• 《过度文化》一书作者伯特曼(Bertman,文化记忆丧失阿尔一样潜伏,侵蚀着这个国家灵魂

    This loss of culture memory, as insidious as Alzheimer's disease, eats away at the soul of the nation, says Bertman, author of Hyperculuture.


  • 大鼠身上进行新的植入试验可以恢复对某个开关失去记忆,这预示了一种潜在的治疗阿尔兹·脑卒中失忆症患者方法

    A new brain implant tested on rats restored lost memories at the flick of a switch, heralding a possible treatment method for patients with Alzheimer's disease, stroke or amnesia.


  • 研究显示胰岛素(调节血液水平激素)可能延缓或者阻止阿尔兹·引起记忆丢失

    Insulin, the hormone that regulates levels of sugar in the blood, may slow or prevent memory loss caused by Alzheimer's disease, a study suggests.


  • 佛罗里达大学科学家研究了基因感染诱发阿尔默病伴有记忆问题的实验鼠。

    Scientists at the University of South Florida studied mice that are genetically predisposed to develop Alzheimer's and its accompanying memory problems.


  • 科学家们发现人体自然产生一种对抗关节炎化学产物大脑环境作用使得阿尔默氏引起记忆丧失有望恢复。

    Memory loss caused by Alzheimer's Disease could be reversed after scientists discovered that a chemical naturally produced by the body to fight arthritis also works on the brain condition.


  • 安妮·巴斯汀,密尔沃基市威斯康星大学老年人社区中心主管了一出剧本取材于阿尔默氏症患者所创作诗歌。她的口号是:“忘掉记忆。”

    Anne Basting, director of the Center on Age and Community at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, who wrote a play from poems created by people with Alzheimer's, has a slogan: "Forget Memory."


  • ——份3盎司三文鱼中含有烟酸接近每日剂量的50%,烟酸防止阿尔默氏记忆减退

    A 3-ounce serving contains almost 50 percent of your daily dose of niacin, which may protect against Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.


  • 为了进行这项研究研究者85轻微认知障碍者进行记忆大脑扫描,他们都是更大阿尔默病的神经影像学研究的一部分

    For the study, researchers did memory and brain scan tests on 85 people with mild cognitive impairment who were part of the larger Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study.


  • 马体大脑第一受到阿尔默氏影响的区域因此会导致记忆空间定位困难

    The hippocampus is one of the first brain areas to be affected by Alzheimer's disease, causing problems with memory and spatial orientation.


  • 这种收缩随着我们年龄的增长加速这就是出现记忆问题阿耳茨这样的老年痴呆症的征兆。

    And this shrinkage speeds up as we grow older, foreshadowing memory problems and dementias like Alzheimer's disease.


  • 另外去年发表于《阿兹默氏痴呆症》(Alzheimer’s and Dementia)杂志一项研究发现,使用Omega-3DHA补充品可以让大脑年轻提高记忆学习能力

    Plus, a study published last year in the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia found that taking Omega-3 DHA supplements took three years off the brain, improving memory and learning skills.


  • 现年八十二岁高龄的雷尼克先生年前患有早期阿尔病,他当时注册参加了一项旨在帮助阿尔茨默病其它记忆障碍患者康复的实验

    Two years ago, Mr. Reznick, who has early-stage Alzheimer's disease and is now 82, signed up for an experiment intended to help people with Alzheimer's and other memory disorders.


  • 老年痴呆症,又名阿尔茨,是以这种病症的发现者爱罗斯·阿兹·默医生的名字命名。这一种缓慢破坏记忆思维能力大脑疾病,不可逆转且是递增的。

    Alzheimer's disease, named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, is a brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking capability.


  • 心血管疾病记忆衰退之间交互作用说明至少某些方面阿尔茨默症病情可以因为饮食锻炼而变化。

    The interactions between vascular disease and memory loss suggest that at least some aspects of Alzheimer's may be modifiable through diet and exercise.


  • 可能会使有点不快,但是不会看到我家有更的电视机时出现的失落那么大,因为拥有记忆——正是加勒比之间独一无二联系使成为你特有的假期。

    It might bother you a little bit, but not nearly to the same degree because you have your memories - it's your unique connection to the Caribbean that makes it your holiday.


  • 同事研究了228例记忆门诊病人医疗记录,这些病人诊断不同种类痴呆症,有三分之二阿尔兹·

    She and her colleagues examined the medical records of 228 memory-clinic patients who had been diagnosed with different kinds of dementia, two-thirds with Alzheimer's disease.


  • 一项意大利研究表明咖喱能够有效的阻止记忆减退阿尔默氏症。

    An Italian study found that curry may ward off memory loss and Alzheimer's.


  • 研究中,科学家们小白鼠分成组是健康对照组而一组则通过转基因技术使其呈现阿尔茨默氏患者的症状,包括记忆丧失

    In the study, scientists used two groups of mice, one healthy and the other genetically modified to develop Alzheimer 's-like symptoms, including memory loss.


  • 从罪孽悬崖中跌落谷底,最终被遗忘记忆

    It will founder upon the rocks of iniquity and sink headfirst to vanish without trace into the seas of oblivion.


  • 研究发现大脑(与阿尔默症相关的)蛋白质凝结干扰记忆功能可能成为新药研发的目标

    Findings that small clumps of a protein in the brain (already linked with Alzheimer's) interfere with memory, and so may be a good target for new drugs;


  • 大脑锻炼诸如阅读纵横字谜难题下棋针织等已经作为一种方法预防记忆丧失痴呆阿尔默病。

    Brain exercises like reading, doing crossword puzzles, playing chess, and knitting have been touted as one way to prevent memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease.


  • 偶然一首歌复原的声息,记忆翻腾

    Accidental song and restoring your memory, insisted on the sea tempestuous.


  • 阿尔默病一种破坏性脑部疾病,可导致记忆其他大脑功能逐步下降

    Alzheimer's is a devastating brain condition leading to a progressive decline of memory and other brain functions.


  • 大多数人都认为阿尔默氏主要记忆方面毛病,不过我们多年研究的确得知这种病症初发时,可能从行为开始问题

    Most people think of Alzheimer's as primarily a memory disorder, but we do know from years of research that it also can start as a behavioral issue.


  • 想起著名科幻小说家罗伯特.雷恩的作品《一个陌生人的漂泊》,很多都对其中一个台词记忆犹新: “你就是上帝”.小说人物分别这样的方式彼此招呼并道别着。

    The line was, “Thou art God.” In his book, Heinlein had many people greeting and saying goodbye to each other in this way.


  • 发现有助于治疗阿滋氏症其它痴呆症记忆障碍

    Building on this knowledge may help in the treatment of memory disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.


  • 发现有助于治疗阿滋氏症其它痴呆症记忆障碍

    Building on this knowledge may help in the treatment of memory disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.


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