• 本文分析电压关系提出如何调整电压和无功。

    The paper analyzed the relationship between voltage and idle work and provided the method for regulating voltage and idle work.


  • 由于阻抗等效电阻电阻,因此在调整电压过程中不会产生谐波

    Because of the pure resistive nature of the equivalent resistance of impedor, no harmonic will be generated during the voltage regulation.


  • 虽然主要是作为固定电压设计这些器件外部组件用它获得调整电压电流调节器

    Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators these devices can be used with external components to obtain adjustment voltages and currents.


  • 摘要变电站电力系统转换电压接受分配电能控制电流走向和调整电压的电力设施

    Abstract: : the substation is in power system voltage conversion, accept and electric power distribution, control and adjustment to the current voltage power facilities.


  • 我会电压升至300 0伏,并最多保持45我会根据犯人的的体型调整电压强度时间

    I could run up to 3,000 volts for a maximum of 45 seconds, but, depending on the size of the inmate, I would adjust the voltage and the time.


  • 保证系统无功功率平衡基础辅以调压等措施调整电压使电压偏移保持允许范围内

    Based on guaranteeing reactive power equilibrium of the system, only the voltage regulation assisted by on - load voltage regulation can make the deviation of voltage keep in allowable scope.


  • 一旦开始调整GTL ref电压(单独针对每个核心数据地址总线)你将会发现不同总线频率需要不同的电压组合。

    Once you begin adjusting GTLREF voltages (for each core data and address bus) you will find that different bus frequencies respond differently to variations in the voltage.


  • 直流电动机高性能驱动应用中具有良好调整性能电压、高转矩、高体积以及无电刷的优点

    Brushless direct current motors and have advantages of good adjustment performance, high voltage, high torque, high volumes ratio in high performance drive.


  • 能够在完成调整母线电压使符合规定要求同时实现既定的优化日标,使控制达到最佳的效果

    Thus, it is possible to adjust the bus - voltage to the prescribed requirements and at the same time realize the comprehensive optimal control through optimized objective function.


  • 分析了发电机组中频加载掉电压故障发生原因提出了电缆补偿装置调整方法

    Analyzed failing cause of mode-frequency to load voltage drop for generating set, provided regulated method of cable voltage-drop compensation device.


  • 化学试剂清洁自动电压调整内部部件

    Please clean the inner part of the automatic voltage regulator with chemicals.


  • 提供了输出电压调整一个较低表示

    This provides a means of adjusting the output voltage to a lower value.


  • 同时考虑变压器接头对中低压电压调整

    Voltage adjustment by transformer taps at medium_low voltage supply are also considered.


  • 另外还给出了一种IGBT的驱动电压进行幅调整电路

    Furthermore, a circuit that can adjust drive voltage value for IGBT has been presented.


  • 超调下超调电压调整控制器在应对负荷变化时电压频率低于额定

    Undershoot Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load.


  • 电压控制电压控制设定电压调整运行从而设计范围控制发电机组输出电压变阻器

    Voltage control the voltage control is a rheostat that sets the operating point of the voltage regulator and therefore controls the output voltage of the generator set, within its design limits.


  • 电压调整手柄顺时针转电压升高逆时针电压降低

    The voltage increases when the handle of the voltage regulator is turned clockwise . and decreases when turned counter-clockwise .


  • 测量一些稳态电压调整非常小的电机时,会出现测量用电压最大绝对误差大于稳态电压调整的范围。

    When we measure the electric machines with little steady voltage adjusting rate, the absolute error of the voltmeter reaches out of the range of the steady state voltage adjusting.


  • 传统方法相比方法具有电压纹波小负载调整电压调整的特点。

    Compared with traditional circuit, it has lower output voltage ripple, lower load adjustment rate and lower input voltage adjustment rate.


  • 动态电压调整(DVS)技术软件节能技术的一种形式

    Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) is an another effective technology form through software saving power energy.


  • 系统采用了MCS - 51单片机实施系统控制管理电压连续调整通讯程控功能,因而精度、自动化功能强、使用方便。

    By use of MCS-51 chip microprocessor, it can fulfill the tasks, such system control and management, programmable control communication and continuous regulation of voltage with high accuracy.


  • 提出面积等效谐波注入算法同时提出了基于该算法输出电压自动调整实现方法

    An equivalent area algorithm of harmonic injection is proposed, a realization method of automatic regulating output voltage is presented at the same time.


  • 调整内部极限扳机电压可以修正定时器操作,扳机电压通过外部电压电流)应用于CONT来实现的。

    The operation of the timer can be modified by modulating the internal threshold and trigger voltages, which is accomplished by applying an external voltage (or current) to CONT.


  • 文章首先利用回转器-电容模型两相电压调整模块进行建模研究,推导出具体的集成自感互感表达式;

    The Gyrator-Capacitor model is first introduced to modeling two-phase integrating magnetics Voltage Regulator Module(VRM), which can deduce the corresponding self-inductance and mutual inductance.


  • 然后论述了电容器运行管理问题,包括电容器的调整投切方法电压监测巡视检查

    The operation management of capacitor is also described, including capacitor regulation, switching ways, voltage monitoring and patrol inspection etc.


  • 设计可以根据电网电压波动调整动作从而保证电缆绝缘电阻动作值不变;

    The operating value of earth leakage protection can be changed with the mains voltage, but the operating value of cables insulation resistance is held the line.


  • 针对分布式电源准入容量计算问题,提出考虑电压调整约束后的准入功率优化计算模型。

    An optimization method is proposed for computing the maximum penetration level of multiple distributed generators, taking into account voltage regulation constraints.


  • 电子技术中,交流电转换成电压直流电一种电路这种电路的输出经过调整的,使它的噪声电压波动都很。

    In electronics, a circuit for converting AC voltage to low voltage DC in such a way that the output is regulated to minimize noise and voltage fluctuation.


  • 电子技术中,交流电转换成电压直流电一种电路这种电路的输出经过调整的,使它的噪声电压波动都很。

    In electronics, a circuit for converting AC voltage to low voltage DC in such a way that the output is regulated to minimize noise and voltage fluctuation.


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