• 基于误差理论提出校验通道误差大于被试通道误差的五之一。

    Based on error analysis theory, it is deduced that the error of calibrating channel should be no more than one fifth of the tested channel error limitation.


  • 本文讨论误差综合法”评价光合作用测定方法误差优点等问题。

    This paper has been discussed the advantages of the errors due to the evaluation in measuring photosynthesis with the "Integrated method of differential terms analysis".


  • 本文介绍静电陀螺水平平合工作原理对于海洋重力测量进行了较详细误差分杆;

    In this paper, the basic principle of the horizontal platform using ESG is shown, and the errors when the platform was used for the measurement of gravity are discussed in detail.


  • 误差幅度在三个百点左右。

    The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points.


  • 例如我们使用的每年误差不超过1钟的石英水晶钟表手表

    For example, we have Quartz crystal clocks and watches accurate to within one minute a year.


  • 由于金星地球更近,所以视差更大哈雷计算利用金星可以测量出太阳与地球之间的距离误差为五百之一。

    As Venus was closer to the Earth, its parallax angle would be larger, and Halley worked out that by using Venus it would be possible to measure the Suns distance to 1 part in 500.


  • 已经一个较好的因为可以保证优化使用位数统计信息情况下确定过滤因子估计误差最大只有5%。

    This is already a good value because it guarantees that the optimizer, by using the quantile statistics, only has an estimated maximum error of 5% for the determined filter factors.


  • 并不排除一小此种气体被移作他用可能性取走一些经过计算不超过误差范围的气体用于测试隐匿离心机

    But that does not rule out the possibility that a small quantity of the gas, calculated to fall within that error margin, was diverted to test some hidden centrifuges.


  • 根据已有位数统计信息计算出来过滤因子不是很精确即使收集20个误差仍然低于5%。

    The filter factors calculated based on the available quantile statistics are not exact, but the estimate error is below 5%, even when only 20 values are collected.


  • 此次允许误差为3.1个百民意测验显示共和党籍候选人有望明年选举中大有获。

    The survey, with a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points, suggested possible big gains by Republican candidates in next year's elections.


  • 哈里斯互动表示调查结果正负1.2个百采样误差

    Harris Interactive said the results have a sampling error of plus or minus 1.2 percentage points.


  • 这项调查抽样误差正负之二,35%受访者相信飞碟31%人相信巫术

    The survey, which has a sampling error of plus or minus two percent, found that 35 percent of the respondents believed in UFOs and 31 percent in witches.


  • 正负误差幅度为3个百点。

    It had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.


  • 这项调查于7月7日至11日之间开展,共对1288名受访者进行了访问,抽样误差为正负3.5个百点。

    The poll of 1,288 people was conducted July 7-11 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.


  • 这项调查于7月7日至11日之间开展,共对1288名受访者进行了访问,抽样误差为正负3.5个百点。

    The poll of 1, 288 people was conducted July 7-11 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.


  • 第一个调查根据全美人口普查指标,对全国1000个成年人10在线答卷结果综合得到的,具有全国代表性误差在正负3.1%内。

    The results are nationally representative based on the U.S. Census indicators. The survey margin of error is +/- 3.1%.


  • 修正即便仅仅是计算误差或者是一个另外观点事例能够简简单单地增加一点点

    Correcting even one calculation error or adding one other point or example can easily add a few points to your grade.


  • 这个公司激光应用可以使误差范围减少几个通过附近的一个百点,依次增加项目内在收益率。

    The company says the use of lidar can reduce the error margin by several percentage points, which in turn increases a project’s internal rate of return by around one percentage point.


  • 用户可以更高误差换取更快的计算速度不过这个程序已经不到1秒的时间获得小于百之一误差

    The user can opt to trade speed of computation for a higher margin of error, but the app can generally get the error under 1 percent in less than a second.


  • 最重要是,开普勒恒星测量,其误差降低到了几个点之内

    On top of that, Kepler's measurements of the star fell within a margin of error of just a few percent.


  • 针对互联网用户受访者提出的问题,调查结果误差2.7个百点。

    On questions to just Internet users, the margin was 2.7percentage points.


  • 调查结果误差为正负3.2个百点之间。

    The results had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.


  • 该项调查抽样误差正负5个百点之间。

    The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 5 percentage points.


  • 共同社没有提供误差幅度但是规模投票通常5个百点的抽样误差

    Kyodo did not give a margin of error, but a poll of that size would normally have a five percentage point sampling error.


  • 所以两个误差相加-,之一之一,大概0。,由于平方根就变成0。,但这个

    So you would add up the two errors-- a quarter plus half, 7 that's about 0.7-- and because of the square roots, 35% that becomes 0.35%, and that's wrong.


  • 直到不久之前,对质子半径最好测量0.877飞米(千万亿之一尺),误差为在0.007飞米。

    Until recently the best estimate of the proton radius was 0.877 femtometres with an uncertainty of 0.007 fm


  • 17世纪60年代台运行良好摆钟误差只有15,而时期的非摆钟的钟表(采用转轮的钟表)运行一天则有15误差

    Well-run pendulum clocks in the 1660s differed by only about 15 seconds a day. Non-pendulum clocks of the same era (ones that used rotating wheels) varied by about 15 minutes a day.


  • 设备误差概率降低之六。

    The new equipment will reduce the error probability by seven times.


  • 设备误差概率降低之六。

    The new equipment will reduce the error probability by seven times.


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