• 此外正如考古记录显示那样农学家健康状况他们同时代采猎者还要差

    Furthermore, as the archaeological record shows, the state of health of agriculturalists was worse than that of their contemporary hunter-gatherers.


  • 包含经常相同记录违背规则组合

    It contains the combination of rules that are often violated by the same records.


  • 然而,关于记录记录的他并不是这样的。

    But his record shows nothing of the kind.


  • iPod播放键,开始记录跑的一步

    She pressed start on her iPod and began keeping track of every step she took.


  • 但是通过日志数据库我们正在记录执行每个操作

    But with a logging database, we are going to log every operation we perform.


  • 一间接时间数据化石记录反映直接数据进行比较

    This indirect data can be compared with the direct data obtained from fossil records.


  • 不幸的是,即使标准化之后,记录表示数据通常不是完全相同的。

    Unfortunately, even after standardizing, the data values the records are often not identical.


  • 同样原因记录什么时候测试,还要记录报告结果加强责任

    For the same reason, it is important to keep records of who tested at what time and what their reported results were in order to enforce accountability.


  • 有两回顾作者各自使用特别设计表格记录所包含临床试验结果

    Two of the review authors independently recorded the results of the included trials using a specially designed form.


  • 一个内容审计选项用来决定审计是否记录找到报告对象报告版本输出细节

    A Content audit option that determines if the audit should record details of report versions and outputs for report objects that it finds.


  • 沉积记录反映演化可能标志着古特提斯残留海的一次重大构造转折

    The evolutionary tendance reflected by the above sedimentary record probably signifies an important tectonic turn in the history of the residual Paleotethys ocean.


  • 记录反映若尔盖地区冰期以来气候演化全球气候变化具有较好的可比性。

    The climatic evolution since the late glacial epoch in the Zoigê area reflected by sporopollen records may be well correlated with the global climate change.


  • 王纪年明确,且有许多出土青铜器王年月相干支记录证实,不能随便更改

    Besides it was approved by the king-year, phase and Chinese era records on the unearthed bronze instruments, so the numbered years of King Xuan are explicit and shouldn't be altered casually.


  • 实验对象利用踏步记录所的长度,科学家则测量他们步幅长度以及新陈代谢的程度。

    While the subjects logged miles on the treadmill, the scientists measured their stride and metabolism.


  • 方法需要生成故障、需要提供一个通用创建方法、需要记录返回任何故障方法调用

    Called by the methods when they need to generate a fault, need to provide a common way to create, and need to log any faults that are returned.


  • 通过追踪资产明细账目实物资产,审计师可以证明会计记录反映资产真实存在并且正在使用

    Details of assets through the accounts to track physical assets, auditors can prove that the accounting records reflect the assets are real and are being used.


  • 医生连续两个礼拜记录下的样东西,然后记录表拿给看,这样我们才能研拟一份节食计划。

    My doctor told me to keep track of everything I ate for two weeks, then bring the list to her so we could work out a diet.


  • 例如mnkod(2)系统调用通过创建一个文本文件实现然后pseudo数据库记录请求的文件类型。

    For example, the mnkod (2) syscall is implemented by creating a plain file, then recording the requested file type in the pseudo database.


  • 阶段评审时,P MO可以简单核对评审记录对应开发案例期望工作产品列表,用以检查是否进行了全部的评审。

    At Phase reviews, the PMO can simply check the list of expected work products in the Development Case against the review Record to see whether all required reviews actually took place.


  • 他们确保这样声明可以其它记录多方核对证实。

    They want to ensure such claims are justified by cross-checking with other records.


  • 显然他们记录很多内容绝非事实

    It was obvious that much of what they recorded was far from the truth.


  • 一旦核对定货物就把记录存档

    Once you've checked off the items you ordered, put this record in your file.


  • 认为,对蜥脚类动物讨论解释我们通过比较化石记录现代动物了解到的东西

    I think our discussion of sauropods will illustrate what we can learn by comparing the fossil record to modern animals.


  • 这些变化现代观测时间范围内几乎是看不见而且有人认为,这些变化常常不完善化石记录中的无数空白掩盖

    Such changes are all but invisible over the short time scale of modern observations, and, it is argued, they are usually obscured by innumerable gaps in the imperfect fossil record.


  • 断点平衡试着解释化石记录古怪特点——超过一个世纪的时间里,这特点已经古生物学者熟悉,但一直忽视。

    The punctuated equilibrium hypothesis attempts to explain a curious feature of the fossil recordone that has been familiar to paleontologists for more than a century but has usually been ignored.


  • 记录来自至少21高等院校300名学生非正式谈话

    I have kept a record of informal conversations involving some 300 students from at least twenty-one colleges and universities.


  • 意味着更多海洋生物正在被捕捞,现在过去之间真正差异可能捕捞变化记录糟糕。

    That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught, so the real difference between present and past is likely to be worse than the one recorded by changes in catch sizes.


  • 保存虚假声明记录学校这种做法至少可以追溯到世纪之交——不管怎么说,他们开始保存记录时候

    One school that keeps records of false claims says that the practice dates back at least to the turn of the century—that's when they began keeping records, anyhow.


  • 麦克沃特先生列举一系列关于高雅文化通俗文化的有趣例子,证明了他记录一趋势正确无误的。

    Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr. McWhorter documents is unmistakable.


  • 麦克沃特先生列举一系列关于高雅文化通俗文化的有趣例子,证明了他记录一趋势正确无误的。

    Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr. McWhorter documents is unmistakable.


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