• BBC最近一次舆论跟踪调查所显示

    That's what the latest opinion tracking poll of the BBC shows.


  • 一项新的调查收集数据显示打呼噜打呼噜的人容易

    A new study collected data that shows that people who snore are more likely to gain weight than are people who do not snore.


  • 但是增兵数量似乎不是根据手中实际任务需求而是民意调查所决定的。

    But it seemed as if the number of troops was determined by opinion polls, rather than the mission in hand.


  • 如果调查所考察人群沿着财富阶梯上移知道上述数据是否还成立

    Still, I'm not sure the data would hold if it went higher up the wealth ladder.


  • 不过无法成为一个严谨调查露出最大马脚在于他们用来描述组人群形容词

    But the biggest giveaway that this isn't a serious research study is the adjectives chosen to describe the two groups of people.


  • 这次调查所反映第一个事实这些新式父母没有改变他们家庭生活看法

    The first fact to emerge from the study was that the New Breed parents had not changed their views about family life.


  • 调查用到了20年间的3调查搜集数据采访各行各业逾10000人。

    The study contained data from over 20 years from three different surveys, and interviewed 10, 000 workers from a wide range of fields.


  • 此外OOT结果调查采取步骤科学有理有据调查程度的原理应有文件记录

    Moreover, the steps taken to investigate OOT results should be scientifically defensible, and the rationale for the investigation's depth should be documented.


  • 通过人口监测系统估算儿童死亡率通过常规例行调查所确定国家估算数据了30%左右。

    Child mortality rates estimated with the DSS were approximately 30% lower than those from national estimates as determined by routine surveys.


  • 一些关于工作对人们心理健康反响其他问题(这个调查关注的中心)涌现出来。

    While not the focus of this study, other questions about the mental health repercussions of a bad job revolve around the individual.


  • 关注公众理性通常民意测验调查所显示的对于‘智慧设计论’的高度信任震惊

    Those who care about public reason are routinely shocked by opinion polls and surveys showing high levels of credence given to the idea of intelligent design.


  • 多尔科夫斯基的寡头往事遗留之物,舆论调查所流露出矛盾态度仍然显而易见的。

    The legacy of Mr Khodorkovsky’s oligarchic past is still evident in the ambivalent attitude revealed by opinion polls.


  • SOP过分说明性的因为OOT结果调查所采取步骤取决于最初发现调查发现性质

    The SOP should not be overly prescriptive because the steps taken to investigate OOT results will depend on the nature of the initial finding and the investigation findings.


  • 盖洛普- Healthways调查收集数据表明,今年八个月里管理工作变得更具难度了。

    Management and executive jobs have gotten tougher, too, during the period the Gallup-Healthways data were gathered, the first eight months of this year.


  • 许多扶轮社员可能已经退心系扶轮这是最近国际扶轮针对退社社员进行调查好消息

    They may have resigned, but many Rotarians are reluctant to leave Rotary. That good news comes from a recent ri survey of members who have left their clubs.


  • 网络调查一种新兴信息收集处理方式具有传统调查所不具备的很多优点和优势,但也存在很多缺陷和局限性。

    Online survey is a new approach for collecting and analyzing information, and has significant(predominance) over the traditional survey despite some limitations in it.


  • 这些积压文档几乎全部始于2008年,当年该局各种调查所收入资料几乎是以前的倍,达到了4600万份。

    Nearly all of that backlog dates from 2008, when the bureau's intake of such materials for all types of investigations nearly tripled, to 46 million files, the audit said.


  • 最为让人想不通就是女人自由教育以及经济权利大的同时她们却没有以前快乐了。这一点已经许多调查所证实了。

    Among the most confounding changes of all is the evidence, tracked by numerous surveys, that as women have gained more freedom, more education and more economic power, they have become less happy.


  • 去年陌生人攻击受害者接受英国犯罪调查所询问时86%的承认为这种伤害经历备感煎熬,而2002年只是74%。

    The BCS asks victims if they were traumatised by their ordeal; last year 86% of those who had been attacked by strangers said they were, against 74% in 2002.


  • 美国地质调查预计北极地区可能拥有900亿石油47兆立方米天然气,但是大多都存在于格陵兰境外(其它调查结果不乐观)。

    The United States Geological Survey estimates that the Arctic could hold 90 billion barrels of oil and 47 trillion cubic metres of gas, much of it off Greenland (other surveys are more modest).


  • 索福莱斯民意调查所(TNS - Sofres)的一个民意测验显示,先生3月份的支持率达到10年来最高的18%。

    One poll, by TNS-Sofres, suggested that Mr Le Pen's popularity in May this year was 18%-its highest for ten years.


  • 张照片显示可不是保存神秘约柜(藏于古犹太圣殿至圣内、刻有十诫两块石板)的仓库而是美国国家地质调查所的冰芯实验室。

    No, this picture doesn't show the warehouse where they're keeping the Ark of the Covenant; it's the US Geological Survey National Ice Core Lab.


  • 可是相反,根据伊弗民意调查数据萨科奇支持率至36%,永的支持率狂热走高,达到55%。去年甚至超过了这个数字。

    Yet, whereas Mr Sarkozy's poll Numbers have fallen to 36%, according to Ifop, a pollster, Mr Fillon's are basking at 55%-and have even climbed over the past year.


  • 可是相反,根据伊弗民意调查数据萨科奇支持率至36%,永的支持率狂热走高,达到55%。去年甚至超过了这个数字。

    Yet, whereas Mr Sarkozy's poll numbers have fallen to 36%, according to Ifop, a pollster, Mr Fillon's are basking at 55%—and have even climbed over the past year.


  • Mark Mallory来自加拿大野生动物保护署其他两位科学家最近完成了一个调查,这个调查使用的野外数据跨度达到33

    Mark Mallory, along with two other scientists from the Canadian Wildlife Service, recently completed a survey that used fieldwork data spanning the last 33 years.


  • 该项哈里斯互动开展调查收集数据代表美国人口总体状况,考虑到了区域、年龄性别受教育程度家庭状况、收入种族等各方面的因素。

    The survey was carried out by Harris Interactive. Datawas weighted to be representative of the total US population based onregion, age, gender, education, household, income, and race


  • 来自加拿大卡尔加里地质调查地球化学家StephenGrasby他的同事们今天早晨在自然地理学科》杂志的网站发表了一个关于火山爆发见解

    Geochemist Stephen Grasby of the Geological Survey of Canada in Calgary and colleagues report online today in Nature Geoscience a new twist on the volcano notion.


  • 来自加拿大卡尔加里地质调查地球化学家StephenGrasby他的同事们今天早晨在自然地理学科》杂志的网站发表了一个关于火山爆发见解

    Geochemist Stephen Grasby of the Geological Survey of Canada in Calgary and colleagues report online today in Nature Geoscience a new twist on the volcano notion.


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