• 他们设计一个地表以下1000英尺抽水系统

    They have designed a system which pumps up water from nearly 1,000 feet below ground.


  • 其他的井设计更加精巧长长的台阶延伸好几层然后到达水源

    Others are more elaborate, with long stepped passages leading to the water via several storeys.


  • 大门座巨大雕塑矗立精心设计花园里体现学校核心价值

    At the gates, four giant sculptures stand within a designed garden representing the core values of the school.


  • 风暴流离失所音乐家设计新的人类家园计划

    This was a new Habitat for Humanity project designed for musicians who were displaced after the storm.


  • 位于阿皮亚动物产品卫生新近设计卫星中心现已投入运营

    A newly designed satellite centre is operational on the premises of the Animal Production and Health Division (APHD) in Apia.


  • 他们知道某件事情一次,另他们设计更简单并且他们的工作可维护

    They know that doing something once, in a single place, makes their designs simpler and their work much more maintainable.


  • 世界卫生日活动设计口号可以右边的链接上找到,可以世界卫生组织总部2005年世界卫生日协调员获得

    The World Health Day campaign design and slogan are available at the link to the right, and may also be obtained from the World Health Day 2005 Coordinator at WHO Headquarters.


  • 设计恶意软件的家伙持有该号码每月收取服务费时用户收取费用

    The individuals that designed the malware own the numbers and collect the fees from users resulting in a nice payday.


  • 利用启发鹿角牢固在骨头方式仿生设计,植体固定直接穿入皮毛,向外延整块皮肤

    From there they protrude directly through the skin and fur, using a biomimicking design inspired by the way that deer's antlers anchor to bone and then extend out through the skin.


  • 任何设计问题即便发现可能仅限于型号引擎,不会拓展开来,迄今为止20飞机使用此引擎。

    Any design problem, if one is found, is also likely to be specific to this particular engine model, which is still relatively new and is in use on only 20 aircraft so far.


  • 日本的宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)正在实验这一想法。该机构利用特制高温,采用户田拓夫飞机设计,在一7马赫风洞进行测试。

    The Japanese space agency, JAXA, is actually testing the idea, using special heat-resistant paper, another of Toda's plane designs, and a Mach 7 wind tunnel.


  • 即使领口商标丢失衣服上的缝合印有其他商标以及设计名称

    Even if the label is missing from the neckline, the garment may have other labels or names of the designer printed onto the fabric near the seams.


  • 大猩猩卢旺达返回依赖于森科维科中心落成,这个中心是NdezeNdakasi特别设计的保护区,它坐落于维龙加公园一个茂密丛林

    The return of the gorillas from Rwanda depends on the completion of the Senkwekwe Centre, a specially designed sanctuary for Ndeze and Ndakasi in a lush forest habitat in Virunga park.


  • Kemper燃煤气化奠基,该厂设计将燃煤所产生煤气收集储存起来最终出售给客户。

    He had come to Kemper County to break ground for a coal-fired gasification plant designed to capture, store and eventually sell most of its emissions.


  • 即使只有一点点优势可以赢得战斗因此设计出了各种各样武器使得战士们可以看清拐角并且在保垒保护射击

    Even the slightest advantage can win battles, so various weapons were designed to allow soldiers to see around corners, and fire around them behind the protection of a concrete wall.


  • 观察每一地方发现许多不同领域人们发挥它们的设计天赋即使是在饮食业。

    Everywhere you look, you can find people in many different fields using their design talents, even in the food industry.


  • 不管是商业化训练设计墙上日历还是网站空白都会让你斗志昂扬。

    Whether you use a commercially designed training log, a wall calendar, or an Internet site, filling in the blank Spaces can be highly motivating.


  • 威尼斯建筑物紧罗密布;太阳很少光顾这里穷街陋巷只有狭小偏僻的运河才能看到各个宫殿设计精巧入口

    This is a city where the buildings are jammed together; the back alleys offer little natural light; and the elaborate entrances to palaces are visible only from small back canals.


  • 同样区域另一犹太人定居点要求28户巴勒斯坦家庭搬离,而他们许多已经这儿生活50多年

    Another Jewish building project in the same district requires the eviction of 28 Palestinian families, many of whom have been living there for more than 50 years.


  • 罗瑟斯塔研究所研究人员重新设计蜘蛛运动模式强韧用来活动阻挡猎物的牵引具有弹性柔韧性

    Researchers at Rothamsted Research redesigned the model to allow for elasticity and flexibility in the spider's dragline, its most sturdy line of silk used for moving about and snagging prey.


  • 作为一个设计难以置信的是拥有遍布世界数十同事那些地方非常容易在那里进行工作

    As a designer, it's incredible to have coworkers based in dozens of places around the world, and to easily travel to and base research out of our offices there.


  • 作为一个设计难以置信的是拥有遍布世界数十同事那些地方非常容易,在那里进行工作

    As a designer it's incredible to have coworkers based in dozens of places around the world and to easily travel to and base research out of our offices there.


  • 西尔万也是上周规划委员会通过大规模具争议中的一

    Silwan is also the site of a large and controversial building plan adopted last week by the municipality's planning committee.


  • 设计目的欧洲的硬派建筑丛林临时绿色补丁,创造居民可以外出休闲的空间,他们可以在那里扔飞盘或者顿野餐

    The designers’ aim is to create a temporary patch of green in Europe’s concrete jungles, giving city dwellers a place to hang out, play Frisbee or have a picnic.


  • 配置项目可能配置板拖拉设计区域创建一个项目

    Items on the palette may be dragged from the palette and dropped onto the design area to create a new item.


  • 震耳欲聋机器声开敞传来,设计巧妙的传送带旋转器将腰果大小分类他们输送麻袋。

    A deafening rattle comes from the machine by the open door, a green contraption of conveyors and rotating metal drums that sorts cashews by size and drops them into sacks.


  • 如果独特隐蔽时尚家庭影院超级粉丝,那么,创造性建筑资源(CBR)设计家庭影院售票的门将两者完美地结合在一起

    If you are big fan of unique hidden doors and cool home theaters, the home theater Ticket Booth door from Creative Building Resources (CBR) combines the best of both worlds.


  • 泳池的特殊设计水体看起来如同延伸视野边际,但实际上,泳池边缘设计成在水平面之下的几厘米,溢出的会流到下方的一个集水池中,再被泵回泳池内。

    Infinity pools are designed to make it seem as though the water extends to the horizon. In reality, the edge of the pool is usually about an inch below the water level.


  • 泳池的特殊设计水体看起来如同延伸视野边际,但实际上,泳池边缘设计成在水平面之下的几厘米,溢出的会流到下方的一个集水池中,再被泵回泳池内。

    Infinity pools are designed to make it seem as though the water extends to the horizon. In reality, the edge of the pool is usually about an inch below the water level.


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