• ETN证券债券指数制定者银行发行,可以市场上进行交易ETV和类似发行者特殊目的机构。

    An ETN is a debt security issued by an index provider or a bank and traded on the market; an ETV is similar, but the debt issuer is a special-purpose vehicle.


  • 如果一支股票(或者其他证券债券),可以从别处融券(股票),同意未来某个指定日期某个指定价格卖给某人。

    If it is a stock (or other security, including a bond), you can borrow it and agree to sell the stock to someone at some specified date in the future at a specified price.


  • 假如持有封闭式基金,这种基金证券交易所作为一种债券进行交易但是实际上它们持有其他债券

    You have closed end funds, trade as a security listed on the stock exchange, but what they do is own other securities.


  • 所以现在知道两个基本证券拥有权借款就是常说的股票债券

    So, you now know about the two basic securities: equity and debt, better known as stocks and bonds.


  • 作为欧盟单一金融服务市场计划一个重要因素这项指令囊括包括股票债券衍生工具在内证券批发零售交易

    An important element of the EU's plan for a single market in financial services, the directive embraces both wholesale and retail trading in securities, including shares, bonds and derivatives.


  • 这些证券可能包括股票债券共同基金衍生工具如期期货

    These securities may include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or derivatives such as options and futures.


  • 证券目的实现美国国债债券每日价格波动反向两倍波幅。

    Both these securities are designed to move at twice the inverse of the daily price movement in Treasury notes and bonds.


  • 颁布IS IN的证券包括债券商业票据、股票凭单

    Securities for which ISINs are issued include bonds, commercial paper, equities and warrants.


  • 见涨债券收益对于证券市场暗示什么呢?

    WHAT are the implications of rising bond yields for equity markets?


  • 分析了债券证券信用市场后,摩根·斯坦利任永力最近认为,经济衰退威胁的可能性一个的19%下降到只有13%。

    After analysing bond, equity and credit markets, Stephen Jen of Morgan Stanley recently argued that the risk of recession was only 13%, down from 19% a month before.


  • 债券基础指南将会关于此类证券更多知识。

    The Bond Basics tutorial will give you more insight into these securities.


  • 这其中包括了对最佳执行规定实行的担忧。最佳执行规定针对象在场外交易公司债券或者特别设计衍生工具证券不是股票

    These include worries over the application of best-execution rules to securities other than shares, such as corporate bonds or specialised derivatives, that are traded off-exchange.


  • 问题不仅仅证券市场上,本周联邦通过大幅度降息挽救债券保险业行动支撑证券市场。

    The problem is not so much in the stockmarket, which was buoyed this week by a drastic interest-rate cut by the Fed and a move to rescue bond insurers.


  • 也就是说,穆迪债务担保证券、一种公司债券一种主权债券评为AA级,意味着穆迪认为债券的信用程度相同的。

    So when Moody's says a collateralized debt obligation, a corporate bond and a sovereign issue are all rated AA, the implication is that the three types of bonds are equally healthy.


  • ABX指数衡量是那些互换对象高风险抵押贷款证券紧密相联的债券的金融互换,今年个月跌去了超过四分之一。 (译者注:句子翻译的哦。。。

    The ABX index, whichrepresents a basket of credit swaps on bonds tied to high-risk mortgages, fellmore than a quarter in the first three months of the year.


  • 虽然国债看上去不错,债券市场其他品种更有吸引力,它们包括市政债券公司债券,可转换证券一些抵押贷款证券优先股

    While Treasuries look rich, other parts of the bond market beckon, including municipals, corporate bonds, convertible securities, some mortgage securities and preferred stock.


  • CDO次级抵押贷款债券、商业抵押贷款证券其他资产作为担保。

    These securities are collateralized debt obligations backed by subprime-mortgage bonds, commercial-mortgage loans and other assets.


  • 证券无记名形式例如股票债券国库券

    securities in bearer form (for example, stocks, bonds, debentures, treasury bills) or


  • 直到Dinallo先生开始行动,为大约24亿美元债券担保“单一证券保险公司的越来越可怕的降级和破产,预示更糟

    The looming downgrades-and possible bankruptcies-of the “monoline” insurers of some $2.4 trillion of bonds boded worse until Mr Dinallo moved.


  • 最近企业市政债券价格有所反弹去年12月美林证券公司的垃圾债券指数上涨超过6 %,是1991年以来强烈的月度上涨

    Lately corporate and municipal bonds have rallied, with Merrill Lynch's junk-bond index gaining more than 6% in December, the strongest monthly increase since 1991.


  • 痛失41岁的丈夫詹姆斯·拉德利(JamesLadley),当时是托·菲茨杰拉德证券交易公司的一名债券经纪人。 她说,"情感如涨潮,潮水会把你吞掉。

    The cascade ofemotions, though, persists for Sheri Ladley-Calamusa, who lost her husband, James Ladley, 41, a bond broker at Cantor Fitzgerald.


  • 财政部今天国际美国证券、纱票债券长期持有量四月份上升速度减慢。

    International holdings of long-term U.S. equities, notes and bonds rose at a slower pace in April, the Treasury said today, with total net purchases climbing a net $11.2 billion.


  • 尽管如此,关于那些债券可能发行或者发行证券更加昂贵的言论看起来有些愚蠢的。

    Still, claims that the bonds will be impossible to sell or more expensive to issue than equity look silly.


  • 尽管2008年最后个季度坏消息不断,但从资本债券证券市场数据来看,2009年年底时经济已出现良好复苏

    Whereas the last three months of 2008 saw one disaster after another, the end of 2009 was a period of healthy recovery, as measured by capital, bond and stockmarkets.


  • 随着最近股票证券固定收入债券市场的大动荡金融业陷入沉思接下来会发生什么变化

    And with the recent upheavals in equity and fixed income markets, the financial industry is left to ponder: What change is next?


  • 随着最近股票证券固定收入债券市场的大动荡金融业陷入沉思接下来会发生什么变化

    And with the recent upheavals in equity and fixed income markets, the financial industry is left to ponder: What change is next?


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