• 学习类型目标不是效用函数最大化,而是找到训练数据中的近似点

    In this type of learning, the goal is not to maximize a utility function, but simply to find similarities in the training data.


  • 专家研究者中,一般假定直接函数训练增长经历丰富见识增长,专家成绩得到提升

    Among investigators of expertise, it has generally been assumed that the performance of experts improved as a direct function of increases in their knowledge through training and extended experience.


  • 现在如果true函数布尔那么感知三个训练实例归纳出所有实例。

    Now, if the true function were Boolean or, then the perceptron would have correctly generalized from three training instances to the full set of instances.


  • 前向网络利用反向传播算法训练多层网络,使训练网络好地拟合样本空间各点的函数值。

    Feedforward networks use back propagation algorithm to train a multi-layer network. After training, the multi-layer network can fit the function in the data space very well.


  • 应当知道,任何位受过职业道德训练软件工程师不会同意一个“摧毁巴格达DestroyBaghdad”这样的函数

    It should be noted that no ethically-trained software engineer would ever consent to write a DestroyBaghdad procedure.


  • 本文系统介绍条件随机场定义模型结构、特征函数参数估计及其训练方法等

    This text systematically introduces the definition of CRFs, structure of the CRFs model, feature functions, parameter estimate and training methods.


  • 支持向量机函数训练完全刻画

    It is completely characterized by kernel function and training set.


  • 给出了控制系统的传递函数模型结构图适应训练方法

    The transfer function model, the structure chart and the adaptive training method are proposed.


  • 把填充函数BP算法结合,提出一种训练神经网络的混合型全局优化算法。

    This paper proposes a new global optimization technique in which combines the filled function method and BP algorithm for Training feedforward neural networks.


  • 算法两个常用函数检验,并图象识别神经网络权值训练中得到应用

    The algorithm is tested by two generally used functions and is used in training a neural network for image recognition.


  • 提出交替梯度算法径向函数(RBF)神经网络训练进行改进

    One kind of alternant gradient algorithm for improving the training of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network is proposed.


  • 采用信号四统计量提取信号特征使用设计的误差函数训练RBF神经网络,使得识别的效率正确度得到了明显的改善。

    The forth-order and sixth-order cumulants of received signal are adopted for features extraction while RBF neural networks with a new designed training cost function being used for classifier.


  • 由于神经网络误差传递函数不可微,所以采用遗传算法训练粗神经网络。

    Because the error transfer function of rough neural network is not differentiable, genetic algorithms are applied for training the network.


  • 采用神经网络控制思想设计波神经网络控制器引入多步预测性能指标函数控制器权值进行在线训练

    WNN controller with the idea of neural networks inverse control is applied. Using multi-step predictive index function to train the weights of controller.


  • 本文径向函数网络提出了一种新的学习算法利用最小准则训练样本进行模式聚类

    This paper presents a new leaning method for radial basis function network, minimum mean entropy difference criterion algorithm is used to get pattern cluster of training sets.


  • 实验数据用来训练径向函数(RBF)神经网络得出神经网络结构参数用于数据融合

    The experimental data are used to train a radial basis function (RBF) artificial neural network, and the construction and parameters of the network are obtained for data fusion.


  • 采用径向函数神经元网络实验数据进行训练得到融合网络的

    The experimental data are trained using a radial base function artificial neural network, and the weight values for data fusion are obtained.


  • 目前BP网络采用误差传播算法学习训练神经网络,算法基于网络误差函数梯度下降

    BP network adopt error against propagate algorithm to leam and train the neural network at present, this algorithm is on the basis of the error function gradient of the network.


  • 本文讨论了如何利用专家经验样本训练得到启发评价函数得到一种修正算法

    This paper discusses how to make use of experts', experience and specimen train to get the inspired evaluating functions, and a revised algorithm of the heuristic scouting algorithm has been obtained.


  • 而后给出条件机场的定义模型结构函数的定义、参数估计训练方法计算方法等。

    Then give the definition of CRFs, model structure, the definition of potential function, parameter estimation, training methods and calculation methods.


  • 新的网络激励函数训练算法切实满足过程控制需要。

    It is proved that the new network activation function and the improved BP training algorithm practically applying to the requirement of process control.


  • 语音样本训练、被识别语音数据采集相关处理以及识别结果输出都是调用函数来完成

    The training of the sample-tone, the collection and correlative treatment about tone data to be identified, along with the output of the result are accomplished by transfer the functional library.


  • 最后训练得到神经网络用于函数近似,体现小波神经网络良好的近似功能

    In the end, wavelet neural network after being trained is used to approximation of function to performance good approximation of function.


  • 同时为了保证粒子搜索过程目标函数计算采用神经网络对升压电路进行建模,通过实验数据神经网络进行训练并测试。

    At the same time, in order to insure the calculability of the objective function in the searching process of the particle swarm, neural network is used to model the voltage boosting circuit.


  • 目前广泛应用于函数优化神经网络训练模糊系统控制领域

    Has been widely used in function optimization, training neural networks, fuzzy systems control, and other fields.


  • 对于SVM本文给出了一个函数选择参数调整算法能够给定训练得到最优的参数调整。

    For SVM, in this paper, a kernel function selection and parameter adjustment algorithm are presented. It can get optimal parameter adjustment in a given training set.


  • 许多实践者使用缺省损失函数(均方误差)训练挑选最好模型

    Many practitioners train and pick the best model using the default loss function (e. g., squared error).


  • 提出交替梯度算法径向函数(RBF)神经网络训练方法进行改进,并将之运用电力系统短期负荷预测

    This paper proposes one kind of alternant gradient algorithm for improving the training of RBF neural network, which is applied to short-term electric load.


  • 同时算法可以训练过程通过有效性函数自适应地确定最佳数目

    Further more, this method can determine the best clustering number using the validity function in training progress.


  • 可以多项式函数神经网络径向基函数进行训练

    It can train polynomial function, neural networks, or radial basis function (RBF) classifiers.


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