• 简单估计直径光斑2以上

    Simple estimate is to pass the light spot diameter is 2 times or more.


  • 迟到了,狠狠训了一

    He was very sharp with me when I was late.


  • 表示钳制膨胀只“老虎笼子艰难(NPC制定今年目标值4%,相比之下今年二月胀率接近5%)。

    Keeping the "tiger" of inflation in its cage would be hard enough, he said (the NPC approved a target of 4% this year, compared with inflation of nearly 5% in February).


  • 公司背景下这些的,因为公司CEO所说的一些规则过它们你可以看到公司怎样运作

    In that context, it seems perfectly reasonable for the CEO of a company to be saying here is the ground rules of how I want this business to operate.


  • 五月份,接受《经济学家》采访时,奥巴耶抱怨同事任何议题达成一致很难

    In an interview with the Economist in May, Ms Otunbayeva grumbled about the difficulty of getting her colleagues to agree on anything.


  • 假如笔记本,成功地说服了你,笔记本拆开,然后我拿钳子,笔记本里乱,那笔记本肯定就坏掉了,但是大脑具有更好的弹性

    If you have a laptop and I persuade you to open it up for me and I take the pliers and kind of snip just about anywhere, your laptop will be destroyed but the brain is actually more resilient.


  • 可以行得但是莫丝知道拖延意味着什么而且就站窗口外面小声地说着速度快到就打机关枪,更加锋利姑娘更加迟钝

    It would have worked too, but Moth understood what the delay meant and she stood right outside the window whispering as fast as the words would leave her lips, sharpening him, and dulling the girl.


  • 谈及许多内容,诸如为什么参与大型比赛全国上下喜笑颜开不能财路顺,为什么省会城市所给予不仅仅是欧洲冠军俱乐部应有份额

    There is much else in the book, such as why staging big tournaments may make countries happy but not rich; and why provincial cities provide more than their fair share of Europe’s champion clubs.


  • 拉着了一,我揣测她的意思老是脚丫冻着,当然着凉——快穿上鞋子保暖

    She said something I equated as: Of course you're going to get sick if you have cold feet all the time—warm them.


  • 麦凯先生希望能够说警察收回自己那次抱怨

    Mr McKay hoped this might convince the police officer to withdraw his complaints.


  • 任天堂电子游戏时尚摇身变成一个流行时装精品店经理

    Nintendo's new Style Savvy video game puts you in the role of the manager of a chic clothing boutique.


  • 如果掌握这个简单工具,你变成那个人“不堪忍受”的万事

    If you can master this simple tool, you'll be the most insufferable know-it-all in your crew.


  • 银行感到安心的是,知道如果情况董事会一个具有同样实力的股东

    It will reassure Fortis to know that, should things turn ugly, it has a similarly endowed shareholder on board.


  • 所以中央银行负责宏观上谨慎目标是行得的。

    So it makes sense for the central banks to be in charge of the macro-prudential bit.


  • 此举发挥了效用官方维持个位数民间估计值高出参见附表)。

    This had the effect of keeping the official inflation figure in single digits. Private estimates are much higher (see chart).


  • 妻子长途电话,卖掉我们房子

    I made a long-distance call to my wife, asking her to sell our house.


  • 恰好南希·洛西白宫所的,气候法案在2009年过。

    That's exactly what Nancy Pelosi did in the House, making sure the climate bill got passed in 2009.


  • 软件一系列e Q滤波器非常干净地消除令人讨厌波段,终于比赛不再受到呜呜祖啦的滋扰。

    A series of bandpass eq filters in the software neatly excise the offensive frequencies, leaving the game blissfully vuvuzela-free.


  • 我们不会对成功员工指手画脚告诉他们如何如何而是他们告诉我们以及其他人那些做法行得

    Rather than mandate how a successful employee ACTS, we let them tell usand everyone else — what works.


  • 麦卡锡三种选择释放(依照苏格兰1993年法律),引渡或者麦格·拉希格里·诺克监狱度过自己余生

    Mr MacAskill, had three options: release (as sanctioned by a Scottish law of 1993); transfer; or keep Mr Megrahi in Greenock prison for his few remaining days.


  • 一些共同承担难民重新安置工作方法行得艰难时期南部的很多国家希望可以停止遣返寻求庇护他们第一个入境国家.北方的国家则担心这么南方国家推他们的问题。

    Some means of sharing the resettlement of refugees makes sense. Southern countries want the option, in times of stress, to halt the return of asylum-seekers to their first country of entry.


  • 如师公司9月份份调查显示,58%美国人认为,如果本地人缺少外语技能,那么那些外国人得到高薪职位

    According to a survey in September by Rosetta Stone, 58% of Americans believe the lack of foreign-language skills among native workers will lead to foreigners taking high-paying jobs.


  • 为了自己感觉舒适,哼哼唧唧墙壁装饰了一,在墙上写了一些格言满了奶酪图案。这些图画和格言他们喜形于色。

    To make themselves feel more at home, Hem and Haw decorated35 the walls with sayings and even drew pictures of Cheese around them which made them smile.


  • 富士公司实验室的研究人员计划最早于2012年采用这种系统产品上市,他们透露这些产品的售价

    Scientists at Fujitsu Laboratories are planning to commercially sell products incorporating the new wireless charging system as early as 2012 but did not disclose how much they would cost.


  • 甚至一个所谓“胀率,百分之二胀率情况下,同样时间里也会物价上涨百分之三十五。

    Even a "low" rate of inflation of 2% per year leads to a 35% rise over that same period.


  • 甚至一个所谓“胀率,百分之二胀率情况下,同样时间里也会物价上涨百分之三十五。

    Even a "low" rate of inflation of 2% per year leads to a 35% rise over that same period.


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