• 想起我们沙哑的”喧闹的”。

    Rauxa is reminiscent of our words "raucous" and "ruckus".


  • 皮姆使用记忆技巧以及问题答案参与课程帮助你巩固所学到的知识。

    Pimsleur uses memorization techniques and question and answer prompts to keep you involved in the lesson and help you retain what you learn.


  • 研究所研究人员重新设计蜘蛛运动模式强韧用来四处活动阻挡猎物的牵引具有弹性柔韧性

    Researchers at Rothamsted Research redesigned the model to allow for elasticity and flexibility in the spider's dragline, its most sturdy line of silk used for moving about and snagging prey.


  • 揭示人类年龄不仅仅皱纹美国大学医学中心研究人员发现面部骨骼结构变化看起来更老

    It's not just wrinkles that reveal age, changes in facial bone structure make faces look older, too, according to researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center.


  • 现在白兰太太,”齐灵从今以后我们就这么称呼了,“丢下你不管了!”婴儿,还有那红字一起过日子吧!

    "And now, Mistress Prynne," said old Roger Chillingworth, as he was hereafter to be named, "I leave thee alone; alone with thy infant, and the scarlet letter!"


  • 波卡洪塔最终尔夫一道英格兰他们结合殖民地受益匪浅,波卡洪塔实质上充当弗吉尼亚公司活招牌作用。

    Her eventual trip to England with Rolfe and their newborn son proved a fund-raising boon to the colony, with Pocahontas serving as a kind of poster girl for the Virginia Company.


  • 瑞妮·亚当,这位普利策奖得主转而成了小说家停止新闻工作开始小说得以讲述更多微妙故事

    Lorraine Adams, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter turned novelist, quit journalism and began writing fiction so that she could tell more nuanced stories.


  • 猪草株型高大,开出几小白,花序雨伞,正是花序成为一些观赏植物园的展示植物,包括纽约州市的所观赏植物园。

    The gargantuan plant blooms bunches of tiny white flowers the size of umbrellas, which made it a showpiece in ornamental gardens, including one in Rochester, n.y..


  • 奥米亚桑切只有131985年内华达德尔鲁伊火山爆发受害者此次爆发哥伦比亚的阿尔米遭受灭顶之灾。

    Omayra Sanchez, 13 years old, was the victim of volcano Nevado del Ruiz's eruption in 1985, that devasted the Armero village, in Colombia.


  • 特大学研究人员发现白藜芦醇可以肿瘤细胞对杀癌射线更加敏感同时健康细胞不那么容易受到影响

    The Rochester researchers found that resveratrol made tumour cells more sensitive to cancer-destroying radiation while rendering healthy cells less susceptible.


  • 图·尼卡先生讲话惊人地想起塞维克的演讲——但马尼亚现在却还受到欧盟北约的控制。

    Mr Kostunica's speech was shockingly reminiscent of Milosevic 's-but Romania is now in both the EU and NATO.


  • 贝克·特姆(Beckstrom)建议说,更多国家坐在谈判桌前确保互联网长远未来最好方式

    Beckstrom suggested that bringing more countries to the table was the best way of ensuring the long term future of the Internet.


  • 收购BMI后,英国航空公司斯罗起降班次位置超过50%,不过为了监管部门满意,他们或许需要这些位置中的一部分廉价出售

    A merged airline would give BA more than 50% of the slots at the airport, though it would probably need to sell off a number of these to satisfy regulators.


  • 大学3研究人员最新研究认为,达到3种目标的过程实际上更不快乐

    A new study by three University of Rochester researchers demonstrates that progress on these fronts can actually make a person less happy.


  • 米歇尔·特雷沃在约翰敦生活了一辈子,养育5个儿子,她抱怨花了36这个地方不行。

    Michele Trevorrow, a lifelong Johnstowner and mother of five boys, complains that Mr Murtha spent 36 years making the area dependent on him.


  • 主动请缨,为巴马创作竞选广告奥巴马军师大卫·阿克塞太配合,这乔布大为恼火

    He offered to create Obama's AD campaign but became annoyed because Obama's strategist David Axelrod wasn't sufficiently deferential (HuffPo).


  • 特·拉·克莱德大学心理学家阿尔达尔·很多男性觉得,漂亮妻子自己很有面子。

    Strathclyde University psychologist Alastair Ross said many men enjoyed the prestige of having a beautiful wife. "men."


  • 当天出席圣诞树点灯仪式艺人包括歌手雪儿·嘻哈歌手“凡夫俗子”(Common)美国偶像冠军乔丁·帕克,他们的表演观众倾倒。观看表演的观众们穿着棉衣,戴着围巾,裹得严严实实。

    Performers including singer Sheryl crow, hip hop artist Common and "American Idol" winner Jordin Sparks dazzled the crowd, bundled in coats and scarves.


  • 本可以静静地面前走过不知什么转过身来,没等我止住自己,话已说出了口:“特先生,谢谢你的盛情。”

    I could have just walked past him in silence, but something made me turn and say quickly, before I could stop myself, 'Thank you, Mr Rochester, for your great kindness.


  • 生活总是样子每当一个令人愉快地方定居下来后,然后又有某种原因你不得不换个栖息地。

    Rochester: so it's always the way in this life. As soon as you settled down in a pleasant place, and now you're summoned to move on.


  • 霍金马上看望母亲雷卓一道去,给她找跟班;然后人全速赶到布里托尔。约翰·特里

    Let young Hawkins go at once to see his mother, with Redruth for a guard; and then both come full speed to Bristol. John Trelawney.


  • 比利时艺术家·妮卡·主要关注人类感知本性

    Belgian artist Ann Veronica Janssens is concerned essentially with the nature of human perception.


  • 尽管如此姆·伯格毕竟缺乏执导经验,或多或少影片变得一场时尚大杂烩同时原谅一切主题也显得老套。

    Even so, Stromberg's lack of directing experience shows, sometimes making the film more of a stylish mishmash, with cliched themes such as "love forgives everything".


  • 那么梅森先生向他解释先生已经结婚了,舅舅立刻英格兰阻止结婚,以免铸成大错

    Well, when Mr Mason explained that Mr Rochester was already married, your uncle sent him straight back to England to prevent you from marrying and making a terrible mistake.


  • 赫敏借口要恩介绍大厅特色特拉弗前面

    Hermione allowed Travers to step ahead of her on the pretext of explaining features of the hall to Ron.


  • 赫敏借口要恩介绍大厅特色特拉弗前面

    Hermione allowed Travers to step ahead of her on the pretext of explaining features of the hall to Ron.


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