• 为了使加的微生物能尽可能停留河里试验河段中部设置管式生物载体

    In order to stay as more microorganism as possible in the river on trial, tube biological carriers were set in the river.


  • 介绍了多沙河流游荡河段整治工程措施试验研究课题系统研制过程

    The development procedure of the muddy water system is introduced in the test study of the braided reach realignment engineering measure odf multi-sand river.


  • 本文分析水槽模型试验结果基础,简要论述了盲肠河段口门掺混区的水流紊动和泥沙扩散特性

    Based on experimental results from a flume, a systematical study on the properties of sediment diffusion in turbulent mixing region at the mouth of cecum reach was made.


  • 解决黄河潼关河段射流清淤工程有关技术问题分析其冲沙效果,利用室内水槽进行了静水、动水条件下射流冲刷试验

    To solve related dredging problems and to analyze the effectiveness of jet flow scouring for the Tongguan stretch of the Yellow River, jet flow scouring experiments were made in laboratory flumes.


  • 通过模型试验研究黄河下游河滩断面河段洪水含沙量及颗粒级沿程变化规律

    With the model test, this paper researches overbank flood sediment concentration and its gradation change rules from Jahe beach to Gao village river section of lower Yellow River.


  • 文章采用多边界潮汐控制数据采集系统成功地模拟了多边界非恒定潮汐流问题,通过试验研究提出塘尾河段整治方案,并给出了预测河段的计算式。

    Based on the movable bed test and study, the regulation scheme for Batangwei reach was set forth and the formula for calculating siltation volume of the reach was derived.


  • 数学模型水槽试验资料长江八卦洲河段物理模型实测试验资料验证。

    The mathematical model was verified by the flume experiments and the physical model of the Baguazhou reach of the Yangtze River.


  • 先后完成黄河花园口至东坝头河段1988年中水丰洪水“92.8”高含沙洪水验证试验结果表明,采用本文提出模型相似律进行模型设计,模型水流运动、泥沙运动及河床演变规律,原型相似。

    The test results of this model for the floods of 1988 and 1992 show that the flow pattern, the sediment movement and the channel deformation all conform very well with the field data of these floods.


  • 通过实体模型试验,对工程修建后所在河段河势防洪影响进行了分析研究,为工程设计提供了科学依据。

    This paper analyses the effect of the project on the river regime and flood control by using of physical model.


  • 本文介绍了汉江中游襄凡河段无粮洲鹅头汊道试验研究成果。

    This paper presents an experimental study of Wuliangzhou goose-head-shaped-braided reaches with fixed and movable bed model for the middle reaches of Haujiang River near Xiangfan City.


  • 根据试验结果,文中提出了河段整治后分流计算经验公式

    In empirical formula is presented for the calculation of the bifurcation discharge ratio with the effect of the river training works taken into consideration.


  • 采用三声学多普勒流速弯道上游顺直河段水流特性进行了系统试验研究,全面分析了水流的三维时均流速及流场和纵向紊动强度。

    The flow characteristics of the straight chanel up the bend were studied by means of the advanced three-dimensional acoustics Doppler current meter.


  • 在铁谢—神河段选择典型部位开展了土体物理力学特性试验同时探讨不同含水率状态下土体力学特性变化规律,滩岸稳定性进行了初步分析

    It also discusses the variation law of mechanics feature of soil mass under different percent moisture content condition and makes initial analysis on the stability of floodplain and embankments.


  • 在铁谢—神河段选择典型部位开展了土体物理力学特性试验同时探讨不同含水率状态下土体力学特性变化规律,滩岸稳定性进行了初步分析

    It also discusses the variation law of mechanics feature of soil mass under different percent moisture content condition and makes initial analysis on the stability of floodplain and embankments.


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