• 适当最后填空

    Fill in the blanks in the last two paragraphs with proper words.


  • 第一下列哪个按字面意思使用

    Which of the following words in the first paragraph is used literally?


  • 在她脑子里可以变成一完整的视频。

    That one word can turn into a full-length video in her head.


  • 我了(LOL)”(很可能坚持存在时间)“海滩燃烧者(beachburner)”(辞典上书架之前已经不再使用)的对比,说明收录其实艰难的工作。

    Between "LOL" (probably around to stay for a while) and "beachburner" (dead before the dictionary hit the shelves) there are tough calls to make about new words.


  • 一句短语乃至不足以形容

    You cannot describe it with one word, phrase, or even paragraph.


  • 着,学院颁奖如下关注已经很长时间

    Listen up, Academy awards: I have been watching you for a long time.


  • 角色传统女人,一个非常传统的中国农村里的女人,恩,非常长的一前缀啊,但是十分的贴切

    T: Yeah, so I'm, my character is a very traditional woman, very traditional Chinese countryside woman. I think it's very very long word. But that's true.


  • 角色传统女人,一个非常传统的中国农村里的女人,恩,非常长的一前缀啊,但是十分的贴切。

    T: Yeah, so I'm, my character is a very traditional woman, very traditional Chinese countryside woman. I think it's very very long word.


  • 的家乡,认为陈述声明虚假的,荒谬的,或是谎言时,这种情境下两个几乎完全可以互换使用

    Where I am from, these words are used almost interchangably in situations where you think a statement or assertion is false, ridiculous, a lie, etc.


  • IT出版物大会中,“治理这个不断地提及已经有时间了,技术范围来讲,这些讨论通常最多算是隔靴搔痒。

    The term "governance" has been regularly appearing in IT publications and conferences for some time, but among technical circles, such discussions are often yawn-provoking at best.


  • 这里有一话,有点像是那种押韵广告,它们总让想起

    Here is kind of a little jingle, a couple of statements, some stuff that reminds me of him.


  • 不幸是,人们试图扭曲敏捷含义这些人中甚至包括一些专家接触敏捷一时间的人群

    Unfortunately, people tend to distort the intended meaning of Agile, and that even includes some of the experts or people who have been involved in the Agile movement for some time.


  • 第四句是第二点:尊敬老人长期以来就是民族传统--中的女孩不仅自私无礼而且不文明、令人憎恶。 句中有平行形容的用法,程度也是渐进的。

    Whats more, respecting the old has long been a national tradition-such a person as the girl depicted in the above picture is not only selfish and impolite but also uncivilized and detestable.


  • 政策实行广义货币增长之间留了一喘息的空闲

    Second, there are likely to be lags between the implementation of the policy and growth in broad money.


  • 也许那些不会像第一那么费劲但是篇文章恐怕花上时间。

    It wouldn't have taken quite the effort of the first time around, but it would have made writing that article a much longer process.


  • 如果“营业员”代替上面的“系统,上面的描述变成了一顾客营业员处预约汽车准备描述。

    If you substitute "customer service representative" for "the system" above, you will have a reasonably accurate description of what happens when a human walks into the rental office to get a vehicle.


  • 无论偏爱那一金黄岁月,有件事确信无疑:批老影迷把过去得夸大其了。

    Whatever your preferred golden age, one thing is certain: they just don't make them like they used to.


  • 伯南克情况可能要求美联储继续维持联邦基金利率时间”时,特意强调了“极低”这个

    But when Mr Bernanke read that conditions "are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period", his voice reached a dramatic crescendo on "exceptionally".


  • 社会媒体最近的一时间也吵的沸沸扬扬于是每个人都了这艘,都去亲身试验下。

    With so much talk about social media these days, everyone is jumping on board and trying it out.


  • 例如如果删除多次匹配查询多次匹配同一功能,则记录中的分数分布发生很大变化

    For example, if you remove the ability of a query word to match more than once, or more than once in the same field, the distribution of the scores within a record will change dramatically.


  • 不过胖子变成中性仍需要时间,同时我们知道大多数这个理解讨厌,一文不值,你还是个人吗!

    But it's going to be a long while before fat is used in that value-neutral sense, and in the meantime we all know exactly what most people mean by it: you are disgusting, worthless, not quite human.


  • 答案就是的一个贡献

    My answer is tied to one special word in the last paragraph, the word contribution.


  • 创意3电视节目里面的句子拼成一封情书。

    Idea 3: Tape a few hours of TV shows. Watch the shows and pick out words that have been said and create a love letter out of them.


  • 虽然都知道hour什么意思,但发明这个年代,人们没有时钟,hour并不完全指时间长度,而像是一当中的某个时间点。

    While you and I know what an hour is, the people who invented the word had no clocks and for them an hour was not so much a length of time as a milestone through the course of the day.


  • 博文一般不能超过五第一应该包括一些关键一边搜索引擎能找到还要包括一些博文有关内容。

    The first paragraph should include key words for good search engine optimization (SEO), and touch on what you will cover in the post


  • 清音wwhere中浊音的w共存时间

    Devoiced and voiced w- in where and so forth coexisted for a long time.


  • 最早学会的一押韵:“学会了字母,何不一同歌舞?”

    The first rhyme she learned was:“Now I know my ABCs, won’t you come and sing with me?”


  • 短篇小说《费恩姐妹》中藏头带来出人意料转折最后每个

    And in his short story "the Vane Sisters," an acrostic reveals an unexpected twist. (Take the first letter of each word in the last paragraph and string them together to find the secret message.)


  • 短篇小说《费恩姐妹》中藏头带来出人意料转折最后每个

    And in his short story "the Vane Sisters," an acrostic reveals an unexpected twist. (Take the first letter of each word in the last paragraph and string them together to find the secret message.)


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