• 这些非凡的研究发现表明大象已经具备区分人类声音记忆能力

    These remarkable findings suggest the elephants have built up a memory capacity to make distinctions between human voices.


  • 他们的研究第一表明,男性低沉声音伴侣选择女性记忆准确性重要。

    Their work shows for the first time that a low masculine voice is important for both mate choice and the accuracy of women's memory.


  • 识别记忆多达张脸即使吵闹情况下,它也能用八只分开电子耳朵听懂声音

    It can recognize and remember up to ten faces and use its eight separate electronic ears to understand human voices even in noisy situations.


  • 理论认为我们记忆可以听到相似声音所融合。

    One theory has it that our memory can be jogged by hearing a word that sounds similar.


  • 目前为止,提醒我们义务以及承诺声音意识称为意志记忆

    In so far as it is a voice reminding us of our obligations and commitments conscience is what he calls the will memory.


  • 史密斯总结道:“我们发现证明相比缺乏吸引力高音男声, 低音男性声音更能加深女性记忆

    Smith concludes: "Our findings demonstrate that women's memory is enhanced with lower pitch male voices, compared with the less attractive raised pitch male voices.


  • 播放声音之前科学家给老鼠注射干扰再次巩固记忆药物。

    Just before playing one of the sounds, scientists injected half the rats with a chemical that interferes with memory recon.


  • 研究人员其中一半志愿者播放记忆测试部分图片所对应声音

    For half the group, researchers played the sounds of some of the images used in the memory test.


  • 雌激素水平白鼠很快认识这个声音个新的刺激有关雌激素水平较高的小白鼠花了更长的时间形成这个记忆

    Rats with low levels of estrogen quickly learned that the tone was associated with the new stimulus whereas those with higher levels of estrogen took longer to form this memory.


  • 但是,对来说,这位伟人铿锵有力声音可能永远存在记忆,那是芝加哥停车场上演讲时声音

    But the voice of this great man may never be more powerful to me than my memory of his voice in a Chicago parking lot.


  • 自己的前额叶区域一系列视觉材料形成记忆时,博斯·科普人种可能已经里面添加了声音气味等等更为丰富的信息。

    While your own prefrontal area might link a sequence of visual material to form an episodic memory, the Boskop may have added additional material from sounds, smells, and so on.


  • 二战太平洋战场上战争结束数十年后驻扎几内亚的前战机尾部机枪手一本老兵杂志写了一封信希望和其他人一起分享关于“声音”的记忆

    MANY years after the end of the war in the Pacific, a former tail-gunner who had been stationed in New Guinea wrote a letter to a veterans' magazine. He wished to share his memories of a voice.


  • 怀着能够理解恐惧记忆形成过程分子基础的希望,这个研究小组进一步检测暴露响亮声音之前之后杏仁神经回路中的蛋白质

    In hopes of understanding the molecular underpinnings of fear memory formation, the team further examined the proteins in the nerve cells of the amygdala before and after exposure to the loud tone.


  • 变化着的语调诉说着那些只能声音传达的,无法隐藏文字之后的美好记忆然而糟糕信号有时使美妙的声音失真

    She spoke with inflections that couldn’t hide behind text, sweet memories that translated only by hearing her voice, however distorted and fractured a poor signal might cause it to be.


  • 如果房子卖掉了希望能够把家里任何一片风景一点声音、一段宝贵的记忆打包起来珍藏,母亲特福得一样,现在的了。

    If our house is sold, I wish that I could pack up its sights, sounds, smells and store of memories as easily as my mother's old Waterford, now mine.


  • 死亡本身无法止住记忆中的声音擦除一个记忆中的微笑

    Death itself is powerless to still a remembered voice or erase a remembered smile.


  • 尽管之前的研究提示睡眠本身就加强记忆,但这项研究首次揭示声音增强特定空间记忆

    Although previous research has suggested that sleep alone can help consolidate memories, this study is the first to show that sound cues can strengthen specific spatial memories.


  • 人们有时只不过记忆集合体而已,记忆事件记忆地点记忆声音影像记忆

    It is sometimes said human beings are nothing more than a collection of memories. Memories for people, events, places, sounds and sights.


  • 不用音符因为你头脑里已经声音,这是听觉记忆一部分。

    You don't have to read the notes cause you've got the sound in your ears, part of your aural memory.


  • 第二项试验中,同样操作过声音这些研究人员使用真实的男性女性声音测试另外46女性怎样评估这些声音以及怎样记忆这些物体的。

    In the second experiment, as well as manipulated voices, the researchers used real male and female voices to test how 46 new women rated the voices and how they scored on object memory.


  • 他们发现老鼠关于电击恐惧疼痛记忆储存到了大脑连接着那些视觉声音味道信息部分

    They found that the rats' memories of the fear and pain of being shocked were stored in the parts of the brain that store information linked to sights, sounds and smells.


  • 如果能够证明人耳发出这种声音乃是个人独有的,即可极大地提高接听中心以及银行电话交易安全性免去记忆众多个人密码的麻烦。

    If those noises prove unique to each individual, it could boost the security of call-centre and telephone-banking transactions and reduce the need for people to remember numerous identification codes.


  • 尽管记忆充斥着处于青春发育期雄性声音-维也纳男生唱诗班的歌声听起来像是池塘聒噪蛙声,奇迹却一直延续着。

    That magic persists despite the memory of our pre-pubescent male voices that sounded more like a pond of bullfrogs than the Vienna Boys Choir.


  • 事物的大小形状声音加以夸张,也有助于增进事物的记忆

    Exaggeration of size, shape and sound will enhance the image.


  • 珍视第一天记忆母亲声音,学校大厅漂浮灰尘。

    I cherish that first-day memory: the sound of my mother's voice, the floating dust-motes in the school hall.


  • 这些记忆图象要比记忆声音能力强

    These people remember images than the memory of the strong voices.


  • 这些声音的存储几乎就象一种运动肌肉记忆

    It's almost like a motor muscle memory where these sounds are.


  • 这些声音的存储几乎就象一种运动肌肉记忆

    It's almost like a motor muscle memory where these sounds are.


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