• 机动性获胜的主要因素。

    The battalion's trafficability was essential in its victory.


  • 福特第一运输队服役。

    Ford was attached to the battalion's first line of transport.


  • 直接机场防守。

    The battalion went directly to the airport to begin digging in.


  • 军史记载,场一边倒的、近乎胡闹的战役

    According to the battalion history, it was a swashbuckling, almost skylarking campaign.


  • 研究包括了太极拳10名青少年以及9参加该营学习太极拳对照组

    The study included 10 adolescents in the tai chi group and 9 control subjects attending the camp but not taught tai chi.


  • 训练科罗拉多州持续

    The camp will last for three days in Red Valley, Colorado.


  • 今年夏天,威尔逊·(Wilson Wong)带领个五年级新生班级参加一个中国文化以及华裔群体为主题的日间夏令夏令在在加利福尼亚州奥克兰市举办

    This summer, Wilson Wong will lead a class of rising fifth-graders at a day camp dedicated to Chinese culture and the Chinese American community in Oakland, California.


  • 女孩夏令想法得到了引领世界的女孩”的支持美国组织给了她们5000美元,她们其他十几岁的女孩举办这个夏令)。

    The girls' camp idea got support from Girls Leading Our World (In the US the organization awarded them $ 5,000 to put on the camp for other teenage girls).


  • 科技活动唯一一点不满在于:评选委员会没有一女性成员,参与活动的61位导师中也只有5女性

    My one complaint about the Teens In Tech program, however, is that none of the selection committee members were women and only 5 of the 61 mentors focused on the program are female.


  • 添加材料、步步直至成形,因此技术有了名称加法制造

    Products are thus built up by progressively adding material, one layer at a time: hence the technology's other name, additive manufacturing.


  • 也许是出版集团地处欧洲中心区最近,旗下画报世界报一季度季报显示,利润历史新高

    Perhaps it will in central Europe. The publisher of Bild and Die Welt recently recorded the most profitable first quarter in its history.


  • 这一训练年前孪生姐妹吉尔·保尔杰米·保尔斯共同创立。目前,训练洛杉矶橘子的几个地方开设有训练课程最近又扩展到了加利福尼亚

    Founded two years ago by identical twins Jill and Jamie Bowers, the program has grown to include classes at various Los Angeles and Orange County locations and most recently in Northern California.


  • 奇摩海湾行为修正中心开办1997年。中心的定位既不是新兵训练不是寄宿学校而是针对1118岁青少年的不当行为修正中心。

    Opened in 1997, Tranquility Bay is not a boot camp or a boarding school but a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'behaviour modification centre \ \ \ \ \ \ \' for 11 - to 18-year-olds.


  • 交易所仅有增长领域之一,2010年收较2009年同期增长22%。

    It's one of the only areas of growth for the company, with revenues up 22% in 2010 over the same period in 2009.


  • 亚马逊(Amazon)周二收盘公布第二季度业绩利润均超出外界预期。尽管净利润下滑,但受整体业绩提振,盘后交易大幅上扬。

    Amazon beat both top and bottom line expectations as it posted second quarter earnings after the bell on Tuesday, sending its stock through the roof despite a drop in net income.


  • 由于山谷俱乐部夏令事先签好合同并且整个暑假每周造访支付了1950美元,所以俱乐部知道这些孩子的到来的时间和人数。

    The Valley Club knew they were coming and how many there were because the camp had signed a contract and paid $1, 950 in advance for weekly visits throughout the summer.


  • 撒利亚一个名叫哥尼流义大利长。

    1at Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion in what was known as the Italian Regiment.


  • 克隆人情报显示格里弗斯逃往尤塔帕后欧比-万带着三个前往星球

    When clone intelligence reports indicated that Grievous had fled to Utapau, Obi-Wan took three battalions to the planet.


  • 如何应付学习重重难关呢?

    How would Jie Yun deal with the obstacles at the study camp?


  • 计算晶圆产品德州仪器2010年全部产出10%,其中超过三分之一DLP剩下的全是模拟设备

    This fab produced about 10% of TI's output as measured by revenue in 2010, of which more than a third was digital light projection (DLP), but the remainder was analog devices.


  • 名球员兼教练首个到达球队训练最后一个离开的人。

    The Lions player-manager is the first to arrive at the club's training ground and the last to leave.


  • 阜平片麻杂岩湾子层状岩系之间发育大规模角度伸展变形沿变形带南片麻岩位。

    A large low angle extension deformation belt, along which NYG was emplaced, was found between FPGC and WZLS.


  • 这些亲善应用可以顾客认为品牌关心他们感兴趣的东西,并因此成为促进增长的强大力量

    These are powerful forces that can lead to increased revenue from consumers who perceive that the brand has their interests in mind.


  • 并将应用于松辽盆地北部升平—汪家屯气藏城组内裂缝封闭性评价中,评价结果符合实际地质条件表明方法用于断裂缝垂向封闭性评价可行的。

    The evaluation results tally with the actual geological conditions, which indicates that it is feasible to evaluate the vertical seal of the fault fissures by use of these methods.


  • 去年一连串沉迷网络青少年训练死亡后问题引起了全国关注

    The issue drew national attention last year following a series of deaths at boot camps for Internet addicted youth.


  • 讨论煤矿未知采空区塌陷区运用多种地球物理方法测量结果得到煤矿采空区及塌陷区的地球物理特征,从而为煤采空区及塌陷区的探查与判断提供参考。

    This paper discussed the measuring results of a few geophysical methods to obtain its geophysical characteristic in the unknown exhausted area and sinking area of Yingcheng coal mine district.


  • 然而我国组织研讨成熟范畴尚未形陈规范概念体系理论框架

    However, China's research for non-profit organizations is not yet ripe, and the field has not yet formed a standardized system of concepts and theoretical framework also.


  • 美国“圆梦加州名校英语冬令著名美国加州大学河畔分校举行活动为枫叶学子打开实现美国名校之的大门。

    Our American "Pursuit of Dream" UCR English program will be held in the well-known University of California Riverside and it will be where the Maple Leafers' dream starts.


  • 企业净额税后纯益全体参与排名企业中所得到之个别指标分数及排名,可以表现出企业的状况规模

    Check a company operational status and scale by tracing its score and overall ranking in the categories of sales and net income.


  • 企业净额税后纯益全体参与排名企业中所得到之个别指标分数及排名,可以表现出企业的状况规模

    Check a company operational status and scale by tracing its score and overall ranking in the categories of sales and net income.


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