• 建议人们看医生医生检查药物健康问题其他可能影响记忆问题

    Daffner suggests going to your doctor to check on medications, health problems and other issues that could be affecting memory.


  • 瑞克幸运的是,这种记忆问题容易修复只要专注记住的东西就可以了。

    Luckily, this kind of memory problem has an easy fix, says Poldrack: Simply pay undivided attention to whatever you really want to recall later.


  • 近期记忆最爱特效非《阿潘多拉星球漂浮于云间的神山莫

    My favorite effect in recent memory has to be the floating landmasses on Pandora in Avatar. The first time they fly through in the helo was definitely a jaw-dropper.


  • 劳芮鲍伯·西结婚20年,他们最特别情人记忆是什么?

    Lauri and Bob Dacey have been married for twentyyears. Any special memories of Valentine's Day?


  • 明尼苏大桥垮塌美国记忆深刻,然而放眼整个国家,又多少老久桥梁人们足够注意呢?

    And we all remember the Minneapolis bridge collapse, but up to a quarter of all the bridges in the country are in need of attention.


  • 弗罗里大学科学家甚至发现一些病例中经过治疗记忆减退可完全恢复

    Scientists at the University of South Florida even found that in some cases the memory impairment was completely reversed after treatment.


  • 凭借超现实主义作品闻名于世,其中包括记忆坚持》、《马依-维斯特的》、《纳希瑟斯的蜕变《圣安东尼诱惑》等。

    Dali was famous for his surrealist works, including The Persistence of Memory, The Face of Mae West, The Metamorphosis of Narcissus and The Temptation of St. Anthony.


  • 此款融化状钟表其设计灵感源自世界名画永恒记忆”,它适合架子或者办公桌上。

    Inspired by famous Dali painting "the Persistence of Memory" the Melting Clock was designed to be used on a shelf or hanging on your office desk.


  • 阿里使用小鼠水迷宫评估老年痴呆症小鼠空间记忆

    Arendash USES a mouse maze to assess the spatial memory of his Alzheimer's mice.


  • 佛罗里大学科学家研究了基因感染诱发阿尔茨海默病伴有记忆问题的实验鼠。

    Scientists at the University of South Florida studied mice that are genetically predisposed to develop Alzheimer's and its accompanying memory problems.


  • 老年痴呆症患者首先失去短期记忆-秒钟分钟发生的事情的记忆,”阿里

    "The first thing that is lost in Alzheimer's is short term memory - the memory for what happened a few seconds or a minute ago," says Arendash.


  • 多年来不少研究报告都手机使用发出警告,但美国佛罗里大学科学家日前却发现,手机不仅增强记忆,还能预防老人痴呆

    After years of health warnings about mobile phones, scientists from the University of South Florida have discovered that mobile phones might improve memory and protect against Alzheimer's disease.


  • 尤里·布依作品经常被描述为根据幻想出的记忆写成的小说,一个存在地方,真实的记忆无论如何已经抹杀掉了。

    Yuri's work is often described as fiction from invented memories. But in No Such Place the past had been wiped in any case.


  • 如果:“喜欢永恒记忆》。”

    If he says, 'I love Dali's The Persistence of Memory'.


  • 12字节记忆功能——与现在功能强大的计算器相比简直不值一提,并且它重千克以上

    It had twelve bytes of memory—close to nothing compared to today's powerful calculators. And it weighed more than a kilogram.


  • 我们需要玩家一个失去记忆理由所以我们引入了斯·马拉克,”主设计师詹姆斯·奥

    "We needed a reason for the player to have fallen from power and lost his memory, so we introduced Darth Malak," says Lead Designer James Ohlen.


  • 作品中,浓密眉毛上彩妆,将其变成悬挂融化状时钟树枝以此再现萨尔瓦多·名画《记忆永恒》。

    In one image, she colored in her bushy eyebrow as a branch to hang over a melting clock to recreate Salvador Dali's famous paintingThe Persistence of Memory.


  • 尽管这个女人,但应该留存记忆中。

    She should live in spite of the woman.


  • 赖利明尼苏快乐记忆可以容易地因为变成悲伤记忆

    Riley's happy memories that are made in Minnesota can be easily turned into sad memories because she misses her home.


  • 记忆考古可以说是以作品印象对于德里解构”学说一种表现

    The Archaeology of Memory can be seen as a manifestation of the deconstructionism of Jacques Derrida.


  • 目的观察皮下注射不同剂量唑仑小鼠学习记忆功能的影响

    Objective To study the effects of midazolam hypodermic injection on learning and memory in mice.


  • 首次利用约束热处理结合热机械训练获得加热伸长冷却收缩的双向记忆效应弹簧,其伸长率60%。

    A TWSME extension spring, which can extend upon heating and contract upon cooling was obtained using constrained annealing and thermo-mechanical training, the elongation can reach 60%.


  • 佛罗里大学研究人员72名年龄18-59岁之间男女进行了研究,他们这些调查对象记住若干写满倒序数字的数列,从而测定他们的工作记忆

    The University of North Florida researchers put 72 men and women aged between 18 and 59 through a test of working memory, in which they had to remember lists of numbers in reverse order.


  • 萨尔瓦多·著名西班牙超现实主义画家代表作有记忆永恒》(1931)天鹅大象》(1937)。

    Salvador Dali was a prominent Spanish surrealist painter, famous for works like "The Persistence of Memory" (1931) and "Swans Reflecting Elephants" (1937).


  • 将永远无法抹掉无论是记忆还是从你的犯罪记录中……你再也不能以前那样睡得安稳了,马蒂尔

    Your life changes forever. You'll can never cancel it, neither from your memory, nor from your criminal record... you'll never sleep again like before, Mathilda.


  • 实际上告知自己死去哥哥转世承认死去兄长幽灵般的记忆一直伴随著他的一生

    Salvador Dali was actually told that he was the reincarnation of his dead brother, and Dali himself admitted that the ghostly memory of this lost sibling was to haunt him for the rest of his life.


  • 实际上告知自己死去哥哥转世承认死去兄长幽灵般的记忆一直伴随著他的一生

    Salvador Dali was actually told that he was the reincarnation of his dead brother, and Dali himself admitted that the ghostly memory of this lost sibling was to haunt him for the rest of his life.


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