• 然而这位出生于潘普诺纳门将一直生活同事莱曼影子之下

    However, any success the Pamplona-born goalkeeper has had has always been in the shadow of his former colleague, Jens Lehmann.


  • 你们帮助并且教唆那个可耻恶棍诺纳医生鼻子,这怎么想呢?

    In what light (to come to the point) am I to regard your aiding and abetting that miserable little villain, Doctor Ponnonner, in pulling me by the nose?


  • 政客们声音作为强有力的手段展现个人魅力。”该项目的研究人员罗萨里奥•希诺纳雷洛近期发布会上

    "Politicians use voice as a very powerful behavior to convey their charisma," Rosario Signorello, one of the researchers behind the work, said at a recent briefing.


  • 第二我们驱车33英里到了锡耶那儿,阿尔切别墅是个很不错落脚之处)。

    The next day we drove 33 miles to Siena (the Villa Arceno is a great place to stay while you are there).


  • 先生兄弟森·合写了一个剧本浪漫眼泪甚至偶尔玩笑留下空间

    Mr. Nolan, working from a script he wrote with his brother Jonathan Nolan, does make room for romance and tears and even an occasional joke.


  • 许多儿童都被用于乞讨。”负责儿童问题特别检察官·乌尔

    "Many children are used for begging," said Nora Urbina, special prosecutor for children's issues.


  • 今天嘉宾·伊万维奇,她过去20里一直从事口译工作。

    Today my guest is Dayna Ivanovich who has worked for the last twenty years as an interpreter.


  • 人类记载历史火山并未喷发火山附近熔岩相对较新的地质。

    The Nabro volcano has not erupted in recorded human history, but lava flows near the volcano are relatively recent geologically.


  • 此案成为英国婚姻家庭里程碑判例。格·如今正在向英国最高法院提起上诉

    In what will be a landmark ruling on English family law, Mr Granatino is now challenging this in the country's highest court.


  • 穆科乌干达——莱恩特·卢古地里木薯,用刀切开

    MUKONO, Uganda - Lynet Nalugo dug a cassava tuber out of her field and sliced it open.


  • 利塔可能要求卢斯科尼下台,无法强迫这样

    Mr Napolitano may call on Mr Berlusconi to step down, but he cannot force him to do so.


  • 给尼古拉斯•格拉这位法国人放弃待遇优厚银行家职,转而成为一位谦虚牛津大学教授。

    She used to be married to Nicolas Granatino, a Frenchman who dumped a lucrative career as a banker to become a humble Ox for d don.


  • 国土安全部张波利航空公司有权对来自墨西哥航班乘客进行检查。

    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says, instead, airlines have the option of screening passengers on flights from Mexico.


  • 切尔·梅尔法官助手塔利娅瓦西里耶夫,判决莫斯科市法院的。

    Natalia Vasilyeva, an assistant to the judge, Viktor Danilkin, said his verdict was written by Moscow city court.


  • 尔托夫表示肯定波·里继续他们工作。

    Chertoff says he is sure that she will continue the legacy of success.


  • 由于美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿星期五巴基斯坦进行高级别会晤波利拒绝这个问题进行详细的评论。

    Since U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in Pakistan Friday for a separate round of high-level meetings, Napolitano declined to speak in greater detail on the subject.


  • 还有其他NBA球员签约土耳其球队其中包括网队后卫武贾西奇费城76人的桑盖拉还有网队的新秀博格·维奇。

    Other NBA players that have signed to play in the Turkish league include Nets guard Sasha Vujacic, Darius Songaila of the Philadelphia 76ers and Nets draft pick Bojan Bogdanovic.


  • 卡普奇森猜测,可能是因为土生土长的食者外来物种所具有的防御机制有时产生“预适应”,有时又产生。

    Dr Cappuccino and Dr Arnason suspected this might be because native predators are sometimes "pre-adapted" to the aliens' defences, but in other cases they are not.


  • 尽管小丑闯入,先生通过兄弟森·兰的剧本浪漫眼泪甚至偶尔玩笑留下空间

    Though entranced by the Joker, Mr. Nolan, working from a script he wrote with his brother Jonathan Nolan, does make room for romance and tears and even an occasional (nonlethal) joke.


  • 波利说,秘书长警惕协调一致努力遏制这一疾病必须继续下去

    Secretary Napolitano added that vigilance and concerted efforts to contain the disease must continue.


  • 起初波利称“系统”有效的,受到共和党人批评。

    Ms Napolitano was criticised by Republicans for initially suggesting the "system" had worked.


  • 因为编辑错位,之前篇文章参加弥撒蒙蒂先生错误的写成了波利先生。

    Owing to an editing error an earlier version of this piece mistakenly said Mr Napolitano had attended mass, rather than Mr Monti.


  • 科海姆,即“西方教化邪恶”之源自尼日利亚东北部首府迈都瑞。

    Boko Haram, meaningWestern education is sinful”, originates in Maiduguri, capital of the north-eastern state of Borno.


  • 位于板块交接位置东非大裂谷活跃带的一部分区域地壳非常,位于薄弱点的火山喷发频繁。

    Nabro is part of the very active East African Rift, where three tectonic plates are pulling away from each other. As the Earth's crust thins in the region, volcanoes rise in weak spots.


  • 同时塔美发现贝尔研究音乐科学中“真正很好的支持先前的推理”。

    Meanwhile, Tomaino finds Bernardi's study "really nicely supports previous inferences" into the science of music.


  • 二十-卡拉巴赫时常被被称为“冻土上冲突”。对于高加索地区大部分而言,像个被遗忘问题。

    Twenty years later, Nagorno-Karabakh is often called a “frozen conflict”. For most people outside the Caucasus, it is more of a forgotten one.


  • 二十尔··卡拉巴赫时常被被称为“冻土上的冲突”。对于高加索地区大部分而言,像个被遗忘问题。

    Twenty years later, Nagorno-Karabakh is often called a "frozen conflict". For most people outside the Caucasus, it is more of a forgotten one.


  • 火山喷发以来,火山山顶一直被大量水蒸气气体火山灰遮盖。

    Since the beginning of the recent eruption, a dense plume of water vapor, gas, and ash has concealed the summit of the Nabro volcano.


  • 火山喷发以来,火山山顶一直被大量水蒸气气体火山灰遮盖。

    Since the beginning of the recent eruption, a dense plume of water vapor, gas, and ash has concealed the summit of the Nabro volcano.


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