• 为了找到答案,美裔英籍记者温德尔•史蒂文森采访二十伊拉克军人,其中既有中士也有将军,深入了解了他们人生经历

    An American-British reporter, Wendell Steavenson, has interviewed a score or more of Iraqi soldiers, from sergeants to generals, trawling through their life histories to find an answer.


  • 不过,这项明年北京奥运会结束都将有效规定,几乎允许外国记者任何他们地方进行采访

    The new rules, however, in force until after next year's Beijing Olympics, allow foreign reporters to go more or less where they please.


  • 记者大多数去过中国他们表示热切期待有机会实地采访

    The journalists, most of whom have never been to China, expressed their eagerness to visit China for on-the-spot coverage.


  • 自愿当地记者一起出去采访他们事情

    A: I would volunteer to go out with local reporters and do the stuff they didn't want to do.


  • 天,9月13日中国大使馆便通知记者采访行动批准,他们马上可以得到签证

    Only a day later, on September 13 the Chinese Embassy notified the two reporters that their interview plan was approved and that their visas were ready.


  • 研究中心采访记者经常出入于加蓬村庄他们同时也调查控制疟疾这些村庄之间传播方法

    Staffers from the research unit regularly visit villages throughout Gabon, they also investigate ways to control the spread of malaria in these villages.


  • 正在横滨各主要新闻中心执行采访任务记者机会一试身手他们可以在罚球踢“飞火流星”,目标是球网上的指定位置。

    Journalists at the main press centre in Yokohama have been given the chance to try out the Fevernova from the penalty spot, with the aim of hitting special targets in the goal.


  • 可能他们有些现在逮捕了,有些监狱里的人接受记者采访他们不是因为这个而被判刑的。

    Maybe the people who have been arrested now and they are in prisons have had some interviews with reporters, but that is not the real crime they’ve been charged with.


  • 另一个里诺帐篷吉姆接受奥普拉记者采访时表示在这里他们再一认识到了如何生活。

    Another Reno tent-dweller, Jim, told one of Oprah's reporters it was "like learning how to live all over again".


  • 两个记者曾经采访亚齐许多地方,并他们采集的新闻新闻周刊日益增长声誉作出了贡献。

    The two journalists have traveled to many locations in Aceh and have contributed to the weekly's growing reputation for digging up stories.


  • 然后他们教练进行赛后分析谈话,再接受巴萨官网记者采访他们10以前就接受媒体的洗礼。

    Then they speak to their coaches for a post-match analysis and an interview with a journalist from Barca's website. They are media-trained before they turn 10.


  • 纳斯上周六接受记者采访时说:“巴马胜选那天,同事们了个恶作剧——他们穿上西装上领带,扮成奥巴马拍照。”

    "When Obama won, my colleagues played a practical joke on me -- they made me wear a suit, a tie, and took pictures of me posing as Obama," Anas told reporters on Saturday.


  • 他们可能现在花园小路上告诉其他前来采访记者已经他们签订合约

    They may be standing in your garden path, right now, seeing off other journalists who have come to ask for your story by claiming you've already signed a contract.


  • 记者编辑必须大量采访所以他们许多十分熟悉所有领域都略有所

    Journalists and editors have to do a lot of interviews, so they know a large number of people and know something about all fields.


  • 记者编辑必须大量采访所以他们许多十分熟悉所有领域都略有所

    Journalists % and editors have to do a lot of interviews, so they know a large number of people and know something about all fields.


  • 过去记者采访他们,然后一些愚蠢问题,然后还呵呵呵的傻笑个不停,但是现在发现他们不会了。

    In the old days, reporters would call up and they'd ask silly questions and they'd chuckle-chuckle-chuckle, hee-hee-hee. You don't find that much any more.


  • 记者采访他们他们感觉奥巴马怎么样

    Reporters talked with them, asking how they felt about Obama.


  • 21世纪英文报》记者许靖采访了几位人力资源负责人,他们破译”了招聘广告经常出现的4个迷惑性术语。

    21st Century reporter Xu Jingxi interviewed HRs who decoded four confusing phrases commonly seen in employment ads.


  • 时代杂志记者Abigail Hauslohner穿行距离据被城市25公里采访涌出的难民他们沿着沙漠公路逃往250公里远的Tobruk

    TIME's Abigail Hauslohner traveled to within 25 kilometers of the besieged city to talk to the refugees streaming out of it, heading toward Tobruk, 250 miles away on a desert road.


  • 是个记者当时在那里进行采访但是看来,上去他们之间的交流可不只限于专业的谈话。

    She's a journo and was there to do some schmoozing, but to me it sounded like their exchange was more than a professional chinwag.


  • 是个记者当时在那里进行采访但是看来,上去他们之间的交流可不只限于专业的谈话。

    She's a journo and was there to do some schmoozing, but to me it sounded like their exchange was more than a professional chinwag.


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