• 开车越过小山德尔诺特那天下大雨刮大风

    It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Del Norte.


  • 诺特拥有佳士得艺术拍卖行

    Pinault also owns art auction house Christie's.


  • 基地本身距离迈诺特北部13英里

    The base itself is about 13 miles north of Minot.


  • 麦克·诺特彗星超长尾巴将会是一场华丽展示

    Comet McNaught's Superlong Tail Promises Flashy show.


  • 有些人没有被射杀射杀了诺特

    Some say Nott was not shot. But Shott says he shot Nott.


  • 益华证券矿业分析师查理斯·柯诺特表示拓的声明十分重要

    Charles Kernot, mining analyst at Evolution Securities, said the Rio Tinto announcements were important.


  • 因为此前从未操作这种手术联系到英国一位此类经验同事

    Since he had never performed this kind of operation before, Nott contacted a colleague in the UK who had.


  • 照片中间部分,正好云层下划过的麦克·诺特彗星,构成了照片罕见景象

    On the far right, lightning from a thunderstorm flashed in the distance. Near the image center, though, seen through clouds, was the most unusual sight of all: Comet McNaught.


  • 照片中间部分,正好云层下划过麦克·诺特彗星,构成了照片中罕见景象

    On the far right, lightning from a thunderstorm flashed in the distance.Near the image center, though, seen through clouds, was the most unusual sight of all: Comet McNaught.


  • 这是613日新墨西哥南部所见麦克·诺特离子望远镜视野插图负片。

    Seen here on June 13th from southern New Mexico, this Comet McNaught's long ion tail sweeps across the telescopic field of view (a negative image is inset).


  • 库克预言颗极其明亮麦克彗星C/2009R1绝对我们的肉眼“不枉此看”。

    Cook predicts the especially bright Comet McNaught C/2009 R1 will put on a worthy show for the unaided eye.


  • 1999年,皮诺特先生进军奢侈品市场,收购了古琦集团42%股份,不久,便将其全盘拿下。

    In 1999 Mr Pinault moved into luxury goods with the acquisition of 42% of Gucci Group, later taking full control.


  • 美国运通首席执行官肯尼斯•切诺特说:“尽管经济形势严峻我们依然专注拓展高额借贷业务。”

    "We are focused on expanding premium lending, despite challenging economic times," says Kenneth Chenault, the firm's chief executive.


  • 斯密大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂安•博诺特•孔狄亚克孟德斯鸠男爵

    Most of Smith’s opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot de Condillac and the Baron de Montesquieu.


  • 斯密大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂安•博诺特•孔狄亚克孟德斯鸠男爵

    Most of Smith's opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot DE Condillac and the Baron DE Montesquieu.


  • 就在生存机会逐渐变小,抽中死签的可能性达到八分之一,一个叫做勒诺特上年纪职员中了第二张死

    The chances had narrowed to one in eight when the elderly clerk —his name was Lenotre—drew the second slip.


  • 现在双筒望远镜很容易找到麦克·诺特彗星,以后一段时间,在黎明东边地平线上慢慢下落,7月2近日点

    Easy to spot in binoculars for now, McNaught will sink into the twilight along the eastern horizon in the coming days as it heads toward perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on July 2.


  • 首次发现澳大利亚文学家名字所命名的麦克彗星C/2009R1,其明亮强度左右出现一次库克

    The intensity of brightness seen in Comet McNaught C/2009 R1named after the Australian astronomer who first spotted it in September 2009—only occurs once every four years or so, Cook said.


  • 俾斯麦地区北新电力集团意在北达科他州西北部的的沃德建立一个高达115兆瓦发电量的风力发电场,距诺特市南部12英里

    Basin Electric Power Cooperative, of Bismarck, intends to build a 115-megawatt wind farm in Ward County in northwestern north Dakota, about 12 miles south of Minot.


  • 罗伯·麦克去年发现这个太阳运行的冰块下周经过地球将在7月上旬靠近太阳时持续融化,在轨道洒下碎屑

    Discovered by Robert McNaught last year, the sun-orbiting iceberg will pass the Earth next week and will continue to melt and shed debris as it closes in on the sun until early July.


  • 17世纪路易十四时期风景设计师诺特,在香榭丽舍大街的两旁栽下了一排排壮观树木,自此,香榭丽舍大街就成了林荫大道。

    When the first majestic lines of trees were planted in the 17th century by André Le Nôtre, Louis XIV’s landscape architect, the Champs-Elysées was a shady walk.


  • 2005年,皮先生儿子弗兰克斯·亨利·皮诺特接任了总裁一职,此之后,集团收购德国运动服装品牌彪马69%的股份,又变卖了一些资产。

    Under his son, francois-henri Pinault, who took over as chief executive in 2005, the group bought 69% of Puma, a German sportswear firm, and has made a few disposals.Now franc.


  • 决定怎样才能更好地住向往之地,”来自半岛共和党人阿拉斯加立法机关发言人迈克.切诺特(MikeChenault)

    I think she is trying to determine how she can better get to where she’d like to be, ” said Speaker Mike Chenault of the Alaska Legislature, a Republican from the Kenai Peninsula.


  • 一直努力地跟进保持第四名位置如果最后一圈时间能知道事实上鲁利还要快除我之外唯一在最后阶段使用的车手。

    I was pushing really hard to keep fourth place and if you look at the lap times I was actually faster than Jarno on the final lap and he was the only other car on dry tyres at that stage.


  • 国际粮食政策研究所·约翰以前失败教训必须选择目标集中主要的营养素缺乏上面,集中在可以最好的方面,主要针对婴儿

    John Hoddinott of IFPRI says the lesson of previous failures is that you have to select your targets: focus on the main deficiencies and on those for whom you can do most good, especially infants.


  • 如同安东尼·西诺特(AnthonySynnott)——英国出生社会学家指出的,发型历史唯一恒久不变的在于一代人乐于反抗父亲(长辈)。

    And as Anthony Synnott, a British-born sociologist, points out, the only constant in the history of hairstyles is that each generation of men likes to defy its fathers (and father figures).


  • Speedman看到了越南当地故事,讲得是一位英勇战斗英雄,名叫JohnTayback,又称””约翰(尼克诺特饰)。 于是,他将作为灵感开始召集帮演员

    Speedman chooses as inspiration the Vietnam memoirs of a courageous war hero, JohnFour LeafTayback (Nick Nolte), and begins to assemble a cast of actors.


  • 洛扎声称摩托车克莱门劳埃德当时试图

    Lozano claimed that motorcycle driver Clement Lloyd was trying to run him down.


  • 洛扎声称摩托车克莱门劳埃德当时试图

    Lozano claimed that motorcycle driver Clement Lloyd was trying to run him down.


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