• 现在罗斯订婚了。达夫曾经手套扇过罗斯巴掌

    Noreen is now engaged to Russ, and one day Dave slaps Russ in the face with gloves.


  • 过去几年足球运动员生活西班牙中场法布雷加法都和俱乐部女房东诺琳一起

    In the manner of footballers in bygone years, he still lives with the club land-lady, Noreen, together with the Spanish midfielder Cesc Fabregas.


  • 真可以说是一个奇迹,”现年41岁的诺琳? 巴尔切夫斯基上周五(1月26日)与自己的爱犬久别重逢表示

    "It's a miracle, " Noreen Barczewski, 41, said at Friday's reunion.


  • 经常车停曾经门前曾经他们住在一起:他的妻子-,他体重超标女儿-雪,还有他那问题儿子-迈克尔

    He often parks his car in front of the house he once shared with his wife Noreen , his overweight daughter Shelly and his troubled son Mike.


  • 萨诸塞州塞勒姆大学的运动科学助理教授贾克·伯格说,正是这种奇特的形式使竞走成为一项有吸引力的活动。

    It's this strange form that makes race walking such an attractive activity, however, says Jaclyn Norberg, an assistant professor of exercise science at Salem State University in Salem, Mass.


  • 杰克邀请探望卡洛儿子当时刚从游乐场攀登之类的地方了下来。

    Jack had invited me over to visit with him and Caroline, but my son, Dino, had fallen off a playground jungle gym or something.


  • 杰克邀请他的女儿卡洛一同前去探望儿子当时刚从游乐场的立体方格铁架之类的地方摔了下来外套上都是血渍

    Jack had invited me over to visit with him and Caroline, but my son, Dino, had fallen off a playground jungle gym or something, and his coat was spotted with blood.


  • 伍兹·德·格伦在通过律师发表联合声明中称:“我们婚姻结束了我们感到很难过,希望彼此未来都能生活得幸福。”

    "We are sad that our marriage is over and we wish each other the very best for the future," Woods and Elin Nordegren said in a joint statement released by their lawyers.


  • ·林德来福,一家位于门多奇计算机顾问公司合伙人并不担心家庭手机使用

    Elaine Lindelef, a partner at a computer-consulting firm in Mendocino County, says she is not worried about her family's cell phone use.


  • 如果来生曼迪应该会过同样生活——卡布·奇中文林肯中心电影都可以这些

    If an afterlife existed, Mandy figured that for Linda it would be more of the same-cappuccinos, Chinese, films at Lincoln Center. You could do that stuff dead.


  • 现场警察他们发现伍兹晕过去了还流了血妻子·德格林·伍兹照顾着。

    Police attending the scene said they found a dazed and bleeding Woods being tended to by his wife, Elin Nordegren Woods.


  • 我们必须阅读,比如我们可怜,亚里士多塞之类的作品。

    We have to readpoor Lynda has to take this kind of stuff - reading Aristoxenus and things like this.


  • 而昨天事情看起来一样经过段时间的误入歧途,这位世界头号高尔夫球手的妻子德格林提出与离婚

    Yesterday, things looked rather different for the world's number one golfer when he was divorced by his wife, Elin Nordegren, after a spectacular fall from grace.


  • 俄罗斯紧急事务部发言人·安德里亚娃宣布有87遇难但是遇难人员的身份尚未确定。

    A spokeswoman for Russia's Emergencies Ministry, Irina Andrianova, said 87 people were killed but she had no details on their identity.


  • 美国娱乐节目《今夜娱乐报道,美国高尔夫名将泰格·伍兹妻子·德格林之间的婚姻无可挽救,双方同意离婚。

    US celebrity gossip news "Entertainment Tonight" reports that US golf star Tiger Woods and wife Elin Nordegren have agreed to divorce.


  • 届时,新郎新娘乘坐架经特殊改装的飞机11公里高空,再作15俯冲到7.3公里高度,从而感受30失重状态此间宣读结婚誓言

    Noah Fulmor and Erin Finnegan will exchange vows on a specially-adapted plane, which performs 15 swoops from 11km to 7.3km to allow 30 seconds of weightlessness.


  • 英国球星鲁尼预计今日意大利旅游胜地托·菲女友举行婚礼。

    UK football star Wayne Rooney and his girlfriend Coleen McLoughlin are expected to tie the knot today in the Italian town of Portofino, a famous holiday resort.


  • 杰奎·格拉茨:我们非常欣喜地看到这些企业不仅创造了24000个工作岗位扎扎实实地数千万毫无保障穷人提供了帮助。

    Jacqueline Novogratz: And we've seen those companies not only create 24, 000 jobs, but literally bring tens of millions of individuals services that they would otherwise not have access to.


  • 如果伍兹老婆·德·格伦(ElinNordegren)决定离开丈夫,《华尔街日报》绝对提供一些帮助理财建议

    If Tiger's wife, Elin Nordegren, does decide to leave her husband, the WSJ has some helpful financial advice for her.


  • 父亲瑞典国家广播电台脱口秀节目主持人托马斯·德格伦说:“我们泌姜艰难时期展现出的风度意志感到骄傲。”

    "We love Elin and we are so proud of the grace and strength she has shown during this difficult time" said Nordegren's father Thomas Nordegren a talk show host at national broadcaster Swedish Radio.


  • 来自伊利伊州娜·博德纳尔、桑德拉·马里詹以及拉斐尔·李因他们发明的专利获得公共卫生,这项专利迅速文胸转化为两个防毒面具,应对紧急情况

    Elena Bodnar, Sandra Marijan, and Raphael Lee of Illinois won the public health prize for their patent for a bra that can be converted quickly to two emergency face masks.


  • 所以依照传统卡塔有幸成为魔术大师亚·哈伯克的学徒

    So in keeping with tradition Katalin became an apprentice to Master magician Janos Habok.


  • 回到地铁20分钟就另一个森林产业区——察里津,它最大的吸引力就在于叶卡娜二世建完行宫

    Back on the metro and it's a further 20 minute ride to Tsaritsyno, another large, forested estate. The principal attraction here is the unfinished summer palace of Catherine the Great.


  • 世界高尔夫冠军老虎伍兹一岁女儿萨姆·亚历克西斯·伍兹位居第五现在妻子、模特·德·格林德又怀上第二

    Rounding out the top five was one-year-old Sam Alexis Woods, the daughter of world golfing champion Tiger Woods and his model wife Elin Nordegren, who is now expecting their second child.


  • 人物,摩是个没有ECL调整值的6战士。

    Linda's character, Morgan Snow is a 6th Level Man-at-arms with no ECL Modifier.


  • 另一个29模特娜马鲁兰达上个月自杀,同样让人心碎漂亮海报女孩爱米也可能香消玉勋。

    Another model Lina Marulanda killed herself last month at the age of 29. And now there is the heartbreaking news of what Noemi Lenoir the most beautiful of the M&S poster girls is going through.


  • 精通肠胃医术,后来又攻下了妇产科医术,安蒂·意大利各种医务岗位上工作,最后来到里贾纳·埃罗马的一家公立生殖医院

    Specializing in gastroenterology and, later, in gynecology, Antinori worked in various posts around Italy before landing at Regina Elena, a public fertility hospital in Rome.


  • 瞬间过去,光芒暗淡下来抬起看见天空中裂成随片,一道冲击波夹杂着大块残骸急速的飞来。

    After a moment the light dimmed, and he looked up to see Luclin broken apart in the sky, a wave of energy carrying chunks of debris rapidly toward Norrath.


  • 一位获得四块奥运会奖牌选手凯特·桑,这段视频来自的《我一起四种泳姿》。

    The next swimmer is 4-time Olympic medalist Kaitlin Sandeno, with footage from her Go swim All Strokes video.


  • 一位获得四块奥运会奖牌选手凯特·桑,这段视频来自的《我一起四种泳姿》。

    The next swimmer is 4-time Olympic medalist Kaitlin Sandeno, with footage from her Go swim All Strokes video.


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