• CGS12评价时期到期满了

    Your evaluation period for CGS 12 has expired.


  • 我们几乎永远不可能为那段时期经历一切做出评价几乎不可能在完全没有引导情况之下清楚的了解他们影响

    It is almost always impossible to evaluate at the time events which you have already experienced, and to understand their meaning with the guidance of their effects.


  • 研究使用父母老师评价以及控制力控制力的自控倾斜线来衡量童年时期的自控力。

    The study measured childhood self-control using parent and teacher assessments and included a gradient from low self-control to high self-control.


  • 四年时期参与者要求评价改变膳食后对他们影响

    Over a four-year period, participants were asked to rate the effect of their dietary changes.


  • 以前同学评价是个害羞的女孩,少女时期就已出落得亭亭玉立。

    Described by former classmates as shy, she came out of her shell as she blossomed into a young teen.


  • 本文基于时期有关史料,对这次运动表现动因以及对该运动如何评价作一个概要的描述初步的分析

    This paper attempts to analyze the manifestation and the causes of the movement as well as evaluate it based on historical material.


  • 本文分四个章节对抗战时期的“时评”作了一个基本评价概括

    Four chapters are arranged as following to give the fundamental evaluation and description on "PWS".


  • 可乐罐子。将会一个可乐的罐子一样清爽青年时期享受并且评价年轻人

    Drink a can of coke. You will find your youth as refreshing as a can of coke. Enjoy and value you youth.


  • 这种低估增加黏度之间更大差距,并且早期时期经济评价相关

    This underestimation will increase with a larger difference between the cold and hot oil viscosity and is also more relevant to early times (economics).


  • 悲剧演出亚里士多德早已提出悲剧元素之一整个古典时期没有得到应有的认识评价

    Aristotle stated clearly that tragedy performance is one of the tragedy six components long ago. But it didn't receive proper recognition and evaluation in the whole classic period.


  • 网络功效评价网络性能重要指标之一,表示一定时期单位管理成本产生的目标效果

    Network efficiency is a major index for the evaluation of network performance, which reflects the target effect produced by unit management cost within a certain period.


  • 如何评价2010年玛切嘉利财务业绩考虑到最近危机影响坏的时期已经过去

    How do you rate Marcegaglia's 2010 financial results, taking into account the impact of the recent crisis? Would you say that the worst is over?


  • 先秦时期儒家评价自相矛盾徘徊褒扬贬斥的两极之中。

    In Pre-Qin and Han period, on forced admonishment, Confucian evaluation is self- contradictory, and it wanders from absolute compliment to complete denoucement.


  • 本文通过参考前人切利尼手法主义研究分析手法主义前后艺术时期其身上体现,在还原真实历史环境的基础手法主义作出一个恰如其份的评价

    On the base of restoring the historical truth and consulting the research done by our predecessors, this essay aims at giving the Mannerism an apt appraisal.


  • 教师评价制度进一步健全完善时期(1996以后)。

    Period of further strengthening and perfecting the system of teacher evaluation (after 1996).


  • 为了能够结合物候更好地分析乌鲁木齐地区植被季节变化趋势以及不同时期植被生长状况,我们还制作了植被景观专题及其变化评价图。

    For analyzing plant changing trend with season and growing circumstance at different period consulting phenophase, the NDVI variety thematic map and assessment map were charted.


  • 对此我们应该反思所用评价理念尺度是否符合时期发铺,而不应以传统道德规范作基石继承深挖大学生群体的更多不道德行为

    Therefore, we should rethink whether moral evaluation idea and criteria are out-of-date or not, rather than continue to find out more unethical behaviors by traditional moral standards.


  • 第七时期济南市政建设进行综合评价肯定积极作用,分析其不足。

    Chapter VII for the period of a comprehensive evaluation of Jinan municipal construction, affirm its positive role of its shortcomings.


  • 本文通过论述时期农业政策评价西部地位作用

    This paper attempts to illustrate the status and importance of the agricultural policy by analyzing the agricultural policy in this period.


  • 技术时期人们技术总体评价这种评价可以归结为对技术活动有效性合理性相互契合关系不同看法。

    The view of technology is the evaluation about technology in some period, and this evaluation can induce the different matching relationship between usefulness and rationality.


  • 轰轰烈烈时期语文教改告一段落,如何评价功过是非是一个重要的学术问题。

    The vigorous and energetic Chinese teaching reform in the new period has come to the end of a stage.


  • 目的通过比较不同时期手术治疗糖尿病视网膜病变玻璃体积血术后视力效果探讨手术治疗时机对治疗效果进行评价

    Objective: To explore the opportunity of surgery and evaluate the effect of treatment by comparing visual acuity results of different stages of surgical treatment in diabetic vitreous hemorrhage.


  • 其次本文建立了房地产泡沫评价指标体系房地产泡沫测度模型,对我国房地产市场2000年2008年时期是否存在泡沫进行实证分析

    Secondly, the paper establishes evaluation index system and measure model of real estate bubbles, in order to found whether there is an empirical analysis of the bubble from 2000 to 2008 in China.


  • 深层天然气今后一个时期油气勘探重要领域,录井水层识别评价技术是气水层识别评价主要手段之一

    Deep gas is an important object of exploration. Logging gas and water formation identification and evaluation technique is one of the main methods for gas and water formation identification.


  • 认为马克思早期异化进行的道德评价,”成熟时期对异化进行的是“历史评价,”这种说法有失偏颇

    The view that in relation to alienation a morality evaluation applies to a young Marx and a history evaluation applies to a mature Marx remains contestable.


  • 作者从三个部分对非常时期道德进行了论述主要突出特殊历史时期国民的道德表现道德评价标准的确定性。

    Consisting of three parts, this thesis dissertated the special moral in special period and focused on citizens moral representation and the certainty of ethical criterion.


  • 中国时期意识流小说为数不少国度得到译介,受到不同程度评价

    The Chinese New Period's stream of consciousness novel not only has been introduced in many foreign countries but also has been reviewed in different degrees.


  • 提示采用生化测定胶原同种软骨移植不同时期含量变化评价异体软骨移植后结构弹性变化

    The study suggests that the changes in cartilage collagen content may help us to assess the cartilage structure and the elasticity after a cartilage allotransplantation.


  • 提示采用生化测定胶原同种软骨移植不同时期含量变化评价异体软骨移植后结构弹性变化

    The study suggests that the changes in cartilage collagen content may help us to assess the cartilage structure and the elasticity after a cartilage allotransplantation.


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