• 两个服务不同方式构造请求标识这样它们需要中介中应用不同的转换

    Each of the two services constructs an identifier for the request in a different fashion, and in this way, they require a different transformation to be applied in the mediation flow.


  • 例如用户可以URL_Mapping_File中更改参数分隔外部请求标识符

    For example, a user can change the parameter separator or external request identifier in the URL_Mapping_File.


  • 每个请求都将返回一个序列标识符使异步响应更容易地与其原始请求关联

    Each request would return a sequence identifier, allowing asynchronous responses to be associated easily with their original requests.


  • 正如前面所提到的,PUT请求用于指出现有资源修改并且同样请求包含资源标识符

    As noted previously, PUT requests are used to indicate a modification to an existing resource and, as such, include a resource identifier in the request string.


  • 如果是GET请求脚本会检索包含请求url中的消息标识符然后通过POST将发送api端点来删除消息,如清单4

    For GET requests, the script retrieves the message identifier included in the request URL and then POSTs it to the API endpoint for message deletion, as shown in Listing 4.


  • 一旦建立了这样会话它们就要求应该特定的标识符每个请求一起发送

    Once such a session is established, they require that a specific identifier be sent along with every request.


  • 调用知道哪个结果对于特定请求正确因为正确的关联标识符

    The caller knows which result is the right one for its particular request because it has the right correlation identifier.


  • 处理程序将服务器页面(页面处理此请求)URL客户端用作标识符一个名称关联

    It associates the URL of the page on the server side (the page that handles the requests) with a name that serves as its identifier on the client side.


  • 标识中记录请求实体名字这样如果有任何非法使用目标资源管理器可以立即判断出来。

    The identifiers have the requesting entity's name inscribed so that any illegal use could be immediately identified by the target resource managers.


  • 唯一标识符附着在ME上帮助接收组件检测拒绝重复请求再次出现。

    Unique identifiers are attached to the ME to help the receiving component detect and reject replay of a duplicate request.


  • 客户机在与发送出站服务目的地一起发送请求消息设置唯一的消息标识符

    The client sets a unique message identifier on the request message that travels along with the message all the way to the outbound service destination.


  • PROVIDER队列消息包含一个消息标识符生成的消息使用请求响应关联起来。

    The message on the PROVIDER queue contains a message identifier, which is used by the generated message flows to correlate the requests and responses.


  • 然后页面动作方法利用请求url判断数据类型数据标识符加载数据,然后导航适当模板

    The page action method then mines the request URL to determine the type of data and the data identifier, loads that data, and then navigates to the appropriate template.


  • 例如可以记录特定帐户标识符相关请求还可以发送审计的特定产品相关的请求

    For example, you could log requests relating to a particular account identifier and send requests relating to a particular product to be audited.


  • 一个区别现在请求被命名元素本地名称必须指定名称空间统一资源标识符(uri)。

    The one difference is that you must now specify a namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) when requesting a named element as well as a local name.


  • 提供接口描述了环境通过端口标识请求

    "Provided interfaces" characterize requests to the classifier that its environment may make through the port.


  • 需要接口描述标识符环境通过端口发出请求

    "Required interfaces" characterize the requests that may be made from the classifier to its environment through the port.


  • 为了区别输出不同请求作为标识请求参数记录在日志中。

    To help disambiguate output from different requests, it also logs a request parameter used as an identifier.


  • 然后这种实现就可以将所有请求都重定向使用选择的名字(通常是一个插件标识符创建记录器中。

    This implementation then redirects all the requests to a Logger created with the name you chose, usually the plug-in identifier.


  • 通过传递进行请求所有者唯一标识支持调用者标识传播

    By conveying a unique identifier of the owner who made the request, it enables propagation of the caller identity.


  • RP使用发现过程确定如何OP发出请求关键便是用户提供标识

    The process of discovery is used by the RP to determine how to make requests of the OP, and the key is the User-Supplied Identifier.


  • 客户机服务器之间的安全通信会话通过发起主机获取请求(用户机器)的PAC标识符开始的。

    Secure communication sessions between a client and server start by pulling in the requestor's (user's and machine's) PAC identifier from the initiating host machine.


  • 然后RP采用用户标识符用户重定向到OP,此时op要求用户证明ID请求

    The RP then takes the user's identifier and redirects the user to the OP, where he will be required to prove his claim to that id.


  • 所以使用延续Web开发框架可以处理每个请求之后捕获延续,并用一个标识符存储会话中。

    So a Web development framework that USES continuations can capture a continuation after processing each request and store it in the session with an identifier.


  • 负责显示内容portlet需要根据全局请求参数确定显示什么内容(哪个标识符)。

    The portlet responsible for showing content needs to determine what content (the identifier) to show based on a global request parameter.


  • 成功地装载了所应调用应用程序之后,Web服务发出了将标识符名称地址相链接请求

    After a successful loading of the called application, the Web service sends a request to link an ID with a name and address.


  • 重复第三场景中的流程调用并装载零售商标识符Web服务并且RetailManagementSystem(请见4)发出搜索请求

    I repeat the process in the third scenario of having the Retail ID Web service to call, load, and send a search request to the Retail Management System (see Figure 4).


  • 包括协调Ca相同活动标识符但是App2的协调器Cb注册Durable2PC协议的时候,它的请求直接传送给了协调器Ca。

    It would contain the same activity identifier as Coordinator Ca, but when App2 registers for the Durable2PC protocol to its Coordinator, Cb, its request is forwarded directly to Coordinator Ca.


  • 每个请求重新生成会话标识符

    Regenerating session identifiers with each request.


  • 调用包括安全标识符(sid)、安全(根据请求操作详细信息构造)、特定socket调用,以及可选辅助审计数据

    This call includes the source security identifier (sid), the security class (constructed from the details of the requested operation), the particular socket call, and optional auxiliary audit data.


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