• 尽管有几栋最古老建筑现今已回归世俗,但是许多宗教建筑作为礼拜堂使用并且通常都被列为他们珍贵的建筑学宝藏。

    Though several of the oldest structures are now secular, many still operate as houses of worship and typically rank among their home city's best architectural treasures.


  • 许多宗教学说中意识古代灵魂(soul)概念紧密联系在一起,这些学说认为灵魂我们精神本源,它不会消亡,甚至可能在你出生之前就已存在

    In many religions, consciousness is closely tied to the ancient notion of the soul, the idea that in each of us, there exists an immaterial essence that survives death and perhaps even predates birth.


  • 捍卫宗教公民权的勇气鼓舞了许多教会人士

    His courage in defending religious and civil rights inspired many outside the church.


  • 许多重要领域曜石产业宗教旅游,特奥蒂瓦坎的成功繁荣典型的正反馈循环

    In many important areas, from the obsidian industry to religious tourism, Teotihuacán's success and prosperity typified the classic positive feedback cycle.


  • 他们属于许多不同的,往往是敌对宗族部落没有共同语言宗教

    They belong to many different, and often antagonistic, clans and tribes, with no common language or religion.


  • 然而目前为止我们这个时代宗教力量已经减弱许多来说,现代政治道德秩序基础已经摧毁

    By now, in our time, however, the power of religion has faded, and for many, the basis of modern political and moral order has been demolished.


  • 通过这本书销售来判断这个年轻男孩手术室体外经历大大地鼓舞许多宗教信仰

    Judging by book sales, this young boy's out-of-body experience in the operating room has given a great deal of encouragement to many people's religious beliefs.


  • 新教宗教改革尤其是活力不断上升教主义,17世纪早期为了改变这种状态开始做出许多努力。

    The Protestant Reformation, and especially the rising energies of Puritanism in the early seventeenth century, are beginning to do a lot to change this state of affairs.


  • 芝加哥印度寺庙成百上千的穿过伊利诺伊州或者更远的地方,来到这里,倾听一名来自家乡演说者的言论,那些人具有相同印度血统公开表明具有许多宗教信仰

    AT a Hindu temple in Chicago, hundreds of people of Indian descent, professing many faiths, turned up from across Illinois and farther afield to hear a speaker from back home.


  • 对于我们到来许多分歧都被考虑到了,不会超出我们的预期,尤其会对那些依旧携带顽固的宗教信仰的人所产生的混乱。

    The ramifications of many aspects of our coming are anticipated, none more than our appreciation of how it will "upset" those with a strong religious belief.


  • 别的,只要失眠晚上或者有约不来的下午,或者一沉闷听讲——许多一切宗教信仰效力使尝到什么叫做“永生”的滋味。

    Not to mention others, a night of insomnia, an afternoon of fruitless wait, or the attendance of a dull lecture alone, is far more effective than any faith for you to have a taste of eternity.


  • 忽略宗教上的本来意义,现在的许多西方人只把这个节日当成了一个互换复活节彩蛋”节日,还美其名曰“复活”赠送的。

    Despite the religious theme to Easter, to many people in the west, this festival is simply about the exchange of chocolate eggs, said to be delivered by the Easter Bunny.


  • 不讲别的,只要失眠晚上或者有约不来的下午,或者一课沉闷听讲——许多一切宗教信仰效力使你尝到什么叫做“永生”的滋味。

    Apart from anything else, all these things like a sleepless night, a disengaged afternoon or a weary lecture possess more efficacy to enable us to taste 'eternity' than any religion.


  • 来自世界各国许多最有权势政界宗教以及文化界人物参加今年瑞士达沃斯召开世界经济论坛

    Many of the world's most powerful political, business, religious, and cultural leaders will attend this year's world Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.


  • 诺苏文字书写诗歌体现了传统灵魂救赎圣歌的文体特征包含许多关于自然界超自然界神话信仰宗教仪式意象

    The poem, written in Nuosu, draws on stylistic features of traditional soul retrieval chants and incorporates many images of physical nature, the supernatural, mythology, belief, and ritual.


  • 诺苏文字书写诗歌体现了传统灵魂救赎圣歌的文体特征包含许多关于自然界超自然界神话信仰宗教仪式意象

    The poem, written in Nuosu, draws on stylistic features of traditional soul retrieval chants and incorporates many images of physical nature, the supernatural, mythology, belief, and ritual.


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