• 装置结构简单灵活可靠保证了无法设置驱动机构机器部件也得到动力

    The connecting device has simple structure, is flexible and reliable, and can confirm the power supply of the machine without drive device.


  • 金属硬密封球阀除了具有防止操作、防止阀飞出、设置驱动装置安装平台结构特点,还具有如下独特的特点。

    Except for such features as wrong operation prevention, stem blow-out proof, mounting, pad provided, the metal to metal sealed ball valves made by WILLIAMSON possess the following unique features.


  • 如果过去曾经编写事件驱动程序,那么认为发现,对于设置式事件处理循环常见做法,使用信号一个令人耳目一新的变化

    If you've ever done any event-driven programming in the past, I think you'll find signals to be a refreshing change from the common practice of setting up an explicit event processing loop.


  • 显示选项定制导航器组件设置属性驱动

    The options displayed are driven by properties set on the custom navigator component.


  • 此外驱动用户体验建模确保用户界面整个解决方案过程中的一致性设置了相应的阶段

    Additionally, use cases drive user-experience modeling, which sets the stage for ensuring the user interface is consistent throughout the solution.


  • 由于IBMSAN存储服务器为多访问而设计的,因此不需要特别设置可以通过访问逻辑驱动

    Because the IBM SAN storage servers were designed for multipath access, you don't need to do anything special to make a logical drive accessible from multiple paths.


  • 只需要文件拷贝到的驱动设置可写,然后放就可以了。

    Simply make the drive you want to copy files to writeable, then drag and drop until it's all done.


  • 这些开始步骤关键字驱动测试设置基础安置了进行可支持的自动化的团队

    These beginning steps lay the groundwork for keyword-driven testing, which positions the team for sustainable automation.


  • 假设正在设置个包含至少一个硬盘驱动系统,您希望通过硬盘驱动引导

    Let's assume you are setting up a system that has at least one hard drive, and you want to boot from the hard drive.


  • 当前WesternDigital驱动包括一个跳线用于设置WindowsXP兼容性

    The current Western Digital drives include a jumper you can set for Windows XP compatibility.


  • Timer-based events (timednotifications):Milestone设置定时器事件驱动包含作为主体Notification消息

    Timer-based events (timed notifications): Driven by timer events set by Milestone and include Notification message as body.


  • 文档应用程序仍然数据驱动的——将顶部CustomerName设置MaughamInc,然后保存文档,重新装载文档(f 5),这一系列的动作保证了这一点。

    The document application is still data driven - a fact confirmed by setting the Customer Name at the top to Maugham Inc, saving the document and reloading (Press F5).


  • 配置属性一种方法,如果缺少命令行或者代码驱动设置,那么客户机使用jndi . properties中的

    This is one way to configure the properties; in the absence of command-line or code-driven setup, the client will use values from jndi.properties.


  • 此外需要通过DB 2驱动文件位置32位实例所提供其他必要文件配置WebSphereJDBC驱动程序类路径设置

    Additionally, you would need to configure WebSphere JDBC driver CLASSPATH Settings with the location of the DB2 driver file and other necessary files provided with the 32-bit instance.


  • 尽管很难成为客户机默认设置,但是需要3d图形加速驱动程序破坏了OpenGL程序编译过程,这会导致需要使用相当复杂的解决方案。

    Although it's hardly the client's fault, the accelerated 3d graphics driver I needed broke compilation of OpenGL programs, leading to a fairly circuitous workaround.


  • 如果底层驱动程序支持事务,那么抛出PDOException(无论错误处理设置怎样的:总是一个严重错误状态)。

    If the underlying driver does not support transactions, a PDOException will be thrown (regardless of your error handling Settings: this is always a serious error condition).


  • 如果拥有特定硬件定制驱动程序那么可能需要恢复默认设置或者尝试兼容的硬件支持。

    If you have custom drivers specific to your hardware, you may need to revert to default Settings or try compatible hardware support.


  • 第一变更处理企业存储设置使用商用驱动

    The first change addresses the use of commodity drives in enterprise storage Settings.


  • 设置代码通常一些构成,这些行是数据库描述比如数据库驱动程序用户名密码以及到哪里找到

    The setup code is usually a few lines that describe the database such as the database driver, username and password, and where to find it.


  • 甚至本地网络设置虚拟化驱动存储进入网络,支持更多移动虚拟

    Even in local network Settings, virtualization drives storage into the network to support more mobile virtual machines.


  • 了解了网络配置一些最佳实践更改了以太网设置支持最大查看了接口硬件驱动程序数据

    You learned some best practices for network configuration, changed your Ethernet Settings to support jumbo frame, and viewed interface hardware and driver data.


  • 尝试设置第三驱动程序管理器可以检查以下问题来验证常见连接问题

    You can verify common connect level problems by checking the following issues when you try to set up a third-party driver manager.


  • 首先整体设置概况,包括涉及机器安装产品版本二进制代码驱动位置

    This starts with an overall picture of the entire setup, the machines involved, the versions of products installed, and the location of the binaries on the drive.


  • 简单地如果服务器安装了适当驱动程序文件集,AIX可以自动地检测建立设备的设置

    Simply put, if the appropriate device fileset is installed on the server, AIX can automatically detect and establish Settings for it.


  • 类似设置OLEDB驱动程序过程尽管这个过程短一些。

    This is similar to the process of setting up the OLEDB driver, though the procedure is much shorter.


  • OneNote并不需要这么如果通常驱动不这么做(取决于设置),现在也没有必要

    This is not required by OneNote and if you don't normally need to do it for your drive (depends on its Settings) then there's no need.


  • 脚本第一代码实例化了一个新的Sql对象设置JDBC连接字符串用户名密码 JDBC驱动

    The first line of this script instantiates a new Sql object by setting the JDBC connection string, username, password, and JDBC driver class.


  • 如果安装设备驱动程序设置出错,那么运行devfsadm或许无法配置安装的Fibre Channel适配器

    Or, if you have the wrong set of device drivers installed, running devfsadm might not configure that Fibre Channel adapter you're trying to set up.


  • 如果安装设备驱动程序设置出错,那么运行devfsadm或许无法配置安装的Fibre Channel适配器

    Or, if you have the wrong set of device drivers installed, running devfsadm might not configure that Fibre Channel adapter you're trying to set up.


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