• 大量用户界面设计流程可以任意挑选一个遵循

    You can follow one of any number of processes in designing the user interface.


  • AIR使公司能够创建一个定制用户界面而没有浏览器设计控制所强加约束

    AIR enabled the company to create a customized user interface, without constraints imposed by the browser's design and controls.


  • 为了示范真实世界例子简要介绍银行在线系统设计用户界面过程

    To take an example from the real world, I will briefly explain the process of designing the user interface for one small bank’s online banking system.


  • 提供了一个全新的,真正虚拟全息”的用户界面设计优雅的,面向内容操作模型

    It introduces a brand new, truly virtual and "holographic" UI design, as well as an elegant, content-focused interaction model.


  • 我们设计开发用户界面时非常精心以便让它Android完美结合。不是一个来自iPhone复制品

    We took special care and respect to design and build the user interface to smoothly integrate with Android - this is not just a clone from the iPhone!


  • IBMRationalRapidDeveloper支持一个非常丰富用户界面设计环境

    IBM Rational Rapid Developer supports a very rich user interface design environment.


  • 自适应用户界面,加上智能处理逻辑和一些语义定义知识库,只需这些内容您就可以设计一个智能Web应用程序了。

    A smart Web application can be designed using an adaptive user interface, intelligent processing logic, and a semantically defined knowledge base.


  • 然而,令人欣慰的一些设计投入大量时间精力创造一个实用别出心裁的用户界面。(当然,现有应用软件也存在既实用又具创造性的用户界面)。

    However, some designers invest a lot of time and efforts into creating usable and original user interfaces (yes, there are usable and creative UIs).


  • 设计初衷是将它用于处理但是发布了几个网站收到来自用户众多反馈之后意识到它需要一个更友好界面

    It was originally designed for batch processing, but after using it to publish several Web sites and receiving plenty of feedback from users, I realized that it needed a friendlier interface.


  • 设计环境提供了窗体设计一个属性编辑器使可以操纵组件生成用户界面

    The design-time environment provides a forms designer and a properties editor to allow you to manipulate components and build user interfaces.


  • 认为一个精心设计UI中,用户界面用户几乎是透明的,因为自然地符合用户思维模式

    He states that in a well orchestrated UI design, the UI becomes almost transparent to the user since it naturally follows their mental model.


  • 选择了无资格通知作为自己的用户界面元素显示,这又是一个接近需要用户界面原型反映设计决策

    I also chose to show the ineligibility notice as its own user interface element, once again bordering on a design decision that would need to be reflected in the user interface prototype.


  • 因为如此频繁重新访问这些操作所以设计提供一个尽可能按照直觉执行操作的用户界面

    Because you will revisit these actions so frequently, the designers provided a user interface that makes performing the actions as intuitive as possible.


  • 开发人员美工设计可以使用拖-放控件特定的可套的网格来布局一个应用用户界面管理显示复杂内容

    Developers and graphic designers can lay out an application's user interface using drag-and-drop controls and special nestable grids to manage and display complex content.


  • 事实上他们要论证一个搭建用户界面的人都是设计

    Basically their argument is that everyone building a user interface is a designer.


  • 另外程序经理还有一个比较大部分工作就是用户界面设计

    Another big part of the program manager's job is user interface design.


  • 决定如何创建用户界面一个必须提前做出设计决策

    Determining how you'll create the UI is another one of those design decisions that you must make up front.


  • 使用用户界面工具时候,你总是想要竭尽全力去创建一个能够很好地结合你的业务模型工作用户界面而并不是用户界面工具的设计者所使用抽象模型。

    When you are working with a UI toolkit, you are trying to build a UI for working with your business model, not the abstract model used by the toolkit designers.


  • 要想组织部署一个专业解决方案,需要好地利用专门的语音天才用户界面设计人员、人性因素工程师程序设计人员和项目经理

    Organizing and deploying a professional solution makes good use of specialized voice-talent, user interface designers, human factors engineers, programmers, and project managers.


  • 但是因为还是必须自己动手管理所有的改变,仅仅布置一个简单用户界面就需要大量努力设计测试保持

    Yet because you must also manage all the changes yourself, laying out a simple user interface requires a considerable amount of effort to design, debug, and maintain.


  • 主题设计一个基于图形界面工具可以让用户选择Netvibes私人页面颜色背景图片,然后自动生成应用XML主题,使用起来很简单

    Theme Designer: This is a GUI-based tool that lets you choose the colors and background image for your private Netvibes page, and it generates and applies the XML theme automatically. Easy.


  • UI - patterns另外一个顶级用户界面收集展示了一些改进过的设计模型比如验证码帐户注册导航标签等

    UI-patterns is another top-notch User Interface library that collects and showcases reoccurring design patterns such as Captchas, Account Registrations, and Navigation Tabs.


  • 可能得到更加强大的原型设计工具达到心目中用户界面一个终极版本,但是Pencil作为一个业余的简图原型设计工具很好的

    You would want to reach for a more powerful prototyping tool to arrive at a final version of a user interface you have in mind, but Pencil is great for on-the-fly sketching and prototyping.


  • 用户体验设计并不局限电脑范围甚至需要一个界面Bill DeRouchey争辩道,他是Ziba设计交互设计版块主编。

    "User experience design is not limited to the confines of the computer. It doesn't even need a screen," argues Bill DeRouchey, director of interaction design at Ziba design.


  • 如果酷的话可以这些API界面都给实现了,然后它们上面设计一个图形抽象,这样就用户更多选择机会提高兼容性性能

    To get even fancier, you could implement multiple API interfaces and put a Graphics Layer on top of them to give users more choice and more chance for compatibility and performance.


  • 为了改善开发人员使用这些技术体验我们VisualStudio10中新加了一个流程图设计器,这个新的工具可以使开发人员轻松创建基于WPF的activity的用户界面

    To improve the developer experience with these technologies, we are improving the tooling in Visual Studio 10 with a new flowchart designer.


  • 全新用户界面用户界面经过重新设计易用性包括预览参照预置,进入编辑功能一个窗口

    New User Interface: The UI has been redesigned for ease of use, including previews of light presets and access to editing functions in one window.


  • 全新用户界面用户界面经过重新设计易用性包括预览参照预置,进入编辑功能一个窗口

    New User Interface: The UI has been redesigned for ease of use, including previews of light presets and access to editing functions in one window.


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