• 卡耐基大学心理学教授尔登·指出:“拥抱保护身处压力之下,免受更大的感冒的风险,而这种风险通常压力相关。”

    "Hugging protects people who are under stress from the increased risk for colds that's usually associated with stress," notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie.


  • 穿着黑白连身裤俄罗斯设计师乌利亚娜·尔坚设计的。

    The black-and-white jumpsuit she wears is designed by Russian designer Ulyana Sergeenko.


  • 夫先生表示他们估计很快掌握一些细节,搞清楚船员遭遇了何等经历,为何无法取得联系以及为何该更改了航线

    Mr Serdyukov said that they expected to soon be able to explain in more detail what happened to the crew, why contact with them was lost and why the ship changed its course.


  • 伊戈尔•看作是抨击米哈伊尔·霍多尔夫斯基主力

    Mr Sechin is seen as the main force behind the attack on Yukos and Mikhail Khodorkovsky.


  • 南希·赫恩赖奇贝蒂·留了下来

    Thank goodness, Nancy Hernreich and Betty Currie were staying.


  • (尽管明年预算很爽快地假定1.5%的经济增长)央行行长泽利·罗哈丁斯基(ZeljkoRohatinski表示欧洲中央银行行长杰-克劳德·特里(Jean-Claude Trichet)最近警告克罗地亚正走上“灾难路。

    Zeljko Rohatinski, governor of the central bank, says that Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, warned him recently that Croatia is on the road to “catastrophe”.


  • 帮助分析调查结果医生玛丽尔比:“就像人们二十几岁到三十几岁不用担心养老金计划一样,他们同样健康选择松懈。 像中风心脏病这样的长期疾病对人们来说似乎很遥远,但是一旦到了四十几岁时,这些健康问题会显得更加真实。”

    GP Mary Shelby, who helped analyse the survey, said: ‘In the same way that people in their 20s and 30s don’t worry about a pension plan, similarly they are lax about their health choices.


  • 缺乏养老金致使伊利诺斯州信用评级遭到下调。NPR新闻丽尔·利报道。

    The lack of a pension fix has led to downgrades of Illinois credit ratings. Cheryl Corley, NPR News.


  • 尔久夫说:“劫持者登上‘北冰洋’号,手持武器胁迫船员们按他们

    The hijackers boarded the Arctic Sea, threatened the crew with weapons and demanded that their orders be followed.


  • 研究报告主要撰写匹兹堡卡内基·梅隆大学尔登·博士解释说:“‘情绪积极’的人对于病毒免疫力较强。”

    "People with a positive emotional style may have different immune responses to the virus," explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.


  • 哈拉德拉庆祝节日珀斯克里斯蒂覆盖街道树木房屋外墙。

    The village of Zahara de la Sierra celebrates the feast of Corpus Christi covering the streets and facades of houses with branches of trees and grass.


  • 掷飞长久以来都是广新斯舍省伐木工人欢迎的消遣娱乐活动。 达伦•哈德森一家锯木厂的第五代经营者,他决定飞斧运动推广大众

    Axe-throwing has long been a popular pastime among lumberjacks in Nova Scotia, and Darren Hudson, a fifth-generation sawmill operator from Shelburne County, decided to bring it to the masses.


  • 星期五早晨尔比有名农民哈维·瑞安·纽姆触电身亡

    On Friday morning last, Harvey Ryan Newcombe, a well-known farmer of Shelby Township, lost his life due to electrocution.


  • 这些子级上安装瓦·彼·格鲁什设计的四推力发动机·帕·罗廖夫设计用来控制推力矢量新型姿态控制发动机。

    The main four-chamber engines designed by V. P. Glushko and new control engines from s. P. Korolev for controlling the thrust vector were installed in these units.


  • 尽管默克尔听取欧洲央行行长特里意见声明没有他们是否已经解决了希腊是否应该允许违约差异

    Merkel and Sarkozy "listened" to the views of ECB President Trichet though the statement didn't say if they settled differences on whether Greece should be allowed to default.


  • 理想环境下,伊尔一定留下卡希尔但是决定追求阿森纳中场杰克·威尔时,他或许还不知道他可能在不知不觉自己挖了一个陷阱

    In an ideal world, Coyle would like to hang on to Cahill, but may have unwittingly set a trap for himself in his determined pursuit of Arsenal's Jack Wilshere.


  • 布尔加继承并发扬以果戈理德林代表俄罗斯讽刺艺术优良传统,并形成了与众不同的讽刺艺术世界。

    Bulgakov has developed the good tradition of Russian literature and artistry which is represented by Gogol and Shchedrin, besides he has created his own special satirical artistry.


  • PM K的海蒂·阿曼达·西尔弗曼守护天使贝思·,我的制片合作人马根-里雷-格兰特,如果忘记了哪位该的,不要杀了

    Heidi Schaeffer and Amanda Silverman from PMK. My guardian angel Beth Kono. My producing partner Meagan Riley-Grant and if I'm forgetting anybody, please don't kill me.


  • 作为女人拥有鲜花她家通过一个珀斯克里斯蒂在扎哈·德拉西班牙南部,2010年6月6日庆祝活动装饰

    A woman holds flowers as she goes into her house through a decorated doorway during Corpus Christi celebrations in Zahara DE la Sierra, southern Spain, June 6, 2010.


  • 镜报声称贝拉已经得到允许博尔顿主帅欧文·伊尔谈论租借至锐步球场的事宜,去年,威尔在这里取得了成功

    The Mirror claims Vela has been granted permission to speak to Wanderers boss Owen Coyle about a six month loan spell at the Reebok Stadium given Wilshere's successful spell there.


  • 山姆·德是美国6 0年代先锋派戏剧代表人物,目前受到国外学术界中凯瑟琳·休斯鲁比·学者普遍关注

    Sam Shepard, as a representative of American Avantgarde theatre in the 1960's, has drawn the attention of such critics as Catherine Hughes, Ruby Cohn.


  • 山姆·德是美国6 0年代先锋派戏剧代表人物,目前受到国外学术界中凯瑟琳·休斯鲁比·学者普遍关注

    Sam Shepard, as a representative of American Avantgarde theatre in the 1960's, has drawn the attention of such critics as Catherine Hughes, Ruby Cohn.


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