• 但是迄今,应用系统科学思想,对高原训练及其运动训练状态控制关系进行研究尚未见报道

    Unfortunately, the study on altitude training and the relation to controlling training state with the idea of system science has not been reported.


  • 简要介绍了某型航空发动机外场使用过程中,实施战斗训练状态控制方法及其相应控制装置

    The fight and train state control method as well as the control device for the engine in airport using is briefly introduced.


  • 雇佣私人教练一种不同训练方式你一种大脑身体必须尽快适应新的训练节奏使你的身体进入一种专注训练状态

    Hiring a personal trainer will give you a different style of workout, giving you a new routine that your brain and body will have to quickly adapt to, shocking it into a concentrated state of action.


  • 经过半年训练全队状态极佳

    After six months' training the whole team is in superb form.


  • 皮皮托内:“处于合成代谢状态正在锻炼肌肉时,比如你是极限耐力运动员,正在进行马拉松训练或者你是一名健美运动员。”

    "Anytime you're in an anabolic state or building muscle," Pipitone says, "such as if you're an extreme endurance athlete, training for a marathon, or you're a body builder."


  • 在这里日子里训练非常好,而且大运会回来之后,我的状态好。

    I trained very well over the days here and my conditioning is very good after I came back from the Universiade.


  • 比如投球法,球场变小,联盟扩大规范好球重量训练状态这些因素使得每场比赛拿到了比以前更多的分。

    Factors like the tighter wound ball, smaller ballparks, the expansion of the league, uniformed strike zones, and state of the art weight training all contributed to the rise in runs per game.


  • 这样训练不是什么稀罕的事情靶场全年都处于使用状态

    Such trainings are not a rare thing, the gunnery range works all year round.


  • 可以用力过度达到身体健康的巅峰状态或者比赛训练

    You shouldn't try to overexert yourself to reach a peak fitness level or train for a race.


  • 学着保持专注,通过训练大脑增加感悟,我们假设信仰评价使大脑进入一个更加积极状态

    Learning to be mindful or our assumptions, beliefs, and evaluations can lead to a more positive state of mind by disciplining the mind and gaining awareness.


  • 虽然老师这些训练摆脱我们环境混乱状态方法但是并不确定人们已经准备好改变消费至上的生活方式

    While Thay sees following these trainings as a way out of the environmental mess we are in, he is not certain that people are yet ready to change their consumerist way of life.


  • 训练努力,场上训练时间其他队员们都,他状态好。

    He trains, he's training on the pitch for more time than the other players, he's perfect.


  • 为了保持状态坎贝尔询问温格能否阿森纳训练法国主帅高兴应允了

    In a bid to keep fit, Campbell asked Wenger if he could train at Arsenal and the Frenchman was only too happy to oblige.


  • 接着再调整一下自己回到先前那种状态重新床上去,重新设定好闹钟重复这样的训练

    Now shake yourself off, restore the pre-waking conditions, return to bed, reset your alarm, and repeat.


  • 害怕电梯简直就是肯定形象化训练他们头脑产生一种恐慌状态,- - -他们不得不电梯的任何时候。

    People who are afraid of going into elevators have literally used affirmations and visualization to train their mind to produce a state of panic whenever they have to enter an elevator.


  • 2500年来佛教徒们用严格训练技术引导他们精神状态远离毁灭性的情绪朝向一种有慈悲心的、幸福状态存在

    For 2, 500 years Buddhists have employed strict training techniques to guide their mental state away from destructive emotions and toward a more compassionate, happier frame of being.


  • 斯坦福大学睡眠实验室神念耳机来预审核测试科目美国奥运射箭队训练过程中用获得InTheZone”的最佳心理状态

    Stanford University's Sleep Lab is using the headset to pre-vet test subjects; the US Olympic archery team uses it to get "in the zone" during training.


  • 2006年世界杯安哥拉队的1号里卡多(joao Ricardo)2005年葡萄牙的摩里伦斯俱乐部解除合约,通过独自训练保持状态

    Angola's No1 at the 2006 tournament joao Ricardo had been released by Portuguese club Moreirense in 2005 and kept his fitness by training alone.


  • 他们进入状态现实的,要知道,我们只进行了训练

    That’s not realistic after six practices.


  • 教练无话可说状态没有伤病训练正常。你不得不想到肯定一些个人恩怨了,”这位边锋

    "When the coach says nothing to you and you are well, with no physical problems and training well, you cannot help but think it must be something personal," said the winger.


  • 测试模式训练规程帮助电视设置调整正常状态

    Its regimen of tests and patterns will help you adjust your TV's Settings to more natural levels.


  • 就在训练开始的前一天,姚明需要多长时间恢复状态轻松应对。

    The day before training camp began, Yao downplayed how long he would need to regain his form.


  • 景色坡度风景气味脑部进入训练状态同时挑战体能

    Scenery, hills, sights, and smells will help keep your head into the workout as well as challenge you physically.


  • 这些阶段可以让不同训练方式结合起来,综合各种训练收获你就能达到状态顶峰

    The phases allow you to combine the benefits of different workouts that collectively add up to peak conditioning.


  • 选手整个赛季中都采用下面训练方法,使达到最佳的速度节奏提高承受疲劳能力——身体已经疲惫的状态下保持速度的能力。

    My runners do the workouts below throughout the season to fine-tune their pacing and boost their "fatigue" fitnessthe ability to sustain pace when your body is already taxed.


  • 纽约牛队射手赛季结束之后来到阿森纳训练保持良好状态

    The New York Red Bull striker is training with the squad to help maintain his fitness during the MLS off-season.


  • 达到艺术训练空气垫上状态意味着正在跑步

    Getting really state of the art trainers with air cushions on the bottom doesn't mean that you are actually running.


  • 达到艺术训练空气垫上状态意味着正在跑步

    Getting really state of the art trainers with air cushions on the bottom doesn't mean that you are actually running.


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