• 自己域名谷歌邮件用户界面功能丰富快速

    Have your own domain, but with a Google Mail user interface, feature rich, and fast.


  • 那么其他那些人们认为可以防黑客通讯手段如何呢,比如skype网络技术谷歌邮件这两者都加密的”。

    What about all those other supposedly hack-proof means of communication, such as Skype Internet telephony and Google Mail, both of which are "encrypted".


  • 如果谷歌微软能够有效地提供维护邮件服务器每一个公司大学还有必要自己这样吗?

    Why should every company or university set up and maintain its own mail server, when Google or Microsoft can do it more efficiently?


  • 更重要的是微软公司——以及其他竞争对手——提供基于云技术的产品,它们不仅在吞噬微软电子邮件系统的领地,同样也在挑战谷歌企业应用套件。

    What's more, Microsoftalong with other competitorshas its own cloud-based offering, which could end up not just cannibalizing Exchange but also taking on Google Apps for Business.


  • 如果MP3tunes自己服务器存储音乐文件合法那么谷歌服务器上存储音乐文件不合法,即便他们采用的电子邮件的形式。

    If it's illegal for MP3tunes to store music files on its servers then it's illegal for Google to store music files in its servers too - even if they're email.


  • 这个程序称为“邮件眼镜”,晚上某个时间段,它可以拦截通过谷歌电子邮件服务系统(即Gmail发送邮件

    The program, which he called Mail Goggles, intercepts e-mails sent using Google's e-mail service, Gmail, after a certain time in the evening.


  • 购入Postini,直到今年7月谷歌才决定Gmail运用Postini电子邮件安全技术,分析人士称此举是谷歌提高企业用户应用程序安全性的重大步骤

    Four years since its purchase, Google decided this July to use Postini email security features in Gmail, which analysts touted as a major step in bolstering Google Apps security for enterprise.


  • 谷歌认为用户的个人信息比如他们电子邮件地址簿能够网络世界中随身携带,畅行无阻。

    Google believes users own information such as their E-mail address books, and should be able to take it with them wherever they go on the web.


  • 除了已经作为电子邮件服务组成部分推出存储服务,谷歌发言人没有就网络存储计划发表任何评论

    A Google spokeswoman declined to comment on any specific online storage plans beyond what it already offers as part of its email and other services.


  • 除了已经作为电子邮件服务组成部分推出存储服务,谷歌发言人没有就网络存储计划发表任何评论

    Google spokeswoman declined to comment on any specific online storage plans beyond what it already offers as part of its email and other services.


  • 家公司搜索业务合并一起,可接近竞争对手谷歌市场份额电子邮件即时通讯方面它们组成一强大的力量。

    Combining the two companies' search businesses would come closer to rivalling Google's market share and they would be a serious force in email and instant messaging.


  • 这种商业模式很大的缺陷,如果谷歌其他搜索引擎用户投诉搜素结果有遭污染他们将严厉打压劣质内容垃圾邮件

    This business model could be dented badly if, as seems likely, Google and other search engines crack down hard on poor-quality content and spam that their users complain are polluting search results.


  • 谷歌互联网大举扩张,就像只巨型蜘蛛,触遍及网络搜索电子邮件社交网络网络软件应用

    Google also stretches across the web like a giant spider, with a leg in everything from online search and E-mail to social networking and web-based software applications, or apps.


  • 自从为那些电子邮件信息公开用户推出的交往社会网络以来,谷歌收到了数以千计投诉

    Google received thousands of complaints when it launched its social network from users whose E-mail contacts were Shared publicly.


  • 乔恩·佩罗是谷歌搜索引擎软件开发者之一《泰晤士报》报道,是他想出一个方法使上千万人得以免受“醉酒邮件困扰。

    Jon Perlow, one of the search engine's software developers, has come up with an idea that could save millions from the terrible consequences of the drunken E-mail, the Times reported.


  • 苹果谷歌不会发送邮件要求提供个人信息

    Apple and Google do not send emails asking for personal information, he said.


  • 包括谷歌在内的其他公司提供基于网络电子邮件文字处理、电子表格数据库的其他服务。

    Other firms, including Google, provide web-based E-mail, word processing, spreadsheets and databases.


  • 脸谱这项服务矛头直接对准了他竞争对手---高储存容量为名的谷歌Gmail邮件服务,意在争夺用户数量上展开场“血腥的战争”。

    The service, perceived as a direct rival to Google's Gmail, marks a new front in the ongoing and increasingly bitter battle between Facebook and Google to gain the loyalty of users.


  • 培根邮件可能来自Facebook提醒银行帐户变动通知谷歌发送新闻提示,以及其它各类自己订阅邮件。 这些邮件迅速堆积起来就像一周报纸放在一起

    It's Facebook notifications, bank statements, Google news alerts, or any of the other sundry e-mails that you asked for, yet quickly pile up unreadlike a week's worth of newspapers.


  • 企业搜索官方正式名称谷歌搜索设备(Google Search Appliance),其作用在企业数据库邮件以及分享文件中进行查找。

    Corporate search, known officially as Google search Appliance, is used to look through things like corporate databases, emails, and file shares.


  • 不过微软公司表示曾致信谷歌邀请谷歌自己联手竞购Novell公司的专利,但谷歌拒绝一邀请。微软手头一封电子邮件可资证明

    But Microsoft says Google turned down its offer to jointly bid for some Novell patents, and it has the E-mail to prove it.


  • 举措被视为谷歌公司Gmail电子邮件服务直接挑战

    The service, perceived as a direct rival to Google's Gmail.


  • 5月 7 日,启用 Google.cn谷歌中国大陆专用域名计划正在紧锣密鼓筹划时候,埃里克·施密特收到了一封让人意外邮件

    FORTUNE -- Plans for Google.cn were well under way by May 7, 2005, when an unexpected e-mail arrived in the in-box of Eric Schmidt.


  • 5月 7 日,启用 Google.cn谷歌中国大陆专用域名计划正在紧锣密鼓筹划时候,埃里克·施密特收到了一封让人意外邮件

    FORTUNE -- Plans for Google.cn were well under way by May 7, 2005, when an unexpected e-mail arrived in the in-box of Eric Schmidt.


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