• 引入不可否认签名概念模型说明存在应用

    We introduce the notion and model of undeniable signature and show its applications available.


  • 对于背包问题这样一个经典递归问题,发现了它的支持循环解法,并由此说明存在并行

    For knapsack problem (which is a classical recursion problem), find its round solution which need not stack to support, then prove it exists parallel solutio.


  • 对于背包问题这样一个经典递归问题,发现了它支持循环解法并由此说明存在并行

    For knapsack problem (which is a classical recursion problem), find its round solution which need not stack to support, then prove it exists parallel solution.


  • 不管他们最近压力测试都有什么卓越的优点依然存在缺陷足以说明为什么欧洲银行可能至今仍然在艰难支撑

    Whatever the merits of their recent stress tests, that ongoing flaw explains why Europe's Banks may still battle to finance themselves.


  • 而且不同时间出现不同差异蛋白说明其细胞存在复杂应答的蛋白质网络调控。

    In addition, the appearance of differential displayed proteins responding to different salt shock periods was also demonstrated, illuminating that complex network of regulation exist in cell.


  • 一个角度来看人们之所以灵魂不厌讨论、争辩,也说明我们精神世界里有着不可忽略的存在价值

    From another point of view, the reason why people have taken these problems to discuss shows soul has a value that can not be ignored at our spiritual world.


  • 目前机器翻译存在自有原因,并不说明准确性

    Machine translation exists, there must be the reasons, but this does not prove its accuracy.


  • 也不想夸夸什么只想发生自己身上事例说明成长为什么需要适度压力存在

    What I don't want to talk, just want to use examples to illustrate the growth of the happen to me why need to moderate pressure exists.


  • 最后,针对学者提出部分分布决定性定理(PD定理)”,本文论证了推理过程中存在的问题,说明该定理错误的。

    Lastly, this paper finds a mistake in a theorem named deterministic theorem of the partial distribution (PD theorem) by its author, and explains the reason.


  • 介绍了双星定位系统定位原理说明存在的定位实时性不足

    The position principle of Double star position system is introduced, and its shortcoming that is the bad real time of position is explained.


  • 结果提示,PCR技术检测结核菌DNA具有简便、快速灵敏特点,阳性结果说明测样品中有结核菌的存在,对结核病的确诊有重要辅助意义。

    The result shows that PCR is a simple, sensitive and rapid test for detecting the bacterial DNA and is helpful to the definite diagnosis of tuberculosis.


  • 统计中发现,中药饮片不合格率居高不下,说明中药材市场存在很多问题综合监督工作存在一定的缺陷

    The high-unqualified rate of Herbal Medicine shows that the Herbal Medicine market has many problems, and comprehensive supervision to the Herbal Medicine is still weak.


  • 结果表明存在使断裂激活约降低74%。说明其减弱原子间合力

    The results show that hydrogen reduces the fracture activation energy by 74%, that is, atomic binding force decreases.


  • 针对目前设备采购决策存在问题提出一种单层次灰色决策数学模型实例说明应。

    A single level grey decision making model, which is aimed at some existing problems on present decision of purchasing equipments, is proposed and its applications are shown with examples.


  • 方法主要特征编制预算时从头开始,也就是说要求预算拨款部门说明要求存在的合理性。

    The major characteristic of this method is that it starts budgeting from the beginning. Thus, each department requesting an appropriation has to justify the very existence of the expenditure request.


  • 结果说明两者存在相应周期项;

    The results show that both the rate and the at Eamospheric circulation have analogous periods.


  • 个案分析说明中小饮料经销商存在问题症状指出突围

    By case study, the current problems and symptoms of small and medium scaled beverage dealers are analyzed, and some ways of breakthrough are suggested for them.


  • 特别地我们给出二维退化滞后微分方程周期存在问题在最后举例说明应用。

    Particularly, we give the problem of existence of periodic solution of two-dimensional singular differential equation with delay, and give an example to illustrate the main results of this paper.


  • 试验结果说明:(1振动噪声存在很强因果关系,泵噪声主要振动表面辐射所出

    The experiment results show: (1) There is a very strong causality relationship between vibration and noise of the pump. The noise is mainly radiated from the vibrating surfaces of the pump.


  • 说明脱石改性蒙脱石对AFB_1存在化学吸附,选择性吸附机制可能主要是由于它们边缘羟基AFB_1之间形成氢键

    The main chemical mechanism of the adsorption was the formation of double hydrogen bands between AFB_1 and montmorillonite or modified montmorillonite.


  • 本文分析古代汉语连用数字之间存在多种关系:加数关系、因数关系、并列关系、分母分子关系组合整体所表示的意义进行了说明

    This artide analyzes the various relationships between combined figures in Ancient Chinese: addends, factors, juxtaposed numbers, denominator, and numerator in a fraction, and so on.


  • 算法比较准确地抽取相关网页的内容,同时,本文亦对可能存在不足进行说明

    This algorithm can extract information from related webpage more exactly. In the end, some drawbacks and the further works have also been present in the end.


  • 最后整个系统的设计进行评估指出其存在优点缺点,并就未完善的工作进行说明和以后的改进工作提出展望。

    The right answer information has to be saved in Database at first. Finally, it evaluates the system and points out the advantage and disadvantage.


  • 通过寻找积分因子建立非完整非保守系统守恒律,讨论了存在守恒定律的必要条件举例说明其应用。

    A single character for use in integral invariant of nonholonomic conservation systems is proved and is subject to some conditions.


  • 通过寻找积分因子建立非完整非保守系统守恒律,讨论了存在守恒定律的必要条件举例说明其应用。

    A single character for use in integral invariant of nonholonomic conservation systems is proved and is subject to some conditions.


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进来说说原因吧 确定