• 我们继续演奏之前一定要为吉定音,”坚持

    "We do tune our guitars before we go on," he insisted.


  • 同舞台上演奏乐器的人一样紧张。

    He said he became just as nervous as those playing instruments on stage.


  • 刘诗昆不再演奏钢琴获得多少乐趣

    Liu Shih Kun says he no longer gets much pleasure from playing the piano.


  • 刚开始,很少有音乐会邀请去演出,随后,她应邀瑞典进行系列音乐会演出,著名钢琴演奏Kosti Vehanen玛丽安的音乐会上弹奏钢琴,,她的声音非常有穿透力,仿佛就象是来自地球深处一样。

    Then she was invited to give a series of concerts in Sweden. The musician Kosti Vehanen played the piano at Marian's concerts.


  • “克诺斯四重奏”乐队戴维·哈林顿起初演奏时的感觉像头一小提琴大师雅沙•海飞演奏一样。

    David Harrington of the Kronos Quartet said that the first time he heard her play was like the first time he heard Jascha Heifetz, a master violinist.


  • 欣赏演奏爵士乐,人们可以通过音乐来表达们对生活的态度,而且,爵士乐还能帮助人们树立诚实正直的观念。

    He said that with jazz people can express their lives through music. And that the music helps people to stand up a little straighter.


  • 真正个人主义,接着当年做出的放弃工学学位决定,1990年代早期这样个学位仍然可以确保份工作,但只有做出这个决定,才可以学习演奏继续组建P. K . 14乐队。

    True individualism, he adds, was his decision to quit the engineering degree that back in the early 1990s that still guaranteed him a job, so he could learn to play guitar and go on to form P.K.14.


  • 当地警方一位发言人:“房屋主人没有评价那个窃贼的演奏水平。目前更为关心的房子到底丢没丢东西。”(国际在线独家资讯张咏

    "The owner didn't register whether the playing was any good or not. He was more worried about the state of his house," a police spokesman said.


  • 黛博拉:“演奏音乐时候看起来和正常人一样“,不演奏的时候,失去了自我。””

    "While he was playing music, he seemed normal," says Deborah. "The moment he stopped, he became lost again."


  • 如果我们参加场音乐会,一位中国大师指挥演奏一位中国著名作曲家作品,”,“这个实现了。”

    "If one day we can attend a performance by a Chinese master leading a performance of a work by a famous Chinese composer," he said, "that would be the dream."


  • 最后,当着整个乐队,指挥沮丧:“一个演奏如果不能操纵自己乐器人们就把乐器拿走棍儿,让打鼓!”

    Finally,in front of the orches-tra,the director said in frustration,″When a musician just can't handle his instrumentthey take it awaygive him two sticks and makehim a drummer!″


  • Sonsof Maxwell唱片Carroll个人演奏专辑销量网上一天卖出张”飙升至“几百张”,真是多亏这个网络热门视频。

    Sales of Sons of Maxwell's eight albums and Carroll's solo disc have increased from "one or two a day online to probably hundreds," he says, thanks to the viral smash.


  • Cope教授许多大牌古典演奏经纪人援引业界作品争议拒绝客户演奏程序创作的音乐。

    Prof Cope said that some agents of a number of big-name classical performers refused to let their clients play her music, citing industry controversy over the work.


  • 一半小时我们极地很好演奏,”

    "The first half hour we played terrifically well," he said.


  • 多数习惯听到版本更加轻柔抒情而且斯坦先生,这“毫无疑问”正是柴可夫斯基想要的演奏协奏曲方式

    It is softer and more lyrical than the version many are used to hearing, and Mr Gerstein says that it is "without doubt" how Tchaikovsky intended his concerto to be played.


  • 你们孩子选中并不是因为演奏这种或者那种乐器而是因为们长着长胳膊,或者合适嘴唇身高,适合吹小号或打鼓,”

    "Your kids were chosen not because they want to play this or that instrument, but because they have long arms, or the right lips, or are the right height, say for the trumpet, or the drums," he said.


  • 杀手演奏。那谁而

    You said the killer was performing. Who was he performing for?


  • 弟弟乐队:“一定要找演奏华尔兹波尔卡的乐队。”

    My younger brother promised to get the band. "Make sure they can play waltzes and polkas." I told him.


  • 老师一番话我们极为震惊非洲人胳膊如何所以如何适于演奏特定乐器比如大提琴

    And in a statement that shocked both of us profoundly, Teacher Wang said something about how Africans had long arms and so would be good at particular instruments, such as the cello.


  • 紧张因为第一演奏迪吉里杜说他尝试一次

    He is nervous because he is playing the didgeridoo for the first time but he says he'll have a little go.


  • 着,陶醉演奏中的言泊一个措手不及,接过笑着

    Say, the speech giving is infatuating with in the medium of giving musical performance parks a caught unprepared, he once joined meat to smile.


  • :「我们个都不会演奏乐器。

    Neither of us can play a musical instrument , he said.


  • 我会使幸福,”冲着后脑勺。 “你将会架钢琴笛子,晚上可以一起演奏。”

    'I can make you happy, 'he said to the back of her head 'You shall have a piano, and I'll practise the flute to play with you in the evenings.


  • 这样演奏名声没有记忆中作为创作者形象可能性。

    Allow me to say that renown of the performer does not wipe out of my memory the image and promises of the creator.


  • :“想让每天晚上上台演奏首这种曲子。”

    He said, "I want you to play a couple of Numbers onstage every night."


  • 标价4.99新西兰元(合3.93美元)慈善唱片包括首歌曲演奏演唱版,凯里知道小狗们听到什么样音乐

    The charity CD, priced at NZ$4.99 ($3.93), contained an instrumental and a vocal version of the song, but Kerridge said he did not know what kind of music dogs would hear.


  • 标价4.99新西兰元(合3.93美元)慈善唱片包括首歌曲演奏演唱版,凯里知道小狗们听到什么样音乐

    The charity CD, priced at NZ$4.99 ($3.93), contained an instrumental and a vocal version of the song, but Kerridge said he did not know what kind of music dogs would hear.


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