• 五件事,孙子根本,也是所有生活十字军”无须否认辩驳的特征因此将会成为我们这里重点

    They are the undeniable and nonnegotiable characteristics of any life crusade. Thus, they will be our focus here.


  • 清代殿试在康熙年间存在偏重书法、抑重字弊端,道光以后情况相似。所谓以书法取士,启于乾、启于嘉、启于道诸说,均不确。

    From the Kanghsi years, the malpractice of stressing the calligraphy had already existed in the Qing Dynasty palace examination, it is similar with the situation in Daoguang time later.


  • 欧森没有一条放四海皆准的出柜方法,柜子一个建议失去想象中的得到的远比想象中的

    Olson said there is no universal path to coming out, but his advice to those in the closet is: "the loss is far less than imagined and the gain is far more."


  • 孩子同样地被投他们不想事物中。如果或者可以请求得到他们所渴望东西,他们为什么还要被毫无兴趣的事物而烦扰?

    Kids are equally tuned into what they don't want. Why should they bother with something of little-to-no interest when they could have (or plead for) the thing they crave?


  • 这里成百上千亿他们以前还从来没有机会旅游,”先生

    "There are hundreds of millions of people out there who have never been able to travel before," Mr.


  • 雷普利过了几个月以后我们开始觉得自己在了本以为已经身后的生活方式中。

    'After that, however, we began to feel like we were locked into a lifestyle that we thought we had moved beyond,' he says.


  • 这里成百上千亿他们以前还从来没有机会旅游,”先生

    "There are hundreds of millions of people out there who have never been able to travel before," Mr. Chu said.


  • 亨廷顿量子传送想法已经产生接近了,很难于现实。 她,“两种实现传送的方法,但都有其局限性。”

    Huntington says the idea of quantum teleportation has been around for about ten years, but has been difficult to put into practice.


  • 看过这样一则文章,哲学家弟子街市,哲学家弟子商贩那个喜悦

    Seen such an article, saying that a philosopher Zhu collar disciples walk in the market, walked one way, the philosopher asked his disciples that traders in the face with the joy of color.


  • 比丘回答:“是的,佛陀,我们看见。”

    The Bhikkhus replied, "Yes Venerable Sir, we see it".


  • 听见佛教法无我,一切众生只是随缘而起幻象

    But I hear Buddha's teaching: Everything is of non-self, thus all living creatures are just illusions from the combination of elements.


  • 人们帝王上帝形象而造就感到上帝难为情,假使就是的。

    They say king is made in the image of God; I feel sorry for God if that is what he looks like.


  • 人们帝王上帝形象而造就感到上帝难为情,假使就是的。

    They say Kings are made in the image of God; I feel sorry for God if that is what he looks like.


  • 人们为了食用娱乐已经了,看来为了救人怎么容易证明是合情合理的。

    People already kill pigs both for food and for sport; killing them to save a human life seems, if anything, easier to justify.


  • 桑佳亚,德塔斯塔王啊,听了阿的话,师那就那辆最豪华战车驶进了之间

    Sanjaya said: o Dhrtarastra, thus being addressed by Arjuna, Lord Krsna drew up that finest of chariots between both of the armies.


  • 萨伽雅这样着,便展现了的形象,然后又再一次地以他美丽作为至尊人格神的双臂形象出现,从而平息了阿那的恐惧

    Sanjaya said: Lord Krsna speaking in this way to Arjuna, exhibited his four armed form and then again appearing in the beautiful two armed form as the Ultimate Personality pacified his fears.


  • 最初,杨青提出写传记时,我以为只是心血来潮玩的,不久就会将这个奇异”的想法脑后。

    When I firstly heard Yang Qing's request, I thought she just made a joke with me and sooner, she would lay down this crazy idea.


  • 桑佳亚:阿那由于同情心所淹没悲痛眼泪汪汪。师那就充满悲伤的阿了下面

    Sanjaya said: Lord Krsna thus spoke these words unto grief - stricken Arjuna, whose saddened eyes were brimming with tears being overwhelmed by compassion.


  • 对于多日神话原型寓意阐释,“酷热干旱”、“十干历法”、“日部族称王”等都不够圆满。

    For its prototype and implied meanings, none of the theories of "the extremely hot drought", "a kind of Calenda.


  • 日本所抱怨-回应尽力打入本地(日本)企业美国公司-美国在百忙中仓促做成规定以确使外人门外

    Japan's complaintechoing that of American firms that struggled to break into industries here – is that America is making up the rules on the fly to insure that outsiders stay outside.


  • 经已舍利弗比丘。

    After the Buddha spoke this Sutra, Sariputra and all the Bhiksus.


  • 这里概念——或者,是制造众的进程通过这个进程制宪得以表达——再度成为我们核心

    Here again the concept of multitude - or really a process of making the multitude, through which constituent power is expressed - becomes central for us.


  • 这里概念——或者,是制造众的进程通过这个进程制宪得以表达——再度成为我们核心

    Here again the concept of multitude - or really a process of making the multitude, through which constituent power is expressed - becomes central for us.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定