• 谈论兴趣一个安全又有趣话题

    Talking about interests is a safe and enjoyable topic.


  • 20绝大部分时间里,一直撰写谈论太空飞行突然兴趣转向海洋深处确实显得很奇怪

    As I have been writing and talking about space flight for the best part of 20 years, a sudden switch of interest to the depth of the sea does seem peculiar.


  • 20绝大部分时间里,一直撰写谈论太空飞行突然深海探险者兴趣发生了转变似乎有些奇怪

    As I have been writing and talking about space flight for the best part of 20 years, a sudden switch of interest to the depth of the sea doer seem peculiar.


  • 喋喋不休地谈论兴趣东西并不你成为一个有趣

    Talking on and on about what's interesting to you isn't going to make you an interesting person.


  • 雷迪思从来不想去谈论这些兴趣,因为她害怕被评头论足。

    Meredith never wanted to talk about these interests because she was afraid she would be judged.


  • 茜站起来,开始谈论她的兴趣爱好。

    Josie stood up and started to talk about her interests.


  • 他们来说,谈论你感兴趣的事情并发展你们的关系是很容易的。

    It's easy for them to discuss things that you are interested in and develop the relationship.


  • 在那里开始别人谈论一些兴趣的事情,尽管这些也是陌生人

    There, she was able to talk with others about something she was interested in, even though these people were strangers.


  • 晓得只是专注兴趣倾听,对女人而言就是支持的表现,他也知道金星的世界中,谈论问题并非就是寻求解答的邀约

    He has no idea that by just listening with empathy and interest he can be supportive. He does not know that on Venus talking about problems is not an invitation to offer a solution.


  • 拒绝谈论篇文章,这正好可以作为一个解释当时她仅仅对她的听众抱有浓厚兴趣

    She refused to talk for this article, but there may be reason for that: she has one audience she's particularly interested in at the moment.


  • 一个相同兴趣亲戚朋友,并且愿意倾听谈论学习的,他们知道学习中的进程。

    Find a friend or relative who has similar interests or who would enjoy hearing about your studies and let them know what's going on in your classes.


  • 谈论兴趣东西赶走孤独

    I will drive away your loneliness by talking about things that interest you.


  • 首席执行长直接汇报工作不过很少表扬工作似乎没有兴趣我一起午饭,谈论工作其他任何事的时间也是越好。

    I report directly to the CEO, but he gives little, if any, praise for my work, doesn't seem interested in going to lunch, and spends as little time as possible talking about work or anything else.


  • 那个阶段的时候,应该知道,这个公司对你很大兴趣这个时候谈论薪水待遇的话就有很大的余地了。

    At that point, you know that the company is genuinely interested in you and that it is likely to be flexible in salary negotiations.


  • 很多时候人们需要帮助寻找谈论兴趣不在跟前的方式

    Often, people need help finding ways to talk about their travels in ways that are interesting to people who weren't there.


  • 这个对话中他们日本料理兴趣在塞吉奥谈论各种各样的日本菜时突然之间产生

    In the dialogue, their desire for Japanese food increases as Sergio talks about the different kinds of Japanese dishes.


  • 我会把整件告诉大多数时候只要她兴趣我们聊聊——有时愿意谈的我也就不再提起(关键——如果不想谈论这个话题,我也不会去提它)。

    I tell her about it. Most of the time she's interested and we'll discuss it - sometimes she's not and I let it drop (this is key - if she's not into the topic, I don't push it).


  • 我们谈论人们兴趣或者他们业余时间喜欢做什么时,我们可以:Whatsyour hobby ?

    When we talk about people's interests, or what they like doing in their free time, we can ask: what's your hobby?


  • 我们谈论兴趣人物书籍

    We listened to him talk about the men and books that interested him.


  • 如果生物学兴趣,你可以StephenJayGould办公室谈论几个小时

    If you were interested in biology, you could go to Stephen Jay Gould's office hours and talk to him.


  • 谈论听众兴趣事情

    Talk about something your audience is interested in


  • 睡前用mp3播放器(类似ipod)分钟播客谈论兴趣话题的播客你的思维担忧转移

    Listen to a podcast on an MP3 Player (like an iPod) for a few minutes before trying to sleep. A podcast that focuses on an interesting topic can take your mind off worries.


  • 不过我就看到过很多不太聪明家伙谈论他们自己兴趣而不是听众兴趣事情

    But I see many otherwise intelligent people talk about what they're interested in rather than what the audience is interested in.


  • 但是你们地久天长的,你们都兴趣并因此可以分享谈论一块儿那些东西

    But what sustains you in between is having something that interests you both enough that you can share it, talk about it, do it together.


  • 而那些收入较少他们交谈对象有更多眼神交流,也会更频繁点头示意他们对谈论的事情感兴趣

    Those on lower income made eye contact with the person they were talking with and nod their heads more frequently signaling they were interested in what was being said.


  • 一个案例中袭击者在行凶之前至少24个朋友同学谈论对于杀死其他同学实施爆炸的兴趣

    In one case, the attacker made comments to at least 24 friends and classmates about his interest in killing other pupils and building bombs.


  • 一个案例中袭击者在行凶之前至少24个朋友同学谈论对于杀死其他同学实施爆炸的兴趣

    In one case, the attacker made comments to at least 24 friends and classmates about his interest in killing other pupils and building bombs.


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