• 这么的时候不一一个这里的。

    You shouldn't oughtn't to have come here alone at such a late hour.


  • 俱乐部成员轮流工作一个晚会所有准备工作。

    The members of the club can rotate and one person can do all the preparation for the evening.


  • 总统并且只有总统一个人必须的这些政府改革负责。

    The president and the president alone must account for his government's reforms.


  • 科学证明三个一个人擅长解决问题即使那个领域聪明的

    It's been scientifically proven that three people will be better than one at solving problems, even if that one person is the smartest person in the field.


  • 通过研究一个信息可以知道什么时候带来一杯咖啡

    The drone can know when to bring a cup of coffee by studying a person's personal information.


  • 妮,我一个人解决不了问题。我怎么办?

    Jenny, I can't solve the problems by myself. What should I do?


  • 于70分贝的噪音所产生的结果很明显,所以研究还表明,适量的噪音环境——不太大声而不是完全寂静——实际上可能会提高一个人的创造性思维能力。

    Since the results at 70 decibels were significant, the study also suggests that the right level of background noise—not too loud and not total silence—may actually improve one's creative thinking ability.


  • 微小顺电材料可以感知发出热量,然后利用阵列输出模式构建图像

    An array of tiny pieces of paraelectric material can sense the heat radiated by a person, and the pattern of the array's electrical outputs can then be used to construct an image.


  • 第一句话引出了登山。 第二句话经典句子,没有生来就是好的登山者,一个只有无数伤痛后才能成长起来——句的内在逻辑联系非常

    Nobody is born a good mountain climber, and one can only become a skilled one after countless injuries.


  • 约翰·厄普代克通过笔耕把这些以及更多的事件编进小说里,我们大家都知道一个人解脱我们大家都拥有东西时间

    John Updike chronicled these things and more in his decades of writing, and in this story he lets us in on the one release we all have: time.


  • 机器由两个操作个人乘客走过扫描仪,他全程看不到图像一个人只能埋头检查图像不能抬头看乘客。

    Two officers work the scanner -- one leads the passenger into it, and never sees the images; the other takes and examines the image, but never sees the passenger.


  • 有时觉得份感情结束了;但有时,只是一个的想法,对方并不这么认为。

    Sometimes both people realize the relationship has reached its end; sometimes one person feels this way when the other does not.


  • 自我意识一个区别于周身环境环境中其他的根本东西这种意识也是其它复杂层次知觉存在的基础

    A sense of self is what makes a person distinct from his environment and from other people in it. It is also the thing upon which more complex layers of consciousness appear to rest.


  • 一个无意间将受感染被污染粪便伤口眼睛时便会导致疾病传播

    The disease is transmitted when a person unwittingly rubs the contaminated faeces of infected triatomine bugs into wounds, their eyes or mouth.


  • 如果真是个调情圣手,你就知道如何取悦一个

    If you're a truly great lover, you should know how to please anyone.


  • 遇到这种情况,并不是只有一个人会不知道是还是这个说话如此放肆小家伙办公室

    If you're unsure of whether to laugh or kick the smart mouthed kid out of your office, you're not alone.


  • 表示研究目的为了了解心境如何受到周围的影响。这里的心境是个人大体上情绪状态,是开心愉悦还是闷闷不乐

    He said this study was designed to understand how changes in long-term emotional states - meaning, whether you consider yourself a happy or sad person overall - are affected by the people you know.


  • 研究引起们对另问题思考,就是一个能力是否强迫症有关。

    The study also raises the question of whether there might be a link between the ability to laugh and obsessive-compulsive disorder.


  • 一个都必须排在某后面,特克的哲学。最要紧的是知道排在谁的后面

    Everybody follows somebody, such is the philosophy of Whitaker; and the great thing is to know who follows whom.


  • 如果个人灵光闪现一个人通过关注想法简单实现,从而起平衡作用

    If one mind has a flash of brilliance, the other might balance it by keeping it focused on the simplest implementation of the idea.


  • 因此,怎样衡量一个价值

    So how did you judge what a man is worth?


  • 布兰顿·吉尔(和他同时代)刚入职杂志时发现那里一个好像有点没睡醒

    On joining the magazine, Brendan Gill, a contemporary, noticed that everybody there seemed to be feeling sick.


  • 实体表示数据元素属性组合组合形成一个独特单元或实体(例如一个一个位置)。

    The entity-level represents a compound of data elements or attributes that form a distinctive unit or entity (for example, a person, a location).


  • 睡眠呼吸暂停综合症:一个症状就严重

    Sleep apnea: the more overweight a person is, the greater more severe the sleep apnea will be.


  • 如果一直一个前面,你会发现前面就是呆的位置。

    If you're up front on your own, you realise you're the player who has to be there.


  • 如果一直一个前面,你会发现前面就是呆的位置。

    If you're up front on your own, you realise you're the player who has to be there.


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