• 法官此案中该项法律阐释非常片面

    The judge took a very narrow interpretation of the law in this case.


  • 该项法律今日生效

    The law goes into effect today.


  • 假如接受某些法律一切变为可能不会拒绝接受该项法律

    If accepting some law is a requirement to make that goal possible, I have no issues with accepting that law.


  • 没有强制戴安全带法律汽车死亡事故率该项法律的州高。

    The rate of automobile fatalities in states that do not have mandatory seat belt laws is greater than the rate of fatalities in states that do have such laws.


  • 该项法律烟草制品征收卫生全面禁止任何形式的烟草广告、促销赞助

    The law also introduces a health tax on tobacco products, and a total ban on tobacco advertisements, promotion and sponsorship in any form.


  • Libânio认为,虽然巴西各地拥护该项法律,但只有两个地方对此积极执行

    While all of Brazil’s jurisdictions have embraced the law, only two have zealously enforced it, according to Libânio.


  • 违反该项法律会被处以6个月3不等的监禁还有可能被处以罚款禁止驾驶

    The penalty for infringement is six months to three years imprisonment, although fines and driving bans can also apply.


  • 尽管印度法律规定女孩结婚年龄18岁男孩21岁,但该项法律规定经常被人忽视

    Even though the Indian legal age for marriage is 18 for girls and 21 for boys, the law is often ignored.


  • 该项法律规定所有隐形眼镜属于规范医疗器械需要专业护眼机构开具处方提供正确的调试。

    It rules that all contact lenses are regulated medical devices which require a prescription and proper fitting by an eye-care professional.


  • 指导意见草案声明辅助自杀方面并不可以替代有关法律规定,最近有些企图结束自身生命病人试图使该项法律得到通过

    The draft advice states that it should not be seen as a substitute for the guidance on the law on assisted suicide that patients seeking to end their lives have recently tried to obtain.


  • 拉里·希尔顿(Larry Hilton)是名来自犹他州律师帮助起草该项法律。 拉里并不同意卡洛斯的观点,并且指出金本位可以重振人们对美国货币信心,尤其是当下这一时期,不断上升债务日渐消磨士气。

    Larry Hilton, a Utah attorney who helped draft the law, disagrees and says the gold standard would restore faith in American money at a time when spiraling debt is weakening confidence.


  • 作为世卫组织主持下谈判通过第一个国际条约该项公约国际卫生合作提供一个全新法律层面

    As the first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of WHO, the Convention provides a new legal dimension for international health cooperation.


  • 该项立法变动的始作俑者,国会议员阿尔多·雷贝洛认为此前的法律可能满足农民生存要求,而且几乎没有农民依法行事。

    Congressman Aldo Rebelo, who introduced the measure, said the law makes it impossible for farmers to make a living and almost no one complies with it.


  • 打算把该项裁决扩展其它温室气体排放尝试非常困难,肯定面对诸多法律难题

    Attempts to extend it to other sources of greenhouse gases may prove more difficult and would almost certainly face challenges in court.


  • 目最初关注法律实施公共安全和应急管理正在不断扩展进入其他领域

    Its initial focus was on law enforcement, public safety, and emergency management, but it is continuously being expanded into other domains.


  • 各方理解该项记录并不改变其他税费法律性质

    It is understood that such recording does not change the legal character of "other duties or charges".


  • 我们尽力披露通知紧急的情况下,或者法律法庭颁令禁止发出该项通知,我们无法通知您。

    We may attempt to notify you when we are making such a disclosure, but we may not do so in an emergency or when we are prohibited by law or court order from giving such notice.


  • 律师业该项计划本人提供法律服务代表本人出庭均属免费情况下以上各项条款,均属公平合理

    The above terms are fair and reasonable in the circumstances of the Bar's provision of free legal services and representation to me under the Scheme.


  • Lorek东部城市Dresden社会劳工法律专业律师希望通过该项不寻常业务扩大客户群

    Lorek, a lawyer based in the eastern city of Dresden who specializes in social and labor law, said he hoped to expand his client base by taking on the unusual work.


  • 逆向物流活动的价值贡献决定企业是否开展该项活动的核心因素法律法规其中杠杆调节作用

    Value contribution is the core factor to decide enterprise whether to operate reverse logistics or not. The law just plays a role in lever.


  • 1999年至2005年,一直参与中国建设银行住房抵押贷款证券化项目,全程提供相关的法律服务。

    He has been providing legal advice as in-house counselor for the Pilot Mortgage-backed Securitization project of China Construction Bank from 1999 to 2005.


  • 由于该项业务极具风险性,因此,正确法律咨询服务代理律师避险关键所在

    As you know, merger and acquisition activity carries risk and, the right legal advice and representation is an essential part of managing and reducing risk.


  • 由于该项业务极具风险性,因此,正确法律咨询服务代理律师避险关键所在

    As you know, merger and acquisition activity carries risk and, the right legal advice and representation is an essential part of managing and reducing risk.


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