发自己设计灵感

    For this post, we've compiled some great logos that carry hidden symbolism that you can use for inspiration in your own designs.


  • 设计象征意义图案之一原因可能在于普及度相当高。

    Trees are one of the most symbolic pieces of design and probably the reason for their popularity.


  • 事实上穹顶建筑设计无所凭依这意味着作为一种工业统驭全球象征,它可以被栽任何地方的,无论是北极还是赤道之上。

    Indeed, the dome was designed by its maker to be placeless, meant to be plunked down anywhere from the Arctic to the tropics as an assertion of the global industrial dominance.


  • 这个酒器之类设计精致随葬品地位象征

    The elaborate design of grave goods, such as this wine container, signaled status.


  • 对于世界来说,美国最伟大象征自由女神。自由女神是经过精心设计的。

    My country's greatest symbol to the world, the Statue of Liberty, was designed with great care.


  • 戈达尔设计展区计划包括九个展室,要设立象征场景绘画照片机械部件桌子装饰,还要用显示屏幕连续播放影片

    The exhibition was planned to consist of nine rooms, symbolic settings decorated with paintings, photographs, machines, books nailed to tables and video screens where films would play continuously.


  • 应该完全掌控设计使用象征手法最大限度诠释信息这样大大增加标识冲击力

    You should be in full control of your design and use symbolism to convey messages to your advantage as this will further the impact of your logo.


  • 奥巴马夫人选择这样一个年轻美国设计象征意义为了振兴时装业尤其是公司面临严峻生存危机的时刻

    The symbolism of Mrs. Obama's choice of such a young American designer is invigorating for the fashion industry, especially at a moment when new companies are facing tight odds of survival.


  • 澳大利亚房地产美国顶级汽车欧洲设计时装之后中国人们把藏獒当成了一个新的身份象征

    After splurging on real estate in Australia, American thoroughbreds and European designer fashions, China's rich see the Tibetan mastiffs as a new status symbol.


  • 虽然歌剧院设计被迫辞职虽然歌剧院的装潢从未圆满竣工,但是这件作品不仅仅座城市的标志,而且也是国家一个象征

    Although its architect was forced to resign and it was never properly finished inside, the opera house has come to define not only a city, but also an entire nation and continent.


  • 火炬锥形设计象征伦敦举办三届奥运会,分别在1908年、1948年2012年,堪称奥运历史上的辉煌成就。

    The triangular shape of the torch also symbolises the three times that London has staged the Games - 1908, 1948 and 2012.


  • 一直留存下来南门中华门城堡,折射明朝时期建筑设计智慧科技进步象征

    The lone surviving southern gate, the Zhonghua Gate, and the city wall offer a look into the ingenuity and progress of design to come out of the Ming Dynasty.


  • 设计象征世贸大楼倒塌空白瞬间---工程完成,水引入

    Waterfalls will course down the side walls and then into the square in the middle — a symbol of the void created when the towers fell — when the project is complete.


  • 建筑物高度为1776英尺,1776象征美国独立宣言》正式通过是从设计方案中保留下来为数不多的一项。

    The symbolic height - which in feet refers to the year of the American Declaration of Independence - is one of the few features left from the initial plans.


  • 馆内建筑设计也极具孟加拉特色,小型雕塑、一组孟加拉国新城区图片传统建筑模型互相映衬,象征孟加拉国传统与未来对话

    A small sculpture, pictures of new urban areas, and models of traditional architecture symbolize the dialogue between tradition and the future.


  • 预示着我们这个设计尺度象征首次接近

    This prefigured our first approximation to the scale and typology of the design.


  • 斯德哥尔摩2010:瑞典设计JonasWagell上周斯德哥尔摩家具设计创造了一个象征森林城市空间艺术装置。

    Stockholm 2010: designer Jonas Wagell of Sweden created an installation representing the forest and the city for the design Bar at the Stockholm Furniture Fair last week.


  • 伊夫·圣罗兰设计金属皮革手包奢华象征

    Yves Saint Laurent clutch in metallic leather is the height of luxury.


  • Tito首先构思茶室桌椅代表时间不可逆转,巨大粉红色玫瑰花瓷器图案象征设计最爱

    The tables and chairs, first conceived at Tito's tea house to "represent the irreversibility of time," sport huge pink roses symbolic of the porcelain patterns beloved by the designer.


  • 火重生法国象征抛弃了公司转型设计

    A revived French icon jettisons the architect of its transformation.


  • 公司标志应该公司的象征专业设计市场展示你的专业性

    The business logo should symbolize your business be expertly designed, and show your expertise in the market.


  • 不是自然主义代表而是一个适当的个人象征具有独特风格设计一眼就能识别

    It is not a naturalistic representation but a proper and personal symbol, designed with a particular style and instantly recognizable.


  • 卡地亚好友让·考克托设计戒指—粉红色K金(象征),白色K金(象征友谊),黄色K金(象征忠诚)三种颜色的K金环环相套—让·考克将此送给了他爱人-诗人雷蒙德·哈第盖。

    Cartier creates the Trinity ring-intertwined hoops in pink gold (love), white gold (friendship), and yellow gold (fidelity) -for Jean Cocteau, who gives one to his lover, poet Raymond Radiguet.


  • 卡地亚好友让·考克托设计戒指—粉红色K金(象征),白色K金(象征友谊),黄色K金(象征忠诚)三种颜色的K金环环相套—让·考克将此送给了他爱人-诗人雷蒙德·哈第盖。

    Cartier creates the Trinity ring-intertwined hoops in pink gold (love), white gold (friendship), and yellow gold (fidelity) -for Jean Cocteau, who gives one to his lover, poet Raymond Radiguet.


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