• 他们隐蔽摄像机制作了一部实验记录电影

    They made a film record of the experiment using hidden cameras.


  • 本片的理念源自一部记录电影超大号的》(该片讲述30除了快餐食品什么也不吃)。

    The concept for the show stemmed from the transformation Spurlock underwent when he ate nothing but fast food for 30 days in his documentary movie Super Size Me.


  • 中央新闻记录电影制片厂发言人告诉好莱坞记者报道说,这部片子制作方正在美国发行讨论这部电影美国发行问题。

    Producers of the film are in talks with U.S. distributors for the film's U.S. release, a spokesperson of China Central Newsreel and Documentary Studios told the Hollywood Reporter.


  • 现代世界生活已经大量的百科全书式细节记录电影中。

    The life of the modern world has been recorded on film in massive, encyclopaedic detail.


  • 电影生活一种记录

    Movies are a record of life.


  • 美国导演理查德·林克莱特这部电影做了实验12年来使用同一个演员记录一个男孩成长过程

    American Director Richard Linklater did an experiment in this film, using the same cast for 12 years to record a boy's growth.


  • 记录耶路撒冷电影上首映。

    The documentary premiered at the Jerusalem Film Festival.


  • 绝大多数记录生活——至少电影小说中——美国人的生活。

    Overwhelmingly, the lives recordedat least in film fictionhave been American.


  • 电影可以记录时间真实客观流动

    In cinema, the real, objective flow of time was captured.


  • 果就是《狂野计划》,这部电影记录了世界网络的诞生,这是一群组织,他们的共同目标是让孩子们走进大自然。

    The result was Project Wild Thing, a film which charts the birth of the World Network, a group of organisations with the common goal of getting children out into nature.


  • 们向一家美国知名电视台发出了邀请,希望电视台能派一个电影组,记录他们在一个月内没有科技的日常生活。

    They have sent an invitation to a leading US television station, expecting that it will send a film group to record their day-to-day life without technology for a month.


  • 如果科学家想要研究大型数据比如移动电话记录搜索查询电影评级相关数据集,这些数据集的拥有者需要释放这些数据进行数据匿名化处理。

    If scientists are to study massive datasets such as mobile phone records, search queries and movie ratings, the owners of these datasets need to find a way to anonymize the data before releasing it.


  • 数码档案全世界服务器四处散播,内容涵盖了无数书籍文档记录照片电影它们共同代表人类知识的流露。

    Digital archives scattered among servers around the world house innumerable books, documents, records, photographs and films that collectively represent an outpouring of human knowledge.


  • 20世纪初叶,更多原住民故事金属唱片记录下来,在来就是电影相机

    In the early 20th century, further native stories were captured by wire recorders, then movie cameras.


  • 现在大部分公众记录再也不会出现藏书堆中铺满灰尘法院文件以及微型电影卷轴里了。

    And the bulk of the public record is no longer to be found in library stacks, dusty courthouse files, and microfilm rolls.


  • 可以包含其他证据可以通过包含其他结构化数据比如数据库记录哪些人为同一电影工作过),或者通过进行更深入文本分析

    We could include other evidence for a connection by either including additional structured data, such as database tables that show which people worked together on movies, or by deeper text analysis.


  • 参加者们电影之前,事先机器记录血压心跳呼吸次数情绪反应

    Before watching the movies, participants were hooked up to monitors that recorded physiological responses such as blood pressure, heart rate and breathing patterns.


  • 包括很多硬件,但是不是特别重;竖直拿着它来看电影记录不会感到累

    It has a solid amount of mass to it, but isn't so heavy that you will get tired of holding it upright while watching a movie or recording one.


  • 43分钟电影记录哈勃20年历史,包括2009年维修任务绕地轨道天文台热点宇航员拍的镜头

    The 43-minute movie chronicles the 20-year life of Hubble and includes highlights from the May 2009 servicing mission to the Earth-orbiting observatory, with footage taken by the astronauts.


  • 每个可以关于某个weblog完整文档、电影评论分类广告或者任何希望频道连锁的内容的记录

    Each item can be an entry on a weblog, a complete article, a movie review, a classified AD, or whatever you want to syndicate with your channel.


  • 莎翁情史》(《国》同HarveyWeinstein出品)就曾1998年囊获13项提名创下了英国电影记录

    It happened with Shakespeare in Love (a film, like The King's Speech, distributed by Harvey Weinstein), which garnered 13 nominations in 1998, a British record.


  • 可能假设这样个场景:您搜索一个网站,查找其中提供信息(比如电影音乐会出席记录)。

    You might want to scour a website for information that it provides (such as attendance records for movies or concerts).


  • 一部记录al Gore关于全球变暖幻灯片演讲电影似乎没有多大吸引力如果喜欢《帝企鹅日记》,那爱上《难以忽视的真相》。

    A movie about al Gore giving a PowerPoint presentation about global warming doesn't sound all that exciting, but if you liked "March of the Penguins," you'll love "An Inconvenient Truth."


  • 红色翅膀》(Crimson Wing)迪斯尼公司推出的高品质自然历史记录品牌《迪斯尼公司自然》(Disneynature)荣誉出品的首部电影

    The Crimson Wing is the first film from Disney's new natural history label, Disneynature.


  • 大楼合并艺术实践设计艺术史电影媒体研究记录各系,此前这些系分散在校园里。

    The building will consolidate the department's programs in art practice, design, art history, film and media studies, and documentary film, which are currently dispersed on campus.


  • 那个系列真的记录电影吗?

    Does that series really capture the movie business?


  • 过去10人们使用磁带纸质记录转换使用数字化下载模式,它包括音乐电视节目电影照片书籍报纸

    The last 10 years have brought a sweeping switch from tape and paper storage to digital downloads. Music, TV shows, movies, photos and now books and newspapers.


  • 约翰.贝拉:《 我危险一部有着强烈的叙事风格的纪录片,剪接这部电影时,你是否会担心这部影片过于惊险不是以记录事实为主。

    JB: I’m Dangerous with Love has a tremendous narrative drive for a documentary; were you concerned when editing the film that it was too exciting and not sufficiently fact-heavy?


  • 更重要的成绩记录(作品)与观众一部电影同样完美预期毫无瑕疵。

    But just as importantly, the track record (ie. portfolio) becomes so impeccable that the audience anticipates that the next film will also be fantastic.


  • 更重要的成绩记录(作品)与观众一部电影同样完美预期毫无瑕疵。

    But just as importantly, the track record (ie. portfolio) becomes so impeccable that the audience anticipates that the next film will also be fantastic.


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