• 然而执行网站设计感觉有点脱节

    However, the execution of this site's design feels a little disjointed.


  • 意大利设计感觉激发设计大胆永恒的邀请的。

    Italian design sensibilities inspire a design that is bolder, timeless and inviting.


  • 大多数开发人员都已经非常好的设计感觉因此不会大量时间来定义

    Most developers already have a pretty good sense of design, so I won't spend as much time defining it.


  • 这个设计感觉上与时尚现代相比更具古典气息,但是所具有功能它归为了现代主义这一类

    The design itself feels more classic than contemporary, but the functionality of the design gives it a modern classification.


  • 设计感觉只有犯过很多错误以后才会找到那时你就会知道什么不该做,怎样做才会进步

    Design sense you can only get after you make many mistakes and youlearn what not to do and what way to progress.


  • 善于沟通待人友善,有良好设计感觉团队合作精神希望今后工作中能更好的和发挥自己的能力

    Be good at communication, others friendly and a good design sense and team spirit, I hope in the future work better and play to their capabilities.


  • 我们可以尝试教授“设计感觉”,至少我们可以通过大量案例教会人们如何鉴别一个设计的好坏,就像这样:代码很棒……

    Maybe we can teach design sense or at least, design appreciation by bombarding people with examples.. here's a good snippet of code..


  • 真的无法了解,所谓的”设计感觉“,究竟开发者与生俱来的,还是在不断总结经验的过程中获得的。不过我想, ”设计感觉“多少和个人特质有点关系。

    I really don’t know whether it is learned through intense experience or fostered by innate ability but there definitely is something to it.


  • 多米拉。范思哲好像一直等待这个时刻可以将兄长乔万尼[百度注:已故前任范思哲设计师]在上时间80年代的锋利轮廓,金属网面的设计感觉延续21世纪数字时代

    It was as though Donatella Versace had been waiting for this moment to project her late brother Gianni's heritage from the hard-edged, metal mesh of the 1980s into the 21st-century digital age.


  • 没有认真研究过WordPress几乎肯定地说,如果的话,完全可以Daring Fireball 的后台程序MovableType 改为 WordPress,整个设计感觉一点不会

    I’ve never seriously investigated WordPress, but I’m nearly certain that if I wanted to, I could switch Daring Fireball from Movable Type to WordPress without changing the design at all.


  • 哈勃的设计提前完成后重重地自己的凳子上,感觉非常满意,自以为一个实干家

    With his design completed in advance, Harper took his seat heavily, feeling pleased that he was a man of action.


  • 尽管它们续航表现出色甚至内部设计得到改观,但今天紧凑型汽车根本不能提供传统汽车驾驶者渴望感觉

    Their excellent gas mileage and even their improved interior design notwithstanding, today's compact cars simply fail to provide the feel a traditional motorist yearns for.


  • 一开始打算每张CD设计不同声音。然而,我确实能感觉目前什么

    I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each CD. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.


  • 超大手表袖口手镯最佳选择以男装为灵感设计鞋子展现出一种别样的感觉

    Oversize watches are a great alternative to a cuff or bangle, and menswear-inspired shoes offer a quirky touch.


  • 一方面,我们得知设计出来的任务肯德尔一家的任务完全相似,但这些非洲男性来说容易得多时,(这种感觉就减弱了。

    But it lessens, on the other hand, when we learn that a task was devised which was strictly analogous to the Kendlers' one but much easier for me African males to handle.


  • 我们费多大力气收集了一些非常有价值反馈同时使用户感觉他们设计过程一部分

    Without a whole lot of effort we gathered some very valuable feedback, while making the user feel they were part of the design process.


  • 而且设计带给人一种平静感觉正是巴斯克官员们急需要向世界传递的。

    And it had to project a sense of peace, an image the Basque authorities badly needed to send to the world.


  • 怎么样使我们这种活跃冷静静寂感觉运用在禅宗艺术设计呢?

    How might we bring a feeling of "active calm" and stillness to ephemeral designs outside the Zen arts?


  • 应该更倾向成员能够在长期保持在一起的团队设计能让团队的感觉联系保持长久

    Favor a design that allows team membership to persist over a longer period to let that team feeling and bonding persist.


  • 如果任何人告诉设计感觉不对”,或者就是觉得不好”,也许你就应该别人寻求意见了。

    If anyone ever tells you that your design doesn't "feel right," or that they "just don't like it," you might want to look elsewhere for input.


  • 电影制作人剧本、情节串连板、背景设置以及服装设计感觉也是如此。

    Movie producers feel the same way about scripts, storyboards, set mockups, and costume designs.


  • 全部数字化。”设计谈到这些霓虹感觉图案像是衬衫上散落的扎染

    All digital, ” said the designer about his neon patterns, like tie-dye leaking over shirts.


  • 有人认为机器人设计取决于人们如何工作场感觉它。

    Others argue that the design of a robot determines how it will be perceived in the workplace.


  • 大多水平方向的变色如果采用垂直设计给人独特耀眼感觉

    This is most often done horizontally but can feel more unique and eye-catching if done vertically.


  • 资助了“蚊虫手电筒”的开发,它设计用来毁掉虫子像眼睛一样感觉系统。

    He has a grant to develop a "mosquito flashlight" designed to knock out the bugs' eye-like sensors.


  • 设计人们感觉自由参与网站,即能通过系统本身人们彼此自由加入的设计挑战,正等待设计师来实现。

    Hefty design challenges await the makers of websites where people feel free to engage; both with the system itself and with each other.


  • 设计人们感觉自由参与网站,即能通过系统本身人们彼此自由加入的设计挑战,正等待设计师来实现。

    Hefty design challenges await the makers of websites where people feel free to engage; both with the system itself and with each other.


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