• 许多顶级公司甚至不会考虑那些没有高等二级学位证书的人申请

    Many top firms will not even look at applications from those who lack a 2.1, i.e., an upper-second class degree.


  • 证书不会改变世界我们留给拥有证书的去改变。

    A certificate will never change the world, We leave that to the people who have them.


  • 取得婚姻登记管理员证书的人员,不得承办婚姻登记。

    Those who have not obtained a marriage registration clerk's certificate shall not be allowed to conduct marriage registration.


  • 只有信任发出证书组织时,才可以信任此证书

    You should trust a certificate only if you trust the person or organization that issued it.


  • 取得职业资格证书员,一律不得从事房地产经纪活动

    Without obtaining the professional qualification certificate, the activities are not allowed to engage in real estate brokerage!


  • 遇到过许多持有四个学位证书的他们最后从事一个行业的工作;

    I've also met people with more than four undergraduate degrees, who end up practicing just one profession;


  • 如果身体状况方面疑问经常寻求体能师其他健康资格证书的人帮助。

    Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


  • 如果签署股票证书(摹印签署)在证书发行不再担任原职,证书仍然有效

    If the person who signed (either manually or in facsimile) a share certificate no longer holds office when the certificate is issued, the certificate is nevertheless valid.


  • 这种发展感到遗憾但是基础学士教育现在必须迎合那些真正需要一纸学位证书找到份体面工作

    I personally regret this development, but the basic bachelor's education now has to cater to people who really need a piece of paper to find a decent job.


  • 许多顶级公司甚至不会那些没有2.1学位(名牌大学高等二级学位证书)的申请

    Many top firms will not even look at applications from those who lack a 2.1, i.e., an upper-second class degree, from an elite university.


  • 机构从事经纪业务的员,须按照国家有关规定取得资格证书

    Brokers of these institutions must have qualification certificates as required by relevant State regulations.


  • 没有列入证书撤销列表(certificate revocation list,CRL)中。这样可以确保为那些过去订阅者(换话说,就是那些过去的某个时间段中是客户现在已不再是客户的)提供服务

    It is not listed in a certificate revocation list (CRL), which ensures that past subscribers (in other words, those that are no longer customers but were at some time in the past) are denied service.


  • 证书那些试图进行通信证明身份

    A certificate verifies your identity to whoever is attempting to communicate with you.


  • 相信—高挂墙上证书不能证明一个高尚

    I believe - credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.


  • 那么用来签名密钥有可能CA内部工作员窃取他们随后就可以使用任何名字来创建任意证书

    Then it becomes possible for the signing key to be stolen by someone within the CA's work sphere who could then create arbitrary certificates with almost anyone's name.


  • 同样网络无线安全技能以及那些具有认证信息系统安全专业证书的也备受青睐

    There's also strong interest in people with network and wireless security skills, as well as those with Certified Information Systems security Professional accreditation.


  • 一旦ca证书落到不正当手中外部可以创建证书伪装公司一个合法成员

    And if the ca certificate (s) fall into the wrong hands, outsiders can create certificates that can impersonate a valid member of your organization.


  • 一个证书声明无效时CA不可能将其通知所有拥有证书拷贝

    When a certificate is declared invalid, it is impractical for a ca to notify every person who may have a copy of that certificate.


  • KIPP所强调自律自控理念学校的小范围内进行了试点其中只有三分之一获得毕业证书

    KIPP's focus on discipline and self-control has gotten its poor minority students college scholarships, but only a third of them have graduated with a college degree.


  • 通过询问特定证书级别需要了解哪些重要主题来完成

    This is done by asking what the important topics are that a person at a particular certification level needs to know.


  • 也许听到很多IT老手诉苦抱怨那些凭证证书进入公司没有工作能力的

    You'll hear a lot of veteran IT pros whine about techies who were hired based on certifications but who don't have the experience to effectively do the job.


  • 颁奖仪式上领到证书证明这一点——我正式成为第260位记录在册徒步穿越美国。(而大约有1 500登顶珠峰。)

    At the awards ceremony, the certificate I received confirmed it - I had officially made the 260th recorded foot crossing of the USA (about 1, 500 people have climbed Everest).


  • 由于那些寻求高端认证必须通过参加会议活动的形式获得证书,因此,预计ICAgile项目年度大会很可能产生相当可观需求

    The ICAgile program appears to generate considerable demand for the contemplated annual conference by requiring those seeking higher-level credentials to attend the conference event to get certified.


  • reCareered顾问公司Rosenberg表示,这些职位里面收入最高那些行业证书拥有很深技术管理经验

    The highest paid individuals in these specializations are those who have earned industry certifications and possess in-depth technical and managerial experience, according to reCareered's Rosenberg.


  • reCareered顾问公司Rosenberg表示,这些职位里面收入最高那些行业证书拥有很深技术管理经验

    The highest paid individuals in these specializations are those who have earned industry certifications and possess in-depth technical and managerial experience, according to reCareered's Rosenberg.


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