• 为了理解识别问题假设我们考虑咖啡市场解释咖啡价格数量

    To appreciate the problem of identification, suppose we consider the coffee market and try to explain movements in the quantity and price of coffee.


  • 这个图像识别引擎通过筛选来自图片分享网站PicasaPanoramio以及在线旅游指南的4200万图像,自动精确识别独特的地标景点

    The recognition engine automatically pinpointed unique landmarks by sifting through 42 million images from photo-sharing websites Picasa and Panoramio, as well as online travel guides.


  • 图像编码方法,可实现图像中的测量点的识别匹配进一步实现整个测量过程自动化

    Based on the image coding, automatic recognition and matching of measure points are realized and all the procedure of measuring are automatized.


  • 本文提出图形识别方法基于边缘的实数值坐标,利用图形特征数列比例特性进行匹配

    This shape recognition method based on real valued boundary points is employed to match two shapes with the proportional property of the arrays of their feature values.


  • 选用基于差异图像直方图相似性测度来判定图像相似程度,进而达到识别损伤的目的。

    According to similarity estimation of discrepancy image histogram may determine two images' similarity degree, in order to recognize film damage.


  • 图像进行预处理产生了一计算机易于识别理解的图像,实现图像的三维重构。

    After the pretreatment, an image easy to recognize and understand for computer is produced.


  • 每一图像可以认为矩阵,而矩阵奇异具有很多适合图像识别特征

    Any image can be considered as a matrix. Singular values (SV) of the matrix have some important properties adaptable to image recognition.


  • 介绍了采用图像处理模式识别方法半导体芯片的图像进行识别定位

    This paper introduces how to recognize and locate the bonding pad from a silicon chip image with the method of Digital image Processing and Pattern Recognition.


  • 在经过选取大约20地图图像进行测试后,识别结果准确率接近90%左右。

    According to the test result from 20 GIS maps, the accurate rate of the recognition is 90% or so.


  • 按照异常不同相关半径平均可以实现对有效异常识别和提取。

    According to different correlation radii and averaged amplitudes of the corresponding gravimetric and magnetic anomalies, we can detect and separate out useful anomaly.


  • 本文主要贡献如下1提出反射对称作为关键特征步态识别算法

    The main contributions of this thesis are summarized as follows: 1 Proposed a method using amplitude spectrum and reflective symmetry of key frames as gait features to recognize test sequence.


  • 最后利用数据库中的320图像进行实验改进后算法识别达到94.4%。

    Experimental results show that the modified algorithm can achieve recognition rate of 94.4% based on 320 ear images in database.


  • 本文基于全新测试方法气泡当量法”,研制了一种快速识别系统

    In this paper, a testing system for fast predicting graphic shape in front of furnace, based on a new method named "amplitude and frequency equivalent of bubbles", will be introduced in detail.


  • 设计机器视觉测量系统识别图像中是否存在确定大小形状子图像,若有则识别出它的位置。

    This project is designed to set up a system of Machine Vision Detection based on the pattern Recognition and to study questions concerning system modeling.


  • 目前,对于过电压识别主要依靠生产技术人员凭借经验,依据过电压波形时间频率等参数进行分析

    At present, the main way to recognize the over-voltage data are relying on experienced production and technical persons, who analyze it rely on the time, amplitude, frequency of over-voltage waveform.


  • 试验表明,系统可以获得不同缺陷电容器发生局部放电时放电时间分布谱图,直流局部放电的统计分析模式识别判断故障类型介质老化程度打下了良好的基础。

    Through the experiments, the magnitude of PD over time in different capacitors were got, which would be used to recognize the PD patterns and to determine fault types and aging degree.


  • 利用采集的200实际道路图像本文提出算法进行验证,正确识别达81.2%,仿真结果表明本文提出的道路检测算法是可行有效的。

    The algorithm proposed by the paper are used to process 200 actual lane image, thus obtaining right rate close to 81.2%, simulated results show that the algorithm is right and effective.


  • 在三年识别研究治理应用过程中绘制低效无效循环平面分布图6个区块300余张。

    About 300 inefficient and ineffective circling loop's plane maps of 6 blocks were drawn during three-year period of recognizing, administering, and application.


  • 在三年识别研究治理应用过程中绘制低效无效循环平面分布图6个区块300余张。

    About 300 inefficient and ineffective circling loop's plane maps of 6 blocks were drawn during three-year period of recognizing, administering, and application.


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