• 飞行员明智地决定尽快返回弗雷斯诺。

    The pilot wisely decided to return to Fresno post-haste.


  • 飞行员告诉航空站遇到技术问题

    The pilot told the control tower that he'd run into technical trouble.


  • 飞行员禁飞

    The pilot was grounded for 3 days.


  • 斯波坎之行前飞行员空中飞行时间为2小时32分钟

    In the three days prior to the Spokane trip, the pilot logged two hours and 32 minutes.


  • 飞行员飞行时间多少他们多种机型还是飞这一种机型?

    What's the total time of the pilots and do they fly multiple types of aircraft or just one?


  • 法拉最初赛车比赛获胜飞行员父母亲——一对伯爵夫妇建议:法拉利应在车上带来运气跃马

    Racing in the Ferrari after winning the first of the pilot's parents - a couple of Suggestions to the count: Ferrari should also be printed on the car match the Prancing Horse to bring good luck.


  • 只是大片蓝色屏幕模拟器电脑显示器)上降落”,美国航空公司A320飞行员(因未获得公司发言允许,飞行员要求匿名)。

    You’re landing on a big blue screen, ” said one US Airways A320 pilot, referring to the flat-panel computer screens in the simulator.


  • 调查人员飞行员名叫安德鲁约瑟夫•斯塔克(Andrew Joseph Stack),今年53岁,点燃了自己的房子,然后于当地时间上午9:40左右驾驶他的单引擎PiperDakota飞机升空。

    The pilot, 53-year-old Andrew Joseph Stack, also set his house on fire before taking off in his single-engine Piper Dakota around 9:40 a.m. local time, investigators said.


  • 调查人员飞行员名叫安德鲁·约瑟夫·斯塔克(AndrewJoseph Stack),今年53岁,点燃了自己的房子,然后于当地时间上午9:40左右驾驶他的单引擎piperDakota飞机升空。

    The pilot, 53-year-old Andrew Joseph Stack, also set his house on fire before taking off in his single-engine Piper Dakota around 9:40 a. m. local time, investigators said.


  • 想一想下面情节:假如有人熟悉天空天气风险这个人一定飞行员

    Consider the following: If anyone should be familiar with the risks of space weather, it's a pilot.


  • 蓝色航空公司名发言人飞机没有任何已知技术问题飞行员没有发送任何紧急求救信号

    An Airblue spokesman said the plane had no known technical issues and the pilots did not send any emergency signals.


  • 这份最新披露文件同样包括美国空军的一份记载,飞行员要求击落一个在英格兰东部出现的不明飞行物,但是当他可以开火的时候,物体已经杳无踪迹。

    The newly released documents also carry an account by a U.S. Air Force pilot who says he was told to shoot down an unidentified flying craft over eastern England.


  • 就在去年轻量级飞行员试驾了瑞士太阳能动力飞机型飞机白天可以储存太阳能,夜间也能够持续飞行

    Last year a lightweight, piloted Swiss aircraft, solar Impulse, captured enough solar energy during the day to fly throughout the night.


  • Tupo-lev-134客机即将着陆偏离航线,指挥人员命令飞行员再进行盘旋但是飞机撞上输电线

    The Tupo-lev-134 veered off course while coming in to land and controllers ordered the pilot to circle again, but it hit a power line.


  • 飞行员们会学习到他们面临千钧一发的时刻时,他们逃避他们恐惧迎向

    Pilots learn that when they face a life-defining challenge, they should not run from their fear. They should embrace it.


  • 格林中校第333歼击机中队队长巴尔特欧上尉是中队的尾翼武器系统军官飞行员北卡罗来纳州的西摩·约翰逊空军基地服役。

    Colonel Green is the 333rd Fighter Squadron commander and Captain Bartoe is a 333rd FS weapons system officer. Both aircrew members are assigned to Seymour Johnson air Force Base, North Carolina.


  • 计划从未得到过NASA承认现年72职业飞行员Funk依旧痴心不改。

    The program was never recognized by NASA and now, at the age of 72, Funk, a professional pilot, is still waiting.


  • 驱动过渡需20而且如果需要飞行员可以手工曲柄更多的前沿阵地降落(更多垂直机身)的翅膀

    The powered transition took about 20 seconds, and, if needed, the pilot could hand-crank the wings into the more forward position (more perpendicular to the fuselage) for landing.


  • 功能飞行员提供一个综合显示,包括MLS最终近地过程飞行员需要全部信息

    This feature will give the pilot on an integrated display all the information he needs to follow a MLS final approach procedure.


  • 计算尺功能主要用于飞行员手表

    The slide rule function is used primarily in aviator watches.


  • 这里没有飞机飞行员演出阵容

    There was no lineup of pilots for that airplane.


  • 目前要求飞行员参与工作,分别机场到达大厅处理行李事故,航空公司的公务舱休息室负责接待工作

    Two of the jobs the pilots are being asked to cover are "baggage recovery agents" in the arrivals hall and "hospitality agents" in the airline's business class lounges.


  • 理论认为耳朵造成阻力分散能量使得飞行员感觉较少离心作用

    The theory is that the drag caused by the ear diffuses the energy and makes the pilot feel less centrifuged.


  • 飞船战斗计算机得到了反应改进被设计保证克隆人飞行员能跟上绝地长官超常的速度

    The vessel's combat computers saw reaction improvements designed to let the clone pilots keep up with the supernatural speeds of their Jedi leaders.


  • 飞船战斗计算机得到了反应改进被设计保证克隆人飞行员能跟上绝地长官超常的速度

    The vessel's combat computers saw reaction improvements designed to let the clone pilots keep up with the supernatural speeds of their Jedi leaders.


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