• 你所见微软网站如果导航用户他们的移动电话其他项目简单方法就是设置一个混乱非标准(智能设计)的广告系统贯穿整个网站。

    If Microsoft wants to direct traffic to their mobile phones and other projects, the easy way out is to setup a cluttered, non-standard (design wise) AD system that rolls across their entire site.


  • 解决事,最简单办法莫过于坦白从宽,老老实实地顾客们交代说:,咱这硬件设计上出了些小岔子不过您放心,受影响只是小部分用户

    The simple solution to the problem was to fess up that yes, there's a slight problem with the hardware design of the phone, but it only affects a few people.


  • 开始设计一个简单图形这样,您需利用NewUMLProject向导(1)新的UML工程中创建模型

    Start by designing a simple graphics library: To do this, create an empty model in a new UML project by using by the new UML project wizard (Figure 1).


  • zookeeper设计目标就是提供简单编程接口。所以,仅仅提供如下操作

    One of the design goals of ZooKeeper is provide a very simple programming interface. As a result, it supports only these operations.


  • 修补错误使得代码容易被打断即使简单读取器、设置器equals方法都会变得庞大,这样个事实建议我们采取一种更好设计方法。

    The fact that the code broke so easily, and that even simple getters, setters, and the equals method were all so bloated, suggests that there is a better design.


  • 处理这个问题简单方法设计数据库避免冲突性更新

    The easiest way to handle this problem is to design the database to avoid conflicting updates.


  • 网页设计意味着设计人们对网页的使用方式而不仅仅我们想象的那么简单

    Designing for the web means designing sympathetically with the way people actually use the web, not how we think they should.


  • 设计直观的、内容内容间关系一目了然的流程图提供一种简单易于控制设计方式

    To design a flow that’s intuitive, understanding the relationship of content to other content provides a way to design simple and usable controls.


  • 设计直观内容内容间关系一目了然的流程图提供一种简单易于控制设计方式

    To design a flow that's intuitive, understanding the relationship of content to other content provides a way to design simple and usable controls.


  • 这个路线图可以简单可以很详细突出可能影响重新设计时间安排的主事件活动

    It can be simple or elaborate; the point is to highlight key events and activities that might impact any redesign timeline.


  • 这种设计更改确实方便因为如果编译另一个程序而不是sed可以简单创建个新的.ebuild文件,然后将其作为自变量传递给“ ebuild ”脚本

    This design change is really handy, because if we want to compile another program instead of sed, we can simply create a new.ebuild file and pass it as an argument to our "ebuild" script.


  • Ninject设计降低入门门槛也就是说框架足够简单,使得任何人都可以参与无须理解高级特性

    Ninject was designed to have a "low barrier to entry", meaning the framework is easy enough for anyone to participate in, without requiring an understanding of its advanced features.


  • Diego NayaLazoOSworkflow设计之初就考虑到了单元测试因此测试业务过程相对来说还是简单的。

    Diego Naya Lazo: OSworkflow is designed with unit testing in mind, so is relatively easy to test your business process.


  • 从头开始设计任何产品时,不管是Web应用程序还是简单的纸质盘子一点是考虑使用这个产品。

    When designing any product from the ground up, be it a Web application or a paper plate, the most important thing to consider is who will be using it.


  • 非常简单来说能力设计语言只是使用它。

    In very simple terms, it's the ability to craft the language, not just use it.


  • 通常来说设计软件时,将所有技术装置都暴露在外面隐藏简单得多。

    It is usually easier to design software that exposes all the technology plumbing than to design one that hides it-the latter requires an excellent understanding of your target users and their goals.


  • 分析链轮结构特点设计制造了一结构简单使用方便的铣削工装,保证了加工精度,达到了设计

    The structure character of chain nest is analyzed A set of easy structure and easy usage milling tool are designed and made.


  • 总之设计上看似简单卡片在这里每个细节好,字体大小是否适中符合完美黄金比例线条

    In short, the design of the card in the room seemingly simple card, but here must line up every detail, the font size is moderate, the proportion of gold to meet the perfect line.


  • 看起来明显简单东西可能实际上设计数据收集更难部分之一

    What may appear to be obvious and simple may in fact be one of the more difficult sections of the data collection form to design.


  • 交通灯控制系统通常实现自动控制手动控制红绿灯的变化,基于FPGA设计交通灯控制系统电路简单可靠性好

    The traffic light control system usually must realize the automatic control and the hand control. The traffic light control system based on FPGA is simple and reliable.


  • 孩子空间空间概念的话,可以设计一些简单游戏让孩子参与

    To teach the concept of space, you can design some activities to be participated by her.


  • 设计这个课题不是简单考察英文细节,而是涉及当代中国本身社会文化限定。

    I said that the way in which I envisaged this English-in-China project didn't simply deal with the minutiae of teaching and learning the language.


  • 设计这个课题不是简单考察英文细节,而是涉及当代中国本身社会文化限定。

    I said that the way in which I envisaged this English-in-China project didn't simply deal with the minutiae of teaching and learning the language.


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